The differences between Turkish nationality and Arab nationalities

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It is important to realize the differences between the Turkish nationality and the Arab nationalities, as each of them differs in customs, traditions, language and culture, and each nationality has its unique advantages and characteristics that represent its national identity and in this article, we will explore some of the differences between Turkish citizenship and Arab nationalities, to get a better understanding on this topic.




The differences between Turkish nationality and Arab nationalities:


Turkish citizenship and Arab nationalities have clear differences in the conditions and benefits offered to their holders and for example, the holder of Turkish citizenship gets the freedom to travel to about 110 countries around the world without a visa, while holders of many Arab nationalities are required to obtain an entry visa before leaving their country


Turkish citizenship gives its holder the opportunity to invest in Turkey and obtain some government programs and health services at reduced prices, while holders of some Arab nationalities may have difficulty obtaining these benefits and on the contrary, it allows holders of Arab citizenship the right to permanent residence in some Arab countries, while this right is very difficult to obtain in Turkey, as it must be within specific conditions and controls.



Advantages of obtaining Turkish citizenship:


Turkish citizenship has many advantages that make it attractive to foreign investors and immigrants and since the launch of Turkey's citizenship-by-investment program, the number of those wishing to obtain Turkish citizenship has increased.


Owning a Turkish passport, which is one of the most powerful passports in the world as Turkish nationals also enjoy the right to vote and run in parliamentary and presidential elections, and they also obtain a stable legal, social and economic status in Turkey and in addition, Turkish nationals are allowed to invest and establish companies in European countries without the need for a visa.



Papers required to obtain Turkish citizenship:


Having Turkish citizenship is a great privilege, and it is important to know the papers required to obtain it as when investing in real estate at a value of $400,000 or its equivalent, a property ownership certificate must be obtained and a bank account opened in Turkey, in addition to paying citizenship fees.


If the citizenship was obtained through marriage, the required papers must be submitted, which include: a marriage certificate translated into Turkish and certified by the Turkish embassy as the required papers also include the original passport and a copy of it, which must show the personal data page and the entry visa to Turkey, if any, in addition to a personal photo as obtaining Turkish citizenship requires efforts and documents, but its benefits are invaluable.



Is there a difference between naturalized and a Turk of origin?


Many wonder about the difference between the naturalized and the Turkish by origin, and in fact it must be noted that the Turkish law does not distinguish between them completely and a naturalized person who holds Turkish citizenship enjoys the same rights and duties as a Turkish citizen who holds original citizenship, and the naturalized person enjoys the right to vote, be elected, register children and other civil rights, as is the case for a Turk of origin.



Obtaining Turkish citizenship by purchasing a property:


Foreigners can obtain Turkish citizenship by investing in real estate, where they buy a property worth more than 400 thousand US dollars and register it in the Land Registry Directorate, obtain the official title deed, and not sell the property for a period of 3 years, and this system contributes to attracting many foreign investors to invest in Turkey.



Reasons for the high demand for Turkish citizenship:


Many residents of Arab countries have found that Turkish citizenship is an ideal choice for them and their families, as Turkish citizenship has many advantages that are not available in Arab nationalities, including traveling freely to many countries in addition to enjoying strong protection by the Turkish government and due to the possibility of requesting Turkish citizenship, the demand for it increases significantly every year, as those who obtain it enjoy many distinctive advantages that guarantee them the stability of their lives in a reliable and safe way and there is no doubt that Turkish citizenship enhances the personal freedom of its holder and grants him great rights.



How to obtain Egyptian citizenship and its advantages:


Obtaining Egyptian nationality is one of the most important things that can open up many professional and educational opportunities for individuals in Egypt and abroad, where they can access better jobs and distinguished educational opportunities and in addition, Egyptian nationals are entitled to benefit from health, education, social and economic services provided by the government.



How to obtain Algerian nationality and its advantages:


It is noteworthy that the Algerian state attaches great importance to the Algerians and citizens, and the Algerian citizens obtaining the Algerian nationality guarantees him many advantages, and he will also be able to obtain national registration and work in government service, in addition to entitlement to assistance programs and free health services for citizens.


Obtaining Algerian citizenship is also a gateway to competition at an international level, as the Algerian citizen will be able to obtain the Algerian passport, which will enable him to travel to other countries.




Learn about the news of Turkish citizenship and the real estate market in Turkey through your continuous visit to our website, where we are keen to monitor through it many important topics, and we also mention the laws and regulations.


Among the basic services that we provide at Zoom Real Estate Company are the extensive field tours and golden consultations that lead you as a buyer to the right decision without having to get confused and confused among the wide options that the market contains.



We are keen to assist you in the procedures for obtaining Turkish citizenship and real estate residence for you and your family members and with our extensive experience in the Turkish sector, you can start in a real and profitable way without worrying.






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