The Future of Real Estate in Istanbul

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Although real estate in Istanbul is famous for its suitability for investment, many investors prefer to take a look at the future of the real estate sector in the city. Where does this investment lead them? Will it make a qualitative leap? What do the facts indicate? What is the future of real estate in the city?

To everyone who is interested and to those who are about to take this step, read the lines that we will present to you.


The status of real estate in Istanbul in the future:

The development witnessed by the real estate market in Istanbul indicates a future heading towards a promising golden age of growth and prosperity. According to economic reports quoting Turkish media, real estate sales figures in the city are increasing at a constant pace by both local and foreign investors, and this increase in turnout directly indicates the quality of apartments, houses and offices located in Istanbul, and since the Turkish state pays great attention to it, its quality will increase with the days.

Thus, it will become the best city in Turkey for real estate investment, and thousands or even millions of foreign and Arab investors of all nationalities will flock to it.


Ingredients for the success of the real estate market in Istanbul:

There is no doubt that the real estate sector in the city will witness more prosperous days than its predecessor thanks to several factors and ingredients that contribute directly and indirectly to this matter, and among the most prominent elements that make real estate investment in Istanbul successful are:


First - Government support for real estate investment in Istanbul:

Government support for investors is represented by facilitating procedures on the one hand and granting the right to apply for Turkish citizenship, provided that the property price has reached 400,000 US dollars on the other hand, and the fact that the law on granting citizenship is one of the most important and prominent government laws supporting foreign real estate investors, which came with tangible and immediate results and pushing the wheel of real estate investment forward, after the adoption of this law, real estate sales rates in Istanbul rose to record numbers because its properties are very suitable for obtaining Turkish citizenship.

Some investors imagine that all real estate in Istanbul has high prices, but in fact you will find cheap and high ones.

If you choose a property with a rather low price of 75,000$, you can get real estate residency, which is considered one of the strongest and most important types of residencies in Turkey, because of the ease of obtaining it on the one hand and on the other hand for the possibility of renewing it annually as long as the foreign investor owns this property, in addition to being the legal means that allows its holder the opportunity to stay in the country in a legal manner and without being subjected to violations.


Second - real estate prices in Istanbul:

Real estate prices in this city are cheap if we want to compare them with real estate prices in cities in the countries of the European Union, America and some Arab countries such as the Arab Gulf, and although, for years and until today they have recorded successive rises, they remain cheaper than others; this is precisely what prompted investors around the world to make it their first undisputed destination.

In the future, real estate prices in the city will rise significantly, at high rates that may exceed fifty percent, for a number of reasons, the most important of which are:


-A noticeable rise in the prices of building materials imported by the Turkish state from abroad.

-Also, the high population density plays a role in this matter, as it increases the demand for buying and renting real estate.

-Tourist influx throughout the year, whether in summer or in winter, because Istanbul contains many tourist and archaeological attractions.

-Several civilizations have been established on its land, in addition to its enjoyment of stunning landscapes that attract a large number of foreign and Arab tourists.

-It is considered a destination for treatment after the comprehensive renaissance witnessed by the health sector.

-It contains a large number of important and famous schools and universities around the world, so it is a suitable area for education chosen by students of different nationalities.

The fluctuation of the value of the Turkish lira against foreign currencies.

-The high quality of real estate in Istanbul.

-The diversity of the real estate market in Istanbul is suitable for all tastes.

-The volume of the real estate offered for sale has decreased in front of the real estate required for purchase.


Here, many investors ask whether this rise is in their favor or not. In fact, the biggest beneficiary of this matter are real estate investors in Istanbul who hope to obtain high and abundant profits on a large scale.

For example, a foreigner who bought a property when prices were moderate can sell when prices are increasing to take advantage of the price difference that will result between the buying and selling processes, and rental prices also rise if you want to rent your property in Istanbul.

Real estate in Istanbul

Third - high-quality real estate:

Real estate investments in the city of Istanbul enjoy a high level of quality that rivals those in most prosperous Arab and foreign countries, as there are many real estate development projects in the city that employ the most important and best construction engineers with great experience and high qualifications, using the latest technologies and the best materials, and undoubtedly, this quality of real estate in Istanbul is one of the most important factors for attracting investments to it and the continued demand for it, as investors are always moving towards what is modern and in line with the latest developments in modernity and development that occur in the world.


Fourth - Diversity of the real estate market in Istanbul:

The most characteristic of real estate investment in this promising city is the diversity of offers and their abundance. The real estate market is wide that meets different tastes and requests. If you take a look at it, you will find all the specifications you desire.

There are ready-made properties designed according to modern technologies such as being earthquake-resistant, sound and heat-insulating, including this type which is called the smart system that provides the best services electronically through the press of a single button, and there are also properties under construction that provide investors with the strongest and best offers ever, in addition to the old properties that can be a real estate development project, and this diversity did not come in vain in as the real estate market in Istanbul is active and full of multiple options, and the pre-determination of the goal or purpose of buying a property in the city has a major role in determining the appropriate option for the investor.

Turkish real estate market

Fifth - Infrastructure:

A developed and advanced infrastructure that the Turkish government pays great attention to because of its full confidence in its positive impact on the future of real estate in Istanbul.

Very important details and aspects that we mentioned in this article about real estate in Istanbul and now you can decide whether to take a step in this field or not, but as an advice, do not hesitate to own real estate in this city because you will not find better than the apartments in it in terms of architectural design, modern technologies, interior finishes and many other aspects.


Why invest in real estate in Turkey through Zoom Real Estate?

-We have a close relationship with the most important and luxurious residential complex construction companies in Turkey.

-A wide range of apartments for sale in Istanbul and various types of properties in Antalya that suits all budgets.

-Many years of experience in the Turkish real estate market

-Protecting you from real estate fraud.

-A wide variety of residential real estate, shops, villas with sea views, suitable for investment.

-We help you get the best real estate prices in Turkey.




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