Types of Real Estate in Istanbul

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The most attractive thing for investors towards the real estate market in Istanbul is that it is wide and diverse, which confirms that they are on a date with the property they want to have, and perhaps the following article will be the best guide that takes us on a detailed tour among the most important types of real estate that you can find in Istanbul.. We hope Have an enjoyable read.


The types of real estate in Istanbul:

The city of Istanbul is full of various real estate, expensive and cheap, and through the following paragraph we will learn about the types of real estate in this ancient city:

First - Residential real estate:

The city of Istanbul contains a lot of real estate suitable for housing, and when buying it, it is written in the possession title document that it is for a residential purpose, including:


- Ordinary apartments:

Ordinary apartments are located in independent buildings that contain many floors. These apartments provide their residents with modest services such as sending cleaning workers to clean the corridors and building stairs, and sometimes there is a doorman who guards the building at night. As for their prices, they vary according to the different area in which they are located, so we cannot be certain about its price, but in general, you find it much cheaper than other types of residential real estate in Istanbul.


Residential complexes:

Residential complexes are spread throughout the city of Istanbul and considered one of the most popular options for many due to its unique features and characteristics such as its designs that keep pace with the latest developments in modernity and the security and safety in its areas, as there is a security guard at the entrance to each residential complex that prevents any non-resident from entering the complex unless he/she gets permission to enter it, and there are surveillance cameras operating around the clock, which makes housing in the residential complexes characterized by peace and quiet.


In the context of talking about residential complexes, we must refer to the various entertainment services that make them the focus of attracting huge numbers of investors and foreigners, especially Arabs, examples of which are:

- Turkish baths and saunas.

- Corridors created for walking.

-Places to hang out with the family.

-The halls designated for physical exercise.

-Electric lifts.

- Playgrounds for practicing all kinds of sports such as football and basketball.


-Smart apartments:

In the recent period, this type has begun to spread in the city of Istanbul, but in all cities of Turkey, and we can say that smart apartments are among the most luxurious and sophisticated types of real estate, because they keep pace with the latest developments in modernity and development that have occurred in the world, and the conclusive evidence of this is that they work with an electronic system and all devices, as what is inside the apartment, such as lighting, windows and doors, works with just one push of a button! Through special applications on the mobile phone.



Villas are the most popular type of real estate for the high-end classes of society, including ministers, celebrities, and artists, thanks to its luxury and large area. If you are looking for a property that maintains your privacy and accommodates all your family members, the villa in Istanbul may be the property that meets your needs, and we will not end talking about villas until we mention the advantages of living in them. You will get security protection from the surveillance cameras in each villa and the fences surrounding them that prevent unwanted strangers from entering.


Not to mention the entertainment services it provides to its residents, including swimming pools, spacious gardens, and good lighting. You will find some villas that have more than one floor, and therefore their area will be large and their price is more expensive than other types of real estate in Istanbul.


In the context of our discussion of villas in Istanbul, we must point out that they are diverse, including the regular ones, which are more popular than their peers, because they are the cheapest, which made them the focus of the attention of many foreigners, Arabs and the high class of society, especially investors, whose profits will increase through their investment.


There are also tourist villas in Istanbul that are of interest to Arab and foreign tourists because of the means of comfort and contentment it provides to them, and the last type of them is called the historical villas, as it bears the history of sultans, princes and ancient ancestors, which made it a flash among the types of villas in Istanbul, furthermore, it has occupied a great place in the hearts of Turkish citizens.

Real estate in Istanbul

Second - commercial real estate:

Commercial real estate has a distinctive investment character and high profit returns for those who make large investments, especially with the availability of large commercial activity in Turkey as a tourist and economic country, and among the most important types of commercial real estate in Istanbul:


Office apartments:

Office apartments in Istanbul are a source of unlimited profits, because when you rent them to an entrepreneur, the contract will be long-term, and this matter is in your favor, and then in his favor, it is in his interest to settle in one office so that the place does not differ for customers.

We must note the necessity of choosing a strategic location close to the transportation network, hotels and commercial centers in order for the investment to be successful and to achieve huge profits from time to time.



Real estate investment in shops is one of the most prominent types of investment that attracts the attention of Arab investors with medium and high budgets, as this type is able to accumulate a good fortune, whether you rent it, sell it, or even work in it.


Areas that guarantee you a successful real estate investment in Istanbul:

In order to ensure that your real estate investment will reach success, you must choose an appropriate area for your investment, provided that it is vibrant and luxurious, such as:


First - Taksim area:

Taksim is famous for being the beating heart of Istanbul, as it reaches the highest degree of vitality and constant movement in its streets day and night. Tourism and economy, which contributed to its nomination to be the best real estate investment area in Istanbul.

Buying a property in Taksim

Second - Basaksehir:

Basaksehir is considered a prestigious area from all sides, especially as it is adjacent to the most giant projects witnessed in history, such as Istanbul Airport and the New Water Canal. Its real estate is still in the process of development until its value has become very high and is attracting the attention of many and many investors, foreigners and business owners, and they will not find a better area than Basaksehir for the success of their real estate investment.

With the end of these lines, we have reached the conclusion that all types of real estate in Istanbul have many advantages and positive details for those who buy them.


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