A real Estate Consultant is an Indispensable Necessity

95 مشاهدة

Who is the real estate consultant? What is his importance? What is his role in real estate investment? and why cannot be dispensed with? These questions revolve in the minds of all those interestedreal estate investment in Turkey who are about to take this step, and to know the answer, you must read the lines that we will accompany you with.


About the real estate consultant:

You often find a real estate consultant in a real estate company or consultancy office. Those who are about to take a step in the field of real estate investment resort to him, whether they is selling, buying or investing the property. He provides them with all the information they need to avoid incurring resounding losses that may result from the purchase process or selling and making huge profits, and it also provides you with a comprehensive study of the property you want to buy because it has high efficiency, extensive experience and adequate knowledge in terms of buying real estate in Turkey.
That is why hiring a real estate consultant is no longer a luxury or an increase in expenses. He is not a transaction tracker whose mission is to convince you to buy a property only with the aim of material profit and commission collection. His tasks are much more than that, as he truly represents the real estate guide towards the best projects and areas that are suitable for buying a property.


Duties of a real estate consultant in Turkey:

We summarize for you the work imposed on the real estate consultant as follows:

Real estate advisor

First - Listening to the client:

Listening to the client and knowing his requirements is important for the real estate consultant and for you as an investor. The first can, through this step, determine what the client needs and tell him if he is able to provide it or not, and the second realizes whether this real estate expert is suitable or not, and preferably not to talk over the mobile phone, but to meet him face to face.


Second - Providing a helping hand to the client:

After knowing what the buyer desires, the real estate consultant provides all kinds of support and helps him choose the right property according to his desires.


Third - Showing the buyer different areas to choose from:

عThe real estate consultant should inform the client about the best areas that are suitable for his purpose. There are certain areas suitable for stability and others suitable for real estate investment and capable of making your property a source of huge profits.


Fourth - Making real estate tours:

It is the duty of the real estate consultant to provide the client with a list of properties suitable for his requirements and then take him on a field tour with a full explanation of the property and the characteristics it enjoys and their compatibility with his purpose of purchase.


Fifth - Informing the client of the amounts he must pay:

The most important work of the real estate consultant is to inform the client of the payments to be paid such as the price of the property, possession title costs, taxes, fees and any others before signing the purchase contract.


Sixth: An intermediary between the seller and the buyer:

In this task, the acumen and intelligence of the real estate consultant is shown in trying to get the property at the best price for the client and obtaining a discount for him by communicating with the seller or construction company.


Seventh - Clarification of the terms of the purchase contract:

It is necessary for him to translate the purchase contract for the foreigner, explain each of the terms and inform him of what he has and has not to do.


Eighth - Providing after-purchase services:

The tasks of the real estate expert do not end when the purchase contract is signed, as he must follow the procedures for transferring ownership of the property, extracting and attesting the necessary documents and papers, and opening water, electricity and communications meters for the buyer.


The main advantages of hiring a real estate consultant:

Asking for paid assistance from a real estate consultant brings you as a buyer a lot of benefits and advantages, and through the following lines we will mention them:

Real estate advisor

First - finding the right property without much effort:

When the buyer searches for the suitable property for him, he will find a lot of unlimited options that make him confused, but with the real estate consultant, this problem will be solved simply, as he will put in front of you a small list of properties that correspond to your desires and goals, and you have to choose one of them.


Secondly, to avoid incurring significant losses:

This is done by estimating the appropriate price that is compatible with the specifications of the property and making sure that the seller does not ask for a higher price, and he can also warn you when you choose a property that is unable to increase your profits in the future.


Third - Determining a reliable construction company:

The real estate expert helps the client direct him towards a reliable construction company that has what meets his aspirations and goals.
Fourth - Assistance in Legal Transactions:
He is fully responsible for completing the legal transactions to build the purchase process successfully.


Outward traits of a good real estate advisor:

There are some signs and outward characteristics that it is necessary to be in the real estate expert to gain the trust and respect of clients, such as having compassion for people so as not to deceive them, and he must also be passionate about his work that takes into account the interests of people and does not only seek to achieve profit for himself and prefers the client’s interest over his own personal interest, and be able to choose the right property with the customer's requirements in all its details.
Because the step of buying a property in Turkeyis crucial and means a lot to all investors and those willing to own property, it is necessary to study the issue well and seek the assistance of those who are able to help, and you will not find someone better than real estate advisor who provides you with everything you need and completes transactions and legal procedures for you.


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