What do you know about the TEM highway

105 مشاهدة

Together we will discover exciting aspects and the importance of this strategic road, and everything that distinguishes it and makes it an indispensable urban artery in the contemporary infrastructure of Turkey, we will take a deep look at the evolutionary stages of the TEM highway and how it became a hub for internal and international movement and transportation, as well as its role in supporting real estate investments and developing urban projects along its path, so let's explore together the world of the TEM highway and highlight its positive impact on Turkey as a whole.


What do you know about the TEM highway?

The transcontinental road extends from the far west of Europe until it reaches the far east of Asia, connecting East and West and transforming travel between countries into an enchanting experience and this road is not just an extended artery, but an interesting exploratory journey through different countries.

The European route E80 is the living symbol of this journey, it extends from the western side of Europe in the municipality of Lisbon in Portugal, and extends across multiple continents until it reaches the Turkish-Iranian border in the Bazargan region.


The importance of the TEM highway:

  1. TEM extends across several European countries and facilitates the crossing of borders between them, facilitating the movement of goods and commodities between countries. This helps to promote international trade and facilitate the circulation of basic materials and goods between continents.
  2. TEM has the advantage of being a highway designed for fast and efficient travel. This provides speed and efficiency in moving people and goods, reducing travel time and transportation costs.
  3. By connecting several European countries, TEM promotes economic integration between these countries and this encourages the exchange of services and products and increases economic cooperation.
  4. In addition to its role in international trade, TEM also contributes to facilitating domestic travel between different cities and regions within countries and it can be a convenient choice for short trips and quick commutes between cities.
  5. TEM passes through different regions and cities with cultural diversity and natural beauty and this gives opportunities to tourists to explore new areas and learn about diverse heritages and cultures.
  6. Providing fast and efficient means of transportation supports the economic development in the areas through which TEM passes. Infrastructure-related investments can create jobs and enhance economic sustainability.


Advantages of buying a property in Turkey near the highway:

  1. Buying a property in Turkey near the highway means easy access and transportation to different areas inside and outside the city and this contributes to saving time and effort when moving from one place to another, whether for work, entertainment or shopping.
  2.  Real estate in Turkey is located near the highway, often in vital commercial and investment areas and these properties can provide good opportunities for investment in Turkey, whether through rent or resale in the future.
  3. Living near the highway reduces travel time to major destinations and reduces transportation costs and this can be an important benefit for people who commute on a daily basis.
  4. Various facilities and services are often available near highways, such as schools, hospitals, malls, and restaurants and this adds to the attractiveness of living in those areas.
  5. Real estate in Turkey is near highways, often in strategic areas from a geographical and commercial point of view and this can lead to an increase in the value of the property over time, which enhances the opportunity for real estate investment.
  6. Living near a highway allows for easy access to public amenities such as public transportation, train and bus stations and this makes it easy to move to different places within the city.
  7. Some properties in Turkey near the highway may offer distinctive views of the city or the surrounding landscape, which adds to the attractiveness of living in those places.
  8. By buying a property in Turkey worth $400,000, you can obtain Turkish citizenship and a Turkish passport


TEM Highway and its importance to Turkey and Istanbul:

  1. The European TEM road for Turkey represents a vital and strategic artery that extends through multiple cities in the east and west, and crosses vital regions of the country and this road forms an essential part of the transportation and transportation system within Turkey, as it passes through many major cities and regions and the TEM European Road is a vital intersection point linking East and West, and contributes to the flow of goods, merchandise and transportation between different cities and regions.
  2. By passing near cities as diverse as Edirne, Baba Eski, Silivri, Istanbul, Kocaeli, Duzce, Bolu, Erzurum, and Dogubayezit, the TEM European route becomes the main transportation hub in these regions, as it connects many secondary roads to the different neighborhoods and regions of cities, many people use this road daily to move from one place to another, and goods and commodities that meet the needs of multiple cities flow through it.
  3. Thanks to the expansion of the network of urban projects on both sides of the road, the proximity to the European TEM road has become a preferred point for real estate investors wishing to buy real estate in Turkey, as many companies and commercial establishments have chosen to take advantage of its location as a starting point for their business and many real estate developers and construction companies have resorted to executing residential and investment projects in the areas surrounding the TEM highway.
  4. The effects of the TEM road contribute to easing traffic congestion between the main areas and within the city, which contributes to facilitating movement for transport vehicles and avoiding traffic jams in inner neighborhoods and in addition, vehicles crossing the TEM road are required to pay electronic tolls, which contributes to the collection of funds that are used for road maintenance and development.


To achieve huge profits and huge returns, there is no doubt that real estate investment in Turkey near the TEM highway will be the right choice, regardless of whether your goal is to buy real estate in Turkey with the aim of Turkish citizenship, with the aim of real estate residence and Turkish passport, or even with the aim of investing and settling with your family.



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