What is meant by noter in Turkey? What are his duties?

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We will discuss the meaning of noter in Turkey and its multiple tasks and we will review how this concept contributes to facilitating legal and personal processes, as well as documenting important documents, and we will also reveal the role of Notre in achieving greater transparency and security in official transactions and commercial contracts and if you want to understand more details about what the noter is in Turkey and its importance, all you have to do is continue reading.


What is meant by noter in Turkey?

Notre in Turkey is a government official with certain skills and legal status and this role is responsible for providing documents and transactions related to natural and legal individuals with the required legal capacity, and the Notre also performs other tasks entrusted to him, through the authority conferred upon him in accordance with the law.

In Turkey, Notre is of great importance and necessary for both citizens, residents and visitors and the notary occupies a role similar to what is known in some countries as a "notary public" and in the Notary office, all papers, documents and documents are documented and authenticated and in order to provide confidence and ensure the validity of the various seals and documents, the Notre has various powers, including documenting various types of real estate contracts and other matters that will be clarified in more detail.


What are the tasks of the Notre in Turkey?

One of the most important tasks of the notary is to authenticate important documents such as passports, birth certificates, identity cards, marriage contracts, lease contracts, driving documents, and education certificates at all levels and in addition, the Noter documents agencies, whether public or private, and also documents commercial agreements, signatures and seals, and any document that needs translation into Turkish, as a Noter's role is to confirm the authenticity of these important documents and papers, which contributes to achieving transparency and confidence in official processes.

Notre in Turkey

What is the importance of noter in Turkey?

  1. Grant the legal status and legitimacy of any document stamped by the notary employee.
  2. Facilitating the use of documents for international students during their studies in Turkey after documenting their certificates.
  3. It guarantees the rights of the signatories to pledges and partnership contracts.
  4. Facilitating the use of documents issued from abroad for foreigners residing in Türkiye.
  5. Facilitating many procedures such as registering marriage contracts, birth certificates, and the like.
  6. Facilitating the agencies of foreigners for their relatives or those they trust to manage their affairs in Turkey, whether in general or privately.
  7. Contributes to facilitating foreigners' obtaining a document proving their residence address to obtain or renew a residence permit in Turkey.
  8. Facilitating the invitation of foreigners to their relatives to visit Turkey and facilitating family reunification procedures.


We will also highlight the documents that need to be authenticated by the notary in Türkiye


What are the working hours of Notre in Turkey ?

Notary offices in Turkey provide services from nine in the morning until half past five in the evening, with the exception of Saturdays and Sundays of each week.


What papers are notarized in Turkey ?

  1. Passport.
  2. Personal identification.
  3. Car driving certificate.
  4. Marriage contract.
  5. Birth certificate issued outside Turkey.
  6. A personal record issued from outside Turkey.
  7. Study certificate issued from outside Turkey.
  8. Any other document that needs to be translated into Turkish must be certified by the Turkish Notary in order to be official and acceptable to the Turkish state departments.
  9. All lease contracts for residential and commercial real estate.
  10. All kinds of agencies.
  11. Partnership contracts and agreements or pledges between two parties, especially real estate purchase contracts in Turkey, where the notary ratifies them and gives them the legal character to present them in the courts when one of the parties violates the terms of the contract.
  12. Ratification of the financial books of companies in Turkey.
  13. Approving the signatures of persons or companies and their seals.
  14. Organizing and approving applications for "invitation to Turkey" that foreigners residing in Turkey request for their families abroad.


How do I do notr procedures in Turkey?

  1. Have the document translated by a sworn translator, and if you want to do the notation yourself, it is preferable to deal with the translation offices next to the notary office.
  2. Go to the noter office and book an appointment through the reservation machine at the office door. If you are not familiar with the reservation method, you can ask for help from the guard or any employee present at the door.
  3. Wait for your turn until your turn card number appears on the electronic screen above the heads of the staff.
  4. When it is your turn, go to the employee whose number appears on his desk, present him with the appointment paper and then the document you wish to have attested.
  5. Sometimes, the employee may ask for an ID, residence card or your passport.
  6. The employee will put a stamp on the document and then direct you to the employee responsible for collecting the financial fees for the attestation process.
  7. Pay the financial amount to the financial officer, after which the document will be officially authenticated and approved.
  8. The document should now be ready to be used for necessary transactions or on demand.
  9. The procedures may differ slightly depending on the office, region or document type, but the basic and important stages are outlined, and should any assistance be required, the staff at the Notre's Office will be ready to provide assistance.


Can the Notary certify documents issued outside Turkey ?

Yes, the Noter Office can certify documents issued outside Turkey to be recognized in the Turkish legal system.


Can the Notary authenticate documents belonging to foreign persons?

Yes, the notary can attest documents belonging to foreigners, whether they are residents of Turkey or visitors.


Common questions:

What is the importance of Notre in the Turkish legal system?

Notary plays a vital role in documenting and confirming the validity and legitimacy of documents and contracts, making them legal and official before the authorities and institutions.


What are some of the tasks carried out by the Noter Office in Turkey?

The tasks of the notary office include documenting documents such as passports, personal identities, legal documents, various contracts, and others.


Are all types of contracts ratified by the Notary Office?

Yes, the Notary Office can attest various types of contracts, including real estate contracts, partnership contracts, marriage contracts, agencies, and others



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