Many Ways to Buy Villas in Turkey 2022

105 مشاهدة

Villas are of great importance within the real estate market in Turkey over various other types of real estate thanks to the great tourism support for this type of real estate, which is very popular with tourists from various other countries.

Today's article is devoted to talking about everything related to villas in Turkey and the best way to choose the villa correctly.


Types of villas in Turkey:

There are many types of villas in Turkey, including:


Tourist villas:

This type of villa is spread in the tourist areas of distinctive nature and is more widespread in the coastal areas, which are distinguished by their sea views, and in areas rich in historical and tourist attractions

The tourist villas are distinguished by their luxurious design, diversity and multiplicity of services within them, and they are considered high prices compared to other properties.


Ordinary villas:

They are distinguished villas with their large area designed for families' life. These villas are located in rural areas and outskirts of cities away from crowding to ensure the greatest degree of calm for the residents of these villas and the prices of regular villas are lower than the prices of tourist villas


Historic Villas:

These villas require a very high capital, due to their ancient history, and they are villas with designs similar to distinctive Ottoman palaces, and they are the most expensive types of real estate at all


Buying a villa in Turkey:

For the optimal selection of the villa, your steps must be carefully thought out, defined and planned in advance to ensure the continuity of the purchase process in the best way, leading to the selection of the villa that suits your goal.

There are many possible ways tobuy a villa in Turkey, ،but all of them need essential steps, and we mention these steps:

Buying villas in Turkey

*Determine your goal for buying the villa:

In the first step, you must know the goal that you intend to achieve by purchasing the villa, as this will put you at the beginning of the right path.

There are several possibilities to mention:


-Real Estate Investment:

Tourist villas are the right type for this goal and you will be able to achieve high investment profits due to the importance of Turkey's various tourist areas, which are popular with tourists from different countries of the world

Tourist villas are the preferred type for tourists because they are equipped with many recreational services within them, despite their high prices because they are characterized by a continuous and guaranteed return and high investment profits, especially in the peak tourist season.



villas in general in Turkey are characterized by large areas and service facilities attached to them, such as swimming pools, parking lots and children's playgrounds, in addition to green gardens next to them and distinctive views.

The residents of the villas enjoy an atmosphere of calm and some isolation away from the crowding of the neighborhood in a high-end and stable life As for the type of villas suitable for this purpose, it depends on the desire of the person himself and his budget.


-Opening your own business:

Many real estate investors head towards villas in order to establish their own project, such as establishing a restaurant, hotel, or any other type of project that achieves high profits. In this case, the type of villas that match the importance and degree of luxury are determined.


Obtaining Turkish citizenship:

Obtaining Turkish citizenship requires buying a property in Turkey worth 400,000$. Tourist villas, whose prices are rather high, can provide this value to the foreign investor, which achieves several combined goals, his goal of obtaining Turkish citizenship besides his goal of profitable real estate investment in addition to the many advantages that Turkish citizenship gives its holder

After completing the first step and determining your goal that helps you determine the appropriate type of villa, you can move to the second step


Determine the budget:

The person who wants to buy a villa must determine his budget accurately in order to be able to buy the villa commensurate with the available capital without having to resort to borrowing from banks or benefiting from installments that require paying additional costs and the possibility of not paying the monthly installments as a result of an emergency or any reason.


Monitoring the real estate market:

Buying a villa in Turkey requires a lot of monitoring and scrutiny of the changes that occur in the real estate market and the difference in prices between the types of villas, in addition to the different prices of villas from other properties, so that the buyer can take in as much information about the villas and their prices.


Comparing different regions:

Those who want to buy a villa in Turkey should compare the different areas in Turkey and compare the prices of villas in these areas of different types in addition to monitoring the available educational, health and recreational services, and the available transportation methods in the area and the available means of transportation. The commercial markets and tourism activity in the area must also be checked.

At the end of these steps, you should have chosen the best type of villa that matches your goal and budget in the area that offers this option.


And then you can buy the villa in two ways:

-Either you take over the purchase of the villa yourself

In this case You need to have a high level of experience in the purchase process, be fully aware of the laws related to real estate, and follow up the process of preparing the papers and documents required to complete the purchase and transfer ownership completely.

This also requires knowledge of the required government departments and their locations.

It is noted that this method requires great effort in addition to being very careful not to fall into any error or be a victim of real estate fraud.

We draw your attention to the need to ensure the legal status of the villa and not to fall under mortgage, seizure or accumulating taxes as a result of the previous owner's failure to pay.


-Hiring a real estate company:

By hiring a reliable and credible real estate company, you can save a lot of effort and time The real estate company helps you in all the previous steps and helps you choose the best villa at the best price.

Most importantly, determine the right time to buy the villa

This is because the prices of villas rise significantly in the peak period of the tourist season This is because the prices of villas rise significantly in the peak period of the tourist season, and real estate companies include an integrated team of real estate and legal experts who have great experience in the laws and the process of signing contracts in the best way that protects your money from loss and will undertake the task of preparing all documents and papers from various departments government to the final stages of the procurement process.


Turkey's best cities to buy a villa:

We mention the important areas in Turkey in which a villa can be purchased:


Istanbul, with its European and Asian parts, is characterized by its great tourist importance,and its most important areas for buying villas are

Beylikduzu region in the European section

-Uskudar, in the Asian side.


-Fethiye city:

A coastal city characterized by its vitality, its tourist activity, and the diversity of villa options in it.


- Alanya City:

It is one of the tourist cities with low prices for villas compared to other cities, and it also includes many options for small villas with low prices.

Thus, we have completed the most important information and notes regarding the method of buying villas in Turkey..



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