Who is entitled to own real estate in Turkey?

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Who is entitled to own real estate in Turkey? This question occupies the minds of many people who want to invest in the Turkish real estate market, and in light of market shifts and developments, many investors are looking for an opportunity to own a property in Turkey, but there are some requirements that must be taken into account to achieve this, and therefore we will talk in this blog about who is entitled to own property .



Real estate ownership laws in Turkey:


Real estate ownership laws for foreigners in Turkey allow non-residents to buy and own real estate up to a maximum of 30 hectares, and a hectare is equivalent to 300 thousand square meters, but this includes some restrictions, foreigners are not allowed to own or rent property within 400 meters of all military barracks also, foreigners can own all types of real estate in Turkey, provided that they own it in accordance with the registration procedures and specific real estate laws as foreign investors wishing to own property must fulfill the conditions that must be met, which include obtaining the necessary papers and documents, which can be obtained upon registration at the local tapu office.




Real estate inheritance law for foreigners in Turkey:


The real estate inheritance law for foreigners in Turkey is one of the basic laws that must be known before investing in real estate in Turkey as this law allows foreigners to inherit real estate in Turkey without any legal impediment and for example, foreign heirs are entitled to receive a certificate of inheritance division, and to obtain ownership of the real estate inheritance by establishing their ownership in the civil magistrate courts in Turkey as this law is a warm welcome to real estate investment through the possibility of inheriting real estate in an easy and smooth manner, and this law also helps to make Turkey a major destination for foreign real estate investments.



Foreign investors obtaining Turkish citizenship:



The acquisition of Turkish citizenship by foreign investors through real estate investment is among the methods that have attracted the interest of foreign investors in recent years as the Turkish citizenship law for investors in 2018 reduced the value of real estate ownership required from one million dollars to only 250 thousand dollars, which helped increase the number of investors wishing to obtain citizenship as this government decision contributed to enhancing the spirit of investment in Turkish real estate, and made Turkey a promising economic destination for global investors, but is this decision still valid when we have skipped the year 2023 by three months? No, as the government issued a decision in the middle of last year to raise the minimum value of the property to 400,000 US dollars.

Obtaining Turkish citizenship by purchasing a property



Processing papers for real estate ownership in Turkey:


Preparing the necessary papers and documents for real estate ownership in Turkey is one of the most important real estate investment steps for foreign investors after the investor reserves the property for his benefit, he must move, accompanied by the real estate agent, to the stage of preparing the papers and documents necessary to obtain the title deed (Tapu) that includes the details of the apartment or property as the required papers and documents include a copy of the passport, translated and authenticated by the notary office, in addition to the investor's tax number as the Turkish government is keen to facilitate the real estate ownership process for foreign investors by providing the necessary administrative procedures and providing fast and effective legal guarantees.



Does a foreigner residing in Turkey have the right to own property?


Foreigners residing in Turkey have the right to own real estate in the country, provided that they obtain a residence permit for a period of more than 90 days, as they are considered residents of Turkey and have the right to own real estate as they are also entitled to own property like the Turks without restrictions, including owning houses, apartments, and industrial and commercial lands as it is known that Turkey enjoys an excellent atmosphere, beautiful landscapes, and prominent cultural surface, and these motives encourage foreigners residing in Turkey to invest in real estate.




Nationalities prohibited from buying a property in Turkey:


Among these nationalities, Syria, North Korea, Cuba, and Armenia come from this legality as a result of several factors, including the diplomatic relations between Turkey and those countries, as well as strategic and economic interests.




The motives behind real estate ownership in Turkey:


Turkey enjoys rich cultural and heritage attractions, in addition to the availability of distinctive services and a unique lifestyle, which makes it an ideal destination for obtaining residence and owning real estate and in addition, the excellent geographical position of Turkey and its growing economic situation make it an ideal place for real estate investment, and the advantage of permanent real estate ownership in Turkey provides guarantees for your investment future, in addition to the possibility of obtaining Turkish citizenship through real estate investment.




The most popular cities to buy real estate in Turkey:


Among these cities, the city of Antalya stands out as one of the best cities suitable for buying real estate in Turkey, due to its stunning views of the Mediterranean coast and on the other hand, Istanbul tops the list for lovers of nightlife and modern facilities, and many foreigners come to buy their homes there as the cities of Bursa and Trabzon are also witnessing an increase in the number of real estate sales, which reflects the attractiveness of these areas for investors and buyers and in general, the factors influencing the selection of a particular city for real estate purchase remain represented in the location, price, facilities and services available, in addition to the possibility of the expected price increase in the long term.




Warnings when owning real estate in Turkey:


Buyers must know very well the details related to it, including real estate taxes, ownership conditions, and how the property affairs can be managed after purchase as the buyer must examine the history of the property and the legal environment surrounding it, and ensure that all official papers meet the necessary standards and the person who owns a property in Turkey must pay the required real estate taxes and quickly fix any problem he encounters and finally, buyers are required to keep their official documents after purchases and appraisals of the property by authorized and responsible persons.




Ask for the best real estate offers in Turkey from your consultant at Zoom, and get our various services that we specialize in for our clients and investors who want to have a different and profitable experience.





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