Types of commercial real estate in Turkey

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There is no doubt that every investor interested in the real estate market in Turkey has noticed the distinction in commercial real estate in Turkey and the extent of its circulation, specifically that the commercial real estate market is very diverse and attractive to everyone who wants to invest in real estate in this country.

In our article, this will cover everything related to commercial real estate, its features, and how to benefit from your property and increase your potential revenue.


Learn about the types of commercial real estate in Turkey:

In Turkey, there are a variety of types of commercial real estate available for purchase or rent, such as:


First: shops and stores:

Turkey is a great destination for shop owners looking to open stores and shops.

The country offers a variety of economic benefits that make it an attractive place for business people.

First, Turkey has a strong economy with a low inflation rate. This means that prices remain low and goods remain affordable.

In addition, the cost of living in Turkey is much lower than many other countries, allowing shopkeepers to save on overhead costs.

Secondly, Turkey has a vibrant culture and many tourist attractions. This means that shopkeepers can attract customers from the local markets and tourists from abroad. Additionally, the country's robust infrastructure makes it easy to move goods around the country quickly and efficiently.

Third, Turkey is home to many thriving industries, including manufacturing and technology. This means that store owners have access to a wide range of products at competitive prices. Moreover, the country's advanced communication network allows store owners to easily communicate with suppliers and customers around the world.

Finally, Turkey offers excellent incentives for foreign investors. Tax breaks and other benefits are available to help businesses get started in the state.

These benefits help facilitate the success of new entrepreneurs in their endeavors in the country.

shops in Turkey

Second: companies:

The country offers a host of advantages to companies looking to establish their operations. With its strategic geographic location, strong economy and thriving business environment, setting up a company in Turkey can be incredibly rewarding. Here are some of the main benefits of opening a company in Turkey:

  1. 1. With its strategic location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Turkey provides easy access to markets for the rest of the world. This makes it the ideal hub for companies looking to expand into new markets and increase their international presence.
  2. 2. Companies operating in Turkey can benefit from lower corporate income tax rates and other incentives such as: tax breaks. In addition, many Turkish cities offer special economic zones with tax regimes that are more favorable to certain types of companies.
  3. 3. Turkey has an educated and highly skilled workforce that can provide a valuable asset to any business. The low cost of labor makes it an attractive option for companies looking to cut costs while still having access to talented labor.
  4. 4. Setting up a company in Turkey is relatively easy, and the straightforward procedures make it easy for companies to get started quickly and efficiently. In addition, it is easy to comply with laws and regulations, making it easier for businesses to operate smoothly without worrying.


Third: Restaurants and cafes:

Turkey is an increasingly attractive destination for those looking to open a restaurant or café. With its rich culture, diverse cuisine, and welcoming locals, the country offers several advantages for those looking to set up their own food business.

Unparalleled Location: Turkey is located in the heart of the Mediterranean region and provides an ideal setting for restaurants and cafes to benefit from a wide range of cultural influences and this makes it an attractive location for companies looking to attract customers from a variety of backgrounds.

Abundance of Resources: Turkey is known for its abundance of produce, livestock, and seafood. This makes it easy for restaurants and cafes to source high-quality ingredients for their dishes.

Low cost of doing business: Turkey is one of the most cost-effective places to open a restaurant or coffee shop due to the lower cost of labor and materials needed to run a business. This can lead to lower prices and increased profits for companies operating in this market.

Booming Tourism Seasons: With its rich culture, stunning landscapes, and vibrant cities, Turkey is one of the best tourist destinations in the world. This makes it an ideal location for restaurants and cafes looking to attract the attention of tourists visiting the area.


Fourth: Schools and educational bodies:

The country is a great destination for those who are looking to open schools and educational bodies, and the country also offers a variety of benefits to anyone who is looking to open such institutions in the country.

First, Turkey has a strong commitment to education, as the government has invested heavily in the sector over the past few decades.

This includes improving the quality of teachers and facilities, providing access to modern technology, and introducing new programs that promote innovation in education. This means that students attending schools and educational bodies in Turkey are more likely to receive a higher quality education.

Moreover, the country has an excellent infrastructure that supports educational institutions.

The government provides financial incentives to encourage private investment in education, while providing public funding for universities and other higher education facilities. This ensures that there is ample opportunity for those wishing to open schools and educational institutions.

Finally, Turkey's strategic location makes it an ideal place to set up international schools and other educational bodies. Due to its proximity to Europe and the Middle East, it provides easy access to markets around the world, which helps schools expand their reach and attract more students from abroad.

In general, the country offers many advantages for those looking to invest in commercial real estate in Turkey.


Fifth: Hotels:

Opening a hotel in the country can be a great way to take advantage of the influx of visitors. There are many benefits to opening a hotel in Turkey that make it an attractive business opportunity.

Firstly, the country has an incredibly diverse landscape, from its stunning coastline to the mountains of Anatolia, this diversity gives hoteliers plenty of options when it comes to choosing a location for their establishment.

Secondly, it enjoys a strong economic climate and low tax rates, which makes it easier for companies to invest in the country and benefit from its competitive market.

Third, it is known for having friendly people and excellent hospitality services. Tourists visiting the country often cite the warmth and hospitality they experienced as one of their favorite parts of the trip.


The impact of tourism on commercial real estate in Turkey:

This influx of tourists has had a huge impact on the commercial real estate market in the country.

Many hotels and resorts are built to accommodate the influx of tourists, and these properties often come with lucrative amenities such as spas and swimming pools.

In addition, there has been significant investment in retail space in areas that are popular with tourists, such as shopping malls and restaurants.

As a result, these areas have witnessed exponential growth in terms of property values ​​and rental rates.

Tourism also provides an opportunity for Turkish entrepreneurs to start their own businesses, such as tourism companies and souvenir shops.

This has led to an increase in the demand for commercial real estate in the tourist areas, further consolidating the market.


Many advantages of buying an apartment in Istanbul with Zoom Real Estate: 

-Extensive knowledge and close relationships within the Istanbul real estate market

Cheap apartments for sale in Istanbul that satisfy all tastes.

 –Buying an apartment in Istanbul in convenient installments. 

-Choose an apartment suitable for obtaining Turkish citizenship and enjoying its advantages.

– Taking care of all the necessary procedures and papers for you.


In conclusion, commercial real estate in Turkey remains more attractive to foreign investors, so we have prepared for you a selection of our specialized advisors to help you choose the right commercial property for your budget, and feel free to visit the website for more information.




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