Types of Real Estate Title Deeds in Turkey

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The number of title deeds issued by the Title Deed Directorate has increased in recent years in conjunction with the increasing demand for buying real estate in Turkey at the local and international levels. In this article, we review the types of title deeds as well as identifying their true meaning... We wish you an interesting read.


What do you know about real estate title deeds in Turkey?

it is the important document that proves the ownership of the property, as it includes the owner’s full name in addition to putting his personal photo and writing the location and type of the property as well as the space it enjoys and mentioning all the valuable information that belongs to it, as long as this document is in the hands of the property owner, it will prove to him his ownership and make him free to dispose of it, for example, but not limited to renting it, or he may want to sell it, or he may invest it, and here he has a profitable monthly financial return from real estate in Turkey.

In addition, it is granted by the Land Registry Directorate of the Ministry of Environment and Turkish Cities, which is known in some countries as the Real Estate Registry, but if the property is owned by more than one person, only one title deed is given that mentions the share of each person of the owners, and also a percentage may be written inside the title deed and by it we mean that there is a partner of the owner of the property who shares his ownership with him.


The most prominent types of real estate title deeds in Turkey:

There is not only one type of title deed for real estate in Turkey, but much more than that due to the multiple desires and objectives of the investors to purchase and in order to avoid making mistakes, each title deed has been defined.

We will talk in detail as follows:

real estate title deeds in Turkey

First- Easement Deed:

It is a type of title deed in Turkey that preserves each person's right to the property before construction, that is, when the property is purchased on the map, and after purchasing the land, the spaces and real estate locations are divided, according to which each person knows his apartment, its location in the buildings and its area even before construction.


Second - floor easement:

It is a type of title deed that is of great importance as it is extracted initially to protect the future ownership of the property. In the more accurate sense, the easement deed is granted to a foreigner who purchases a property under construction in a commercial or residential project, provided that it has reached a certain stage of construction, not all of them.

It should be noted that the floor easement title deed includes some information about the floor on which the property is located, and therefore it is a guarantee to the owner about the right to own it on the particular floor of the property under construction.


Third - the blue title deed:

A person who wants to buy a field or agricultural land in Turkey can obtain the blue title deed, through which he is given full authority to start farming and benefit from its crops and bequeath them after him.

He can also practice any other activity related to agriculture, such as raising poultry, sheep, cows, and the like. The most important question is how do I know if the land is suitable for cultivation? Here is the municipality responsible for this matter, so it must be visited when you want to own agricultural land or land suitable for construction to make sure of the municipality’s plans and whether new projects or plans will pass from this land.


Forth - the red title deed:

This type of title deed is allocated to residential real estate only. It is granted to every person who owns a property in Turkey, regardless of its type, whether apartments, villas, studios, etc., and we can divide the red title deed into three sections, each of which has specifications that distinguish it from others.

The first must include comprehensive information on everything related to the real estate like the location, which city and neighborhood, as well as the street, in addition to the type, area and scale of the property.

With regard to the second section of the red title deed, it is related to the apartment’s share of the total land area as well as the floor located within the building.

As for the third and final section, it includes the archiving area in the title deed department of signatures, seals and archiving information related to the department such as file and page number, record number, date of registration and issuance and so on.

In this context, we must point out a very important point that occurs to some investors, which is that when buying a property in Turkey, the owner gives the buyer a blue title deed instead of red, and here he will suffer from a big problem, as this indicates that the lands are agricultural, i.e. allocated for agricultural work and the like as we mentioned above, as he did not change the type of the land when he built or when the land was included in the reconstruction planning. Here, you must pay attention and be careful and cancel the purchase process if the red title deed is not a residential title, and it is possible that the agricultural land would enter under the reconstruction plan and switch from agricultural land to residential land.

Title Deeds in Turkey

Fifth - The transitional title deed:

This type of real estate title deed is used in Turkey for the purpose of summer holidays or the like, as what is meant here is the transitional title deed, meaning that each of the owners of the property has one specific period per year in which he can use it for his benefit in the event that the same property has more than one owner.


Sixth: The full title deed:

The owner extracts this document after the full completion of the construction of the property, and it includes information about the type of property, its geographical location, its location within the building, as well as its share of the building land.

In this case, the property obtains the right of real estate easement or full ownership.

How to get a title deed?

There are some important steps that must be taken in order take the title deed into your hands:

First: As the buyer of the property, you must go to Turkey for the purchase transaction, or it is possible to appoint a person to make the necessary procedures on your behalf through an official power of attorney from the responsible authority in the home country or the Turkish embassy located in it.

Second: You have to go to the tax department to get the tax number that is given based on the number of the purchaser's passport with copies of the passport translated and certified by the Turkish notary.

Third: The property seller will then go to the Real Estate Registry Department to assign the property to the buyer.

Fourth: The last step is for the new buyer to receive his title deed.


Documents required to obtain the title deed:

The most important document, which is a copy of the buyer’s personal identity or the official power of attorney paper in the case the buyer has authorized a relative or someone he trusts, then a personal photo of the seller and two personal photos of the buyer, in addition to the real estate registry document belonging to the property, as well as the current value document from the municipality to which the property belongs, in addition to documents from the bank if a bank loan is taken, and a real estate appraisal document if the buyer is a foreigner, in addition to an insurance policy against earthquakes and disasters.

Real estate title deeds in Turkey  are of great importance and are diverse and divided into several divisions, each of which carries a specific goal to avoid chaos and to ensure the rights of the investor.



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