The importance of obtaining Turkish citizenship for every investor

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Turkish citizenship is a topic that preoccupies every investor who has interests and investments in Turkey, and its importance lies in the fact that it offers its holder a lot of facilities and advantages that are difficult to find when obtaining other nationalities.

Some details related to Turkish citizenship you can learn about in this article.



The importance of obtaining Turkish citizenship for the investor:


Turkey is one of the most attractive countries in the world for foreign investors and the Turkish economy has experienced rapid growth in recent years, and the country offers a number of advantages for those looking to invest.


One of the most important advantages of investing in Turkey is that it provides a path to obtaining citizenship. Obtaining Turkish citizenship gives investors a number of advantages, including the ability to live and work in the country, access to free education and health care, and visa-free travel to more than 90 countries.


In addition, Turkish citizenship gives investors the security of knowing that they have a backup plan in case their home country becomes unstable. For example, if the investor holds Turkish citizenship, they will be able to live and work in Turkey even if their country of origin is experiencing political turmoil or economic downturn. .


Investors looking for stability and security in their investments should seriously consider obtaining Turkish citizenship, as the process is relatively simple and straightforward, and the benefits are numerous.



Applying for citizenship through real estate investment:


The value of the application for Turkish citizenship in return for real estate investment increased from 250 thousand dollars to 400 thousand dollars, while maintaining the status of the time period stipulated by Turkish law, which is three years. The decision to raise the minimum value of real estate through which foreigners can obtain citizenship came during a meeting The Turkish Council of Ministers headed in the middle of this year.

Obtaining Turkish citizenship


Conditions for obtaining citizenship through bank deposit:


The Turkish government has amended the law on granting Turkish citizenship through bank deposit, reducing the value of the bank deposit from 3 million dollars to 500 thousand dollars. Foreign investors who want to obtain Turkish citizenship can do so by investing in real estate or by opening a bank account and depositing an amount Not less than $500,000 USD.



Conditions for obtaining citizenship by purchasing shares:


The conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship by purchasing shares or bonds from the Turkish state are as follows: the purchase price must not be less than 500,000 US dollars; Shares or bonds must be annotated with the phrase “Cannot be sold for 3 years.”



How to obtain citizenship through marriage?


It is possible for foreigners to obtain Turkish citizenship through marriage, but there are some requirements that must be met.


First, the spouses must have been married for at least three years and second, the foreigner must have lived in Turkey for at least two years with a residence permit and third, the foreigner must prove that he is able to support himself financially.


Once these requirements are met, the foreigner can apply for Turkish citizenship and the application process includes a Turkish language interview and test and if approved, the foreigner will be granted Turkish citizenship and will be able to live and work in Turkey indefinitely.

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Advantages of being a holder of Turkish citizenship:


If you are thinking of making Turkey your home, then obtaining citizenship is the best way to do it with a Turkish passport, you will enjoy all the rights and privileges that any other citizen of the country has.


1. A Turkish passport holder can travel to 90 countries without a visa or with a visa on arrival.


2. Turkish citizens have the right to live and work in any EU country.


4. Turkey has a strong economy and is one of the fastest growing economies in the world.


5. The cost of living in Turkey is relatively low compared to other developed countries.


6. Turkey offers its citizens free health care and education.


7. The climate in Turkey is temperate, with warm summers and mild winters.


Documents required to obtain Turkish citizenship:


To obtain Turkish citizenship, you will need to submit the following documents:


A copy of your passport. A copy of your birth certificate. A copy of your marriage certificate (if applicable). A copy of the divorce certificate (if applicable). A copy of your residence permit in Turkey. Proof of income (eg bank statements, pay slips, etc.).

Proof of real estate ownership in Turkey (if applicable).



Difficulties encountered when obtaining citizenship:


Despite all the facilities associated with applying for Turkish citizenship, there are some difficulties that you may face, and this is normal, especially if you do not have knowledge of its laws:


  •  The application process for Turkish citizenship is not transparent, and there are no clear guidelines on what the requirements are.
  • - Very little information is available in English on how to obtain Turkish citizenship.
  •  The process of applying for Turkish citizenship can be long and complicated, with many different steps involved.
  •  Another potential issue is the applicant's lack of a strong relationship with Turkey as the Turkish government wants to ensure that those who become citizens are committed towards the country and its people and this means that applicants must show links with Turkey through family, work or any other ties.

 There are many problems that can arise when trying to obtain Turkish citizenship and the first and most common problem is that the applicant may not have a clean criminal record and if the applicant has any arrests or convictions on his record, he is likely to be denied citizenship.



Zoom Real Estate company offers you:

-Free consultations and important tips to help you in the journey of buying a property in Turkey

-Luxury real estate for sale in Istanbul, Ankara and all Turkish cities.

-Apartments for sale in Istanbul suitable for Turkish citizenship.

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Zoom real estate is always here for you, contact us.



Learn more information about the issue of Turkish citizenship by constantly visiting our website or asking our real estate consultant, who will put in your hands many offers and suitable options to apply for. Do not forget to follow the latest developments regarding it, according to what is issued by the Turkish government.



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