Turkish Customs and traditions…an authentic history

121 مشاهدة

The customs and traditions in Turkeyا are inherited from generation to generation. It is known about Turkish citizens that preserving their customs is a law in their lives, and if you do not have a background on them, there would be a possibility of misunderstanding between you. To avoid this matter, see the following lines that we have titled as Traditions of the Turkish people.


Brief about the customs and traditions in Turkey:

Turkey, like many countries, has a number of social rules or customs in which the Turks follow in their life, it may seem strange to Arabs and foreigners, although they share many customs with Arabs due to geographical proximity and common religious character, but they have traditions that distinguish them from other peoples and most of them go back to the Ottoman era.


The most prominent Turkish customs and traditions

To learn about these traditions and beliefs and to avoid embarrassment in dealing with Turks, come with us on a tour with the most prominent customs spread in Turkish society and which are still practiced since ancient times to this day.


First - The cup of tea:

Tea has won the admiration of all Turks, from the youngest to the oldest, without any exception. If you are residing in Turkey or taking a tour around it, you will notice that their tea is a sacred thing, which they offer to their guests as a form of hospitality and welcome, and in return, you should not refuse to drink tea; Otherwise, you will be misunderstood. Yes, to this degree they care about it. It is their most widespread popular drink. For them, it is no less important than water. Moreover, the Turks are famous for planting tea on the coasts of the Black Sea and also in the Rize region. As a result of all of what we mentioned, Turkey has become on the top of the countries that consumes tea in the world.
In order for this cup of tea to get admiration from the Turks, there is a magical recipe that is somewhat different from the way the Arabs prepare tea, which is as follows:
- A large jug of boiling water is used.
- Above it is also placed a jug, but it should be small and provide a small percentage of boiling water.
- Then adding several tablespoons of tea leaves and leaving it on a low heat until it brews.
- After the tea has been brewed well, the boiling water is poured from the large lower jug into a glass cup, and the brewed tea is poured from the small jug, and sugar cubes are added as desired.
It is the custom of the Turks when the guest finishes drinking the cup of tea, filling it on their own without waiting for the guest to ask for it. . But if the guest no longer desires to drink more tea, he can leave the small spoon that is served next to the tea cup on his spout, and here the Turk will understand that you no longer want to drink, meaning that this movement is more like evidence that you had enough.


Second - Respect for the elderly:

Insulting an elderly person in Turkey will cause you to get into many problems with Turkish citizens, as they have great respect and appreciation for the elderly, so when you visit this country, adhere to the following:
- Giving up your seat for elderly Turks if you are on a public transport.
- When you are in a place with a large number of people, greet the elderly first with a slight bend as a sign of respect, but if there are no elderly people, start with the closest to you counterclockwise so that you greet all of them.
- Even on the street, you can show how much you respect them by offering them help if they are facing some difficulty, such as crossing the street or carrying a lot of items or other needs.


Third – The glass of water with a cup of coffee:

This custom spreads in the Arab countries, but it is Turkish in origin, dating back to the Ottoman era. The Turks have a rule not to serve coffee to guests without a glass of water, and when the guest drinks water, this is evidence that he/she is hungry, and the Turk rushes to serve him/her food without embarrassing him/her, and it is also worth noting that coffee comes second after tea in Turkey, and it is often made heavy without sugar.


Have you ever heard of salty coffee?

Serving salty coffee is an old custom of Turkish marriage customs, but to this day it still exists, and the story of this coffee begins when the groom proposes to the bride, who will prepare the coffee for the guests normally, except for the groom’s cup, she puts salt in it instead of sugar as a simple test to see how loyal his love for her is. If he drinks the whole cup without showing any discomfort, this confirms his sincerity with the girl and his desire to marry her. وIf the groom is disturbed by the salty coffee and does not finish drinking the whole cup, this means one thing, which is his failure in the test.
In this context, we must mention to you how to find out the girl’s approval or rejection of this marriage through the salty coffee. If the amount of salt is small, it indicates that the girl agrees to the marriage, and if it is a lot, this means that she does not agree.

Customs and traditions in Turkey

Fourth: Takin off your shoes:

One of the glorious Turkish customs is not to enter homes with shoes, and it is preferable to leave them on the stairs or the entrance of the house and wear a kind of clean household slippers instead. Therefore, we find that the Turkish people have been characterized with their great love for cleanliness, and even if the host offers you to stay with your shoes out of taste, you have to take them off so that your show your respect for them.


Fifth- fear of envy:

The Turkish people, by their nature, believe in envy and the eye effect, and that the blue bead is capable of repelling it. There is no home, restaurant, or anywhere in Turkey without the blue bead of varying shapes and sizes. In ancient societies, the belief spread that this blue bead is able to protect against the eye and envy, despite the fact that this belief has disappeared among many, but many Turkish people still believe in these things.


Sixth: Hanging the bread:

From an Islamic perspective, bread has a great value that should not be underestimated, and bread should not be thrown however we want. According to the Turks, throwing bread brings bad luck and should not be trampled on or thrown, but rather hung outside to be taken by those in need or placed on the balconies of houses to be food for birds and you can see this wherever you go in Turkey.
Each country, city, and region has customs and traditions that the residents make as a way of life and a law in their lives,. and this is the case in Turkey, which still preserves the traditions of the Ottoman era and ancient traditions


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