The Real Estate Consultant and HisRole in Buying Real Estate

106 مشاهدة

There is no doubt that the real estate market in Turkey is huge and very diverse. Despite the different cultures and languages, many foreign investors are heading to Turkey because there is someone who helps them avoid problems and accompanies them step by step.

He is the real estate consultant who gives them advice and provides them with the necessary support to choose the best real estate they want to own.


In this article, we will tell you all the information and experiences we have given about the professional real estate consultant and his role in buying real estate.

We hope you have an enjoyable reading.


Who is the real estate advisor or consultant?

He is that professional person who specializes in providing investment and financial advice to clients who want to buy, sell or invest in real estate, because he has extensive experience in the real estate market, where his goal is to make the real estate investment for the client in the best way, and he must have a Turkish real estate license that describes as Real estate consultant.


How to choose a professional real estate consultant?

You must choose a successful and creative real estate consultant, as he must be distinguished by some important criteria, which are as follows:

First: the professional competence :

which can be known through his providing of a complete study of the real estate, and getting the client to the point of persuasion to buy a real estate, and it can also be discovered by conducting real estate appraisals in the desired manner.


Second: Speed ​​in completing the work:

Not being careless and postponing in solving some issues and carrying out some of the required work.


Third: Transparency at work:

It is possible for the client to adopt the principle of transparency as a basis for choosing the real estate consultant, and to monitor the sincerity of his words and actions.


Fourth: Punctuality:

He must have accurate dates from the beginning of the work so that he can gain the confidence of the client.


Fifth: Personal Relationship and Direct Dealing:

It is important for you when choosing a real estate consultant to be someone you enjoy being with, who truly understands your needs, and strives to achieve your goals.


And we almost forget those apparent criteria that this consultant must have, which is that he has a conscience that takes into account the interests of people and does not only seek to achieve profit for himself, and also that honesty and honest integrity, and moreover he prefers the client’s interest over his interest and can judge and analyze things logically, and that enthusiastic spirit Which he must have to perform his work positively, as well as a good ability to listen to customers and determine their requirements, and finally pays attention to all the details of the property and choose the right property with the requirements of the customer in all its details.

Real estate advisor

What are the duties of a real estate consultant?

The main task of the real estate consultant's work is to provide a comprehensive study of the property and those tips through which the customer's satisfaction is finally gained; here are some of the works:

His work begins with following the client from the first moment he decides to enter the real estate field, especially for the purpose of selling or buying. If it is in the case of purchase, the real estate consultant sits with the client, writes some observation, which are his primary and secondary goals and his specific budget, and does the work and searches for what suits him from the offered options, but in the case of selling, he also studies the advantages of what the seller offers and what type of clients he is looking for and works to meet the two parties with each other to reach a successful sale deal.


Not only that, but he also makes field visits to real estate, evaluates all the defects and advantages in the property, and then studies the location and the obstacles it contains.


The real estate consultant’s job is also based on providing recommendations and suggestions to clients, starting with the best places to buy, their advantages and the companies that can cooperate with him, to setting the budget, reviewing construction plans and meeting schedules, in addition to the method of designing contracts and reviewing maintenance work as well as deliveries, and certainly his job does not stop when delivering the property to the buyer, but also extends to thinking about the best investment opportunities for the property, and how it can be used in a variety of ways for more profit.


Why should an investor turn to a real estate expert?

The investor should return to a real estate advisor before buying the property, because he is a researcher in this field who can certainly provide you with the property that suits your circumstances, and moreover, this advisor has extensive experience extending to all areas and has also previously studied it at all social levels.


In addition, he will provide you with legal support, assess the situation of the property and explain things to you well before you choose.

Real estate investment in Türkiye

The difference between a real estate advisor and a real estate broker:

Although the tasks of the real estate consultant are clear, we find a lot of mixed concepts between the job of a real estate broker and between the real estate consultant as well, so we will present to you in this paragraph some differences:

First: Experience:

We start with the real estate broker. It is not a condition for him to hold a professional license or have academic experience in the subject, as there are those who work in this profession depending on relationships or acquiring it through heredity.


As for the real estate consultant, he must have extended academic and professional experience in the field of work, and he also obtains a license to practice this type of job.


Second: Type of clients:

Most of the deals that the broker makes are with individuals or small-sized companies, unlike the real estate consultant, the quality of the clients and their social level also differ, as well as the status of the company cooperating with them.


Third: Limitations of Responsibilities:

We start with the real estate consultant whose responsibilities extend to include all stages of the sale process, as he directly enters the selection and construction process, as well as writing contracts, delivery, and the method of managing deals and meetings.


As for the real estate broker, he has limited powers in the process of intervention, while the consultant is paid to obtain his opinion only.


Fourth: Profit:

There is also a difference between the two, as the advisor's profits are predetermined with the client, and he usually takes his wage in advance before any step or receives at least half of it in advance, completely unlike the broker, whose profits are often calculated in the form of a commission that is taken upon the success of the sale transaction.


Fifth: Follow-up procedures:

We started with the real estate broker, his profession ends with the end of the sale transaction, and his tasks are also limited to finding the right opportunity for the client and delivering it to him only.


As for the real estate consultant, his tasks, as we mentioned in the above paragraph, are more in-depth and long, as he follows the matter from the beginning of setting goals and proposals to the delivery stage.


Why to choose zoom real estate company for a real estate investment trip in Turkey ?

–  helping you finding suitable properties for real estate investment and obtaining Turkish citizenship.

– We offer extensive real estate services in Antalya, where we have Apartments for sale in Antalya with the most beautiful views in addition to all types of residential, commercial and hotel properties .

– Our services extend to various areas of Istanbul where you can find luxury properties for sale that meet your wishes.

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– Investing in earthquake-resistant buildings in Turkey and ensuring the best service standards


In conclusion, we talked in full detail about the real estate consultant, who he is, what his duties are, and how we can benefit from him.

We hope that we have provided you with the information you seek.




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