the rank of Turkish passport globally 2022-2023

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The Turkish passport has ranked high in the world during the current year and over the past years has been able to achieve successive and rapid leaps over the most important other passports.
In this article you will find answers to your various questions about the Turkish passport.


The rank of Turkish passport globally 2023:

Turkey currently ranks 35th on the Henley Passport Index with a score of 154 with no visa / visa on arrival.
This will make it ahead of countries such as the UAE, Argentina and Chile.


features of obtaining a Turkish passport:

1. The holder of the Turkish passport can travel to 90 countries without a visa or visa upon arrival.
2. Turkey has a strong economy and has become an increasingly popular tourist destination.
3. Turkish citizens have the right to live and work in any of the 28 EU countries.
4. Turkey is a member of NATO and the Council of Europe.
5. Turkish citizens enjoy free education and health care in Turkey.


Types of Turkish Passport:

Turkey offers four different types of passports to its citizens, the type of passport for which you are eligible depends on your nationality status, your age and whether you have a criminal record.
Turkish citizens can apply for one of the following passports:
- Ordinary passport: This is the most common type of Turkish passport and is issued to Turkish citizens aged 18 and above who do not have a criminal record.
- Official passport: This passport is issued to Turkish officials and diplomats for official travel.
- Service passport: This passport is issued to military personnel and government officials for official travel.
- Special Passport: This passport is issued to Turkish citizens aged 65 or over, or those with certain medical conditions that make travel difficult.


stages of obtaining the Turkish passport:

Turkish passports are issued to Turkish citizens for the purpose of international travel and the passport is also used as a national identity card.
All Turkish citizens aged 12 years or over with a valid national identity card are eligible for a passport and the process of applying for a Turkish passport is as follows:
1. The applicant must submit a completed application form, along with two passport-style copies, to the nearest Turkish consulate or embassy.
2. The applicant must appear in person at the consulate or embassy to take biometrics (fingerprints and photos).
3. The consulate or embassy will issue the passport to the applicant in person once it has been processed and printed.


Documents required to obtain the Turkish passport:

The following documents are required to obtain a Turkish passport:
1. Completed application form
A recent personal photo
3. Your current passport
4. Proof of Turkish citizenship such as birth certificate or naturalization papers
5. If you already have a Turkish passport, you will need to present the old passport.


Other reasons that enhance the value of the Turkish passport:

In addition to all the advantages and positive aspects that we talked about above regarding the Turkish passport, there are many other advantages, the most important of which are:


Revitalized Economy:

Turkey has one of the fastest growing economies in the world. In the past decade, Turkey's GDP has doubled. Prosperity is not limited to major cities such as Istanbul, but small cities and rural areas are also experiencing economic growth.
This is good news for Turkish citizens who are seeing an improvement in their standard of living but it is also good news for foreign investors, who are flowing into Turkey to take advantage of the growing economy.
If you are thinking about investing in Turkey, this is the right time to do so. The Turkish economy is strong and stable, and there are a lot of profit opportunities.


Advanced Infrastructure:

With regard to infrastructure, Turkey has an excellent transportation system, a modern airport in Istanbul and good roads connecting different parts of the country. There is also an increasing number of high-speed trains in Turkey, which makes travel between cities fast and easy.
As for social life, Turkey has what suits everyone and there are plenty of restaurants, cafes, bars and clubs that suit all tastes and if you are looking for something more cultural, there are also many museums and galleries to explore.


A suitable environment for investment:

There are a number of reasons why obtaining a Turkish passport is a good idea for those interested in investing or doing business in Turkey.
1. The Turkish economy is growing rapidly, and the country is becoming increasingly popular among foreign investors.
2. Turkey's population is young, and it is an important factor for companies that need a workforce.
3. The cost of living in Turkey is relatively low, especially when compared to other developed countries.
4. Turkey offers a number of tax incentives to companies, making it an attractive destination for investment.
5. The Turkish government supports foreign investment and offers a number of programs to encourage it.


Extraordinary geographic location:

Some of the reasons for obtaining a Turkish passport lie in its important strategic location where Turkey is located between Europe and Asia, making it a major crossing point between the two continents. In addition, Turkey shares borders with many countries in the Middle East and Africa, providing opportunities for business and trade.


Advantages of buying real estate in Turkey through Zoom Real Estate Company:

- A real estate company that helps people buy real estate in Turkey where it has provided a wide range of services, including helping you find the right property, negotiating the price, and helping with the paperwork.
- Great experience in helping foreigners buy real estate in Turkey where we know all about that process and can help you avoid any obstacles.
- we can help you get financing for your purchase. We have relationships with banks and other lenders, and help you get the best possible interest rate.


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