Does joint ownership of real estate in Turkey grant Turkish citizenship?

101 مشاهدة

Turkey is considered one of the preferred real estate destinations for international real estate investors and the country located at the meeting point between the European and Asian continents attracts many people looking for exciting and diverse investment opportunities and one of the strategies used by many of these investors is to buy real estate in Turkey and however, the question that arises is: Can joint ownership of real estate in Turkey grant Turkish citizenship? so continue reading on to find out more details.


Advantages of buying real estate in Turkey:

  1. Turkey is located on the Mediterranean Sea and is considered a bridge between the European continent and the Asian continent, making it a strategic place for business and investment.
  2. Turkey offers a variety of properties including apartments, villas, traditional houses and commercial properties, allowing investors to choose the property that suits their needs and budget.
  3. Compared to many other European countries, real estate prices in Turkey are reasonable, making it attractive to investors.
  4. Turkey has taken a series of measures to attract foreign investors, including facilitating investment procedures and providing easy visa procedures for investors
  5. Many investors can achieve good returns by renting property in Turkey, especially in major cities like Istanbul.
  6. After making some investments in real estate, foreign investors can obtain permanent residency or Turkish citizenship in some cases, opening doors to other economic and social opportunities in the country.
  7. Turkey has a rich history and cultural heritage, making it a distinctive tourist destination, which can increase the value of real estate as an investment and help achieve higher returns.


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Advantages of obtaining Turkish citizenship:

  1. Once you obtain Turkish citizenship, you will have the right to reside in Turkey permanently without the need to renew visas or tourist residence permits.
  2. You will be eligible to participate in local and national elections in Turkey, giving you the opportunity to participate in determining the country's future and play an active role in it.
  3. In addition to the right to comply with Turkish property laws, you will have unlimited property rights in Turkey, allowing you to buy and own real estate and assets freely without restrictions.
  4. Turkey is a member of many international agreements and organizations, which allows Turkish citizens to access global markets easier and deal with many countries better.
  5. As a Turkish citizen, you can travel to many countries without requiring a prior visa or certain entry restrictions.
  6. You will be eligible for free public education and healthcare in Turkey, which will contribute to saving costs of life.
  7.  You will have the right to work and invest in Turkey without the need for a special permit, giving you the opportunity to achieve success in the Turkish labor market.
  8. You will benefit from the advantages of Turkey's tax system, such as tax exemptions and privileges available to citizens.

Turkish citizenship through real estate investment

Does joint ownership of real estate in Turkey grant Turkish citizenship?

If a property is purchased in Turkey by a group of people, it should be noted that it is not possible to apply for Turkish citizenship through a property shared with any other person, even if the value of each individual’s property exceeds 400 thousand US dollars and according to current policies, only one person among the buyers is allowed to apply for Turkish citizenship, while the remaining partners must only obtain permanent residency if they wish to benefit from real estate investment.


What are the papers required to obtain Turkish citizenship?

  1. Certified copy of birth certificate.
  2. A certified copy of the passport, ensuring that it has sufficient validity and validity period.
  3. Documents proving your current place of residence in Türkiye.
  4. Color photographs of the pages of your passport.
  5. If you are married, you must submit a certified copy of your marriage certificate.
  6. Provide proof that you have a clean criminal record.
  7. Provide proof that you have valid health insurance in Turkey.
  8. You must provide proof that you have invested an amount of at least $400,000 in a Turkish bank account within the framework of real estate investment.
  9. A Turkish tax ID number must be obtained if necessary according to the tax laws of Turkey.


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What are the documents required when owning real estate in Turkey?

  1. The buyer must obtain a Turkish tax number to handle real estate and other financial issues.
  2. Providing personal photos to the buyer for the purpose of verifying his identity.
  3. The buyer must have a valid passport in order to make the transaction.
  4. A copy of the buyer's passport must be translated and authenticated by the Turkish notary to ensure legality.
  5. The buyer needs a real estate appraisal report to accurately determine the value of the property.
  6. The property purchase contract must be authenticated by the Turkish notary to ensure its validity and legality.
  7. The buyer must submit a receipt proving the transfer of the foreign currency used to purchase the property to the Central Bank of Turkey.
  8. A receipt must be submitted confirming the transfer of the property value in Turkish Lira to the seller’s account.


In conclusion, we can conclude that joint ownership of real estate in Turkey does not automatically grant Turkish citizenship and although owning property in Turkey can be a good investment and opens the door to many opportunities, it requires additional procedures to obtain Turkish citizenship.

Turkey offers various programs to grant citizenship to foreign investors, and among these programs is the real estate investment program that allows investors to obtain Turkish citizenship after investing a certain amount in real estate and however, investors must adhere to all conditions and requirements imposed by the Turkish government and stay informed of changes in policies and regulations related to citizenship.





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