What is the earthquake insurance policy in Turkey?

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Turkey is one of the most earthquake prone countries in the world, as it is located on moving strata and in order to protect homes and buildings from the repercussions of these earthquakes, the Turkish government has developed an earthquake insurance policy and in this article, we will talk about what this document is, and what are its benefits to individuals and companies in the event of earthquakes or any other disaster.


An introduction to the earthquake insurance policy:

Earthquake insurance in Turkey is a mandatory procedure for preserving real estate benefits, as it is provided by the Turkish Natural Disaster Insurance Corporation (DASK) as the earthquake insurance policy is one of the necessary documents for the procedures for buying and selling real estate in Turkey as the amount of compensation provided by this insurance varies according to the percentage of damage caused after the disaster as the Turkish state has also announced the obligation of construction companies to follow international standards in building resistant facilities.


What is compulsory earthquake insurance?

This insurance is conducted by the Natural Catastrophe Insurance Corporation in Turkey, and it includes all types of real estate, whether residential or commercial, and the insurance price is determined based on the value of the property and its resistance to earthquakes as this insurance also protects real estate owners from financial losses that may be incurred by them as a result of damages resulting from earthquakes and other natural disasters, and proves the Turkish government's commitment to enhancing safety and security in real estate and preserving the rights of real estate citizens.


What is the value of earthquake insurance in Turkey?

The value of the earthquake insurance policy in Turkey varies according to the area, age and location of the building, but in general it does not exceed the value of 50 US dollars and real estate owners in Turkey must be aware that the mandatory insurance against earthquakes includes damages that may occur to the building as a result of earthquakes, which is a prerequisite for completing any transaction in Turkey, it is very important, as it helps reduce expenses for real estate owners in Turkey in the event of any environmental disaster, and also ensures the contribution to repairing damages that occur after an earthquake.


What does earthquake insurance cover?

Earthquake insurance in Turkey covers physical damage that may occur in buildings as a result of earthquakes as compulsory insurance includes maintaining construction dues after any damage that may befall it as a result of natural disasters, such as earthquakes, fires and collapses and the insurance also covers the repair and construction costs needed to restore the property to its original condition after the earthquake as it is important to obtain seismic insurance so that the owner and residents are safe from any potential losses and avoid the high costs of rebuilding after disasters and therefore, real estate owners in Turkey must take all necessary precautions to secure their properties and avoid consequential damages.


Is buying a property in Istanbul safe?

Buying a property in Istanbul is an interesting matter, but the investor must verify the correctness and safety of the process, as this process includes obtaining an earthquake insurance policy in Turkey, which is an important legal procedure that must be followed if the property you want to buy complies with the required standards and with security conditions to face earthquakes as this makes it safer and once you get an insurance policy, you can feel safe while owning your property in Istanbul and therefore, it is advised that you should follow all the necessary legal procedures to maintain your security as the owner of your property.


History of earthquake insurance in Turkey:

In 1999, the Marmara earthquake hit Turkey, causing the loss of thousands of lives and the destruction of many buildings as after that, compulsory earthquake insurance "DASK" was applied to all real estate in Turkey, and the Turkish government learned valuable lessons from this catastrophe and included basic safety precautions in the new laws for building homes and facilities.


Precautions to avoid danger when an earthquake occurs:

You should be careful and take some basic precautions and among the precautions that must be taken to avoid damage resulting from earthquakes in Turkey is to search for safe and suitable places to live in, and to avoid living in old or dilapidated buildings. Care must also be taken to check the level of strength and stability of the building and the concrete used in it, and to install furniture and electrical appliances safely as appropriate preventive measures must be learned and instructions issued by the Civil Defense in the event of earthquakes, avoiding lighting candles during an earthquake or power outages, and providing backup charges for mobile phones and stay away from dangerous sites where things are likely to fall, and care must be taken to take appropriate insurance procedures and contract with reliable insurance companies to cover the losses that the property is exposed to as a result of earthquakes.


Specifications of earthquake resistant buildings:

The specifications of earthquake-resistant buildings in Turkey aim to provide protection for the population and property against the effects of earthquakes, and the specifications include procedures and the requirements that must be met in real estate buildings to be resistant to earthquakes and disasters, and among these specifications comes the appropriate use of materials, the use of solid foundation systems, and the design of horizontal and vertical structures in a way that protects the buildings, and appropriate insulation systems must be available in real estate buildings to reduce vertical and horizontal earthquakes as these specifications aim to improve the quality of buildings, reduce losses resulting from devastating earthquakes, and provide a high level of safety and security for the community.


The history of earthquakes in Turkey :

Turkey's history with earthquakes goes back many centuries, as the country was exposed to hundreds of earthquakes during a different historical period and among the earthquakes that most affected the country was the Marmara earthquake in 1999, which caused the death of more than 17 thousand people and led to the destruction of thousands of buildings and since then, the Turkish government has taken many preventive and precautionary measures to deal with such disasters, including mandatory earthquake insurance for all real estate in the country and the engineering specifications of buildings and buildings have been improved to be earthquake-resistant, with the aim of preventing such disasters from occurring in the future. It can be said that Turkey's history with earthquakes consists of lessons the country learned from previous earthquakes, and officials and citizens continue to work together to prevent and prepare for any natural disasters that may occur.






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