Turkish citizen's rights

149 مشاهدة

In this article, you will learn about many of the rights that a Turkish citizen usually obtains, and about some of the duties that he must be committed to. Recently, Turkey has become the focus of attention of many, and there is a wide group seeking to obtain Turkish citizenship in order to become dual nationals.



What are the most important rights of the Turkish citizen?


Through the following paragraphs, he looks at the most important rights that a Turkish citizen gets in Turkey? Do you think it will be parallel to what citizens get in other countries?


1 - The right to legally reside on Turkish soil and benefit from all public services provided by the state and private institutions.


2 - Benefiting from the right to high-quality education in both private and governmental institutions, as Turkey provides its citizens with higher education suitable for all ages and is free or at a studied cost, and it is certainly less than what you will find in other countries around the world, especially the countries of Europe and America and others.


3 - The Turkish citizen can receive treatment in the most important government and private hospitals in Turkey at an appropriate cost and sometimes for free and benefit from advanced technologies and the expertise of specialized doctors.


4 - Enjoy visiting famous tourist and entertainment places, commercial markets, malls, etc. to meet daily needs.


5 - A Turkish citizen can run for and vote in general elections and has the opportunity to obtain distinguished positions in the country.


6 - It is possible to find a lot of special job opportunities that are difficult to find in other countries, with high salaries that guarantee you and your family a life of stability and prosperity.


7- A Turk can practice professions that a foreigner cannot work in, such as pharmacy, veterinary medicine, law, customs clearance, and others.


8 - He can buy whatever real estate he wants without limits and benefit from special offers and well-thought-out prices that cannot be found in European or American countries, as well as benefit from installment offers and discounts offered by the construction companies.


9 - It is possible to obtain the Turkish passport, which is considered one of the most powerful passports in the world, due to the possibility of entering many countries without a visa, or through a visa issued at the moment of arrival, and there are a few countries that grant an electronic visa.



The most important duties of a Turkish citizen:


9 - It is possible to obtain the Turkish passport, which is considered one of the most powerful passports in the world, due to the possibility of entering many countries without a visa, or through a visa issued at the moment of arrival, and there are a few countries that grant an electronic visa.


1 - The Turk must be committed to paying all the taxes incurred on him and on the specified date, and any delay causes fines to be imposed.


2 - Society's rules, customs and traditions must be respected without objection.


3 - The members of society must perform military service without evasion. In this context, it should be noted that service in Turkey is very short, and there are studies to make it only nine months.


4 - They must preserve Turkish security and protect it from any terrorist plans and not cooperate with anyone or for the benefit of a country against it.



Do you withdraw Turkish citizenship from its bearer?


Despite all the facilities that the Turkish government is keen to provide to its citizens and even to foreigners arriving in it, the matter is not without some complications, and in some cases the citizenship is withdrawn from its bearer:


- If he is convicted of a crime stipulated in Turkish law.


- In the event that he performs military service in a country between which there is war or disagreement with Turkey.


- In the event that he provides services to a country that harms Turkish interests, without permission from the authorities.


But what you should know in this context is that it is not withdrawn immediately, but rather he is warned and given three months to undo what he is doing, and if he does not do so, it is withdrawn.




Encouraging reasons to live and settle in Turkey:


Recently, Turkey has become a major destination for residence and stability for many foreigners and people around the world, especially those whose countries suffer from wars and economic and political crises. There are specific reasons that made Turkey their choice, including the following:


- The thriving Turkish economy. If you are one of those who follow its movement, you will find that it has made progress over many countries of the world easily, due to the strategic plans that the Turkish government is keen to prepare, as well as due to the young population that many European countries lack.


- Turkey is characterized by important political stability and ideal relations with the most important countries of the world, especially the countries of the European Union and the Arab countries.


- Turkey has a developed and thriving infrastructure, and a wide number of important strategic projects such as airports, water canals, bridges, tunnels, highways, and others.


- The Turkish government offers many facilities represented in tax cuts, ease of completing official transactions, and has imposed on them an earthquake insurance policy that compensates them for their losses in the event of damage to their property as a result of a natural disaster.


- The Turkish real estate market is very diverse and contains many options that suit all tastes, budgets and desires.


- The cost of living in Turkey is low compared to other countries, and real estate prices are also suitable and distinctive.


- A foreigner in Turkey can obtain a real estate residence document that allows him to be in Turkey legally, and it is one of the best and most important types of residence permits.


- A foreigner can obtain Turkish citizenship by making a real estate investment of no less than 400 thousand US dollars.


- A foreigner in Turkey can buy real estate in installments, which is an ideal solution for those who do not have the full value of it.


- A foreigner can also buy real estate or apartments that are still under construction, as their price is lower than real estate that is ready to live.


- Just like Turkish citizens, they will benefit from various public services in the countries, both medical and educational.



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Zoom real estate is always here for you, contact us.



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