The difference between tourist accommodation and Kimlik in Turkey

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When we think about living or investing in Turkey, two popular options come to mind: tourist accommodation and kummel in Turkey, as Turkey offers exciting opportunities for individuals looking for a place to reside or invest, but a precise understanding of the difference between these two models is crucial and we will explore and provide a comprehensive analysis of the differences and similarities between tourist accommodation and Kimlik in Turkey and we'll take a look at the legal precautions, benefits and financial implications of each model, with the aim of helping you make the decision that best suits your needs and goals in this wonderful country.


What is the difference between tourist residence and Kimlik in Turkey?

When you enter the territory of the Republic of Turkey through air, sea, or land crossings, your passport will be stamped for entry, specifying a time limit for your stay in Turkey, which is usually limited to up to 90 days only and once this period expires, the visitor must leave the country and return again to obtain a new visa allowing an additional 90 days of stay or consider obtaining a new residence permit.

The law allows any foreigner who entered Turkey legally through border crossings to apply for a residence permit in Turkey, allowing him to legally reside in the state of his choice and this is the main difference between full residence and tourist residence, as full residence grants the right to permanent residence, while tourist residence is temporary and limited to tourism purposes only.

A residence permit in Turkey can be obtained relatively easily and at a low cost compared to many other countries, making it one of the cheapest and easiest residencies in the world, as tourist residency is considered a temporary residence permit designated for tourism purposes in Turkey, and any foreigner who has entered the country legally has the right to apply for it and after submitting the application, the Turkish Immigration Administration Districts are responsible for accepting or rejecting the application and determining the length of stay, which usually ranges from 3 months to 12 months, with the possibility of renewal.


What are the conditions for obtaining tourist residency in Turkey?

  1. Entry legally through Turkish border crossings.
  2. Possess a passport valid for a period of no less than 6 months.
  3. Apply to book an appointment through the website of the Turkish Immigration Department before the expiry of the period of stay specified at the point of entry, which is only 90 days.
  4. Obtain health insurance for a period of no less than one year.
  5. Providing a valid residential address with a rental contract or title deed certified by a notary public.
  6. Owning a bank account containing an amount of no less than 6,000 US dollars (with the exception of Syrians and some other nationalities from this requirement).
  7.  Paying the residence tax in Turkey at the tax directorates (Vergi dairesi), which is estimated at approximately 89 Turkish liras (this number can change depending on nationality).
  8. Attend in person during the interview on the day of the appointment, bringing all the necessary documents to obtain the tourist permit.

Tourist accommodation in Türkiye

What are the conditions for obtaining a Kimlik in Turkey?

To obtain a temporary protection card (Kimlik), the applicant must possess documents proving his Syrian identity, such as a Syrian passport, Syrian personal identity card, or Syrian family booklet and a document proving the place of residence must also be presented, such as an invoice or rental contract certified by the notary, or a residence certificate from local residents.

The temporary protection card is issued at no financial cost to Syrians in all Turkish states in accordance with government directives and this card does not have a specific expiration period, but the Turkish government reserves the right to cancel it at any time it deems appropriate.


Advantages of obtaining Kimlik in Turkey:

  1. Temporary protection card holders are entitled to access free health services in Turkish government health centers, in addition to health centers affiliated with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in all Turkish states in which they are registered.
  2. They have the right to enroll in educational institutions free of charge in the states in which they are registered, which gives them the opportunity to obtain a good education and integrate into society.
  3. Holders of a temporary protection card (Kimlik) are entitled to benefit from financial and food aid provided by international relief organizations such as the Red Crescent, in addition to support from Turkish civil society organizations and municipalities and to obtain this assistance, they must meet the conditions specified by these organizations and municipalities, which contributes to improving their living conditions and providing their basic needs.


Advantages of obtaining tourist residency in Turkey:

  1. The duration of tourist residence in Turkey is determined according to the request and the approval of the Turkish Immigration Department, as it can range between 6 months and 2 years and the residency holder must renew it by booking a renewal appointment up to 60 days before the end of the actual residency period.
  2. The holder of tourist residency in Turkey is not included in the free health services provided by government hospitals and Turkish health centers and he must pay a fee for treatment or use the health insurance booked for tourist accommodation in order to benefit from discounts on treatment and surgeries.
  3. Enrollment in public schools is free, but it must be taken into account that education laws may differ from one state to another.
  4. The holder of tourist residency in Turkey does not have the right to apply for social assistance from any Turkish or international government agency or civil society organizations.
  5. The tourist residency holder can enter and leave Turkey continuously as long as the residency is valid for the specified period and he can also roam around the Turkish states without having to obtain prior permission from the Turkish Immigration Department, however, he must update his residence address if he changes his place of residence in the same state or moves to another state.


In conclusion, the difference between tourist residency and a temporary protection card (Kimlik) in Turkey shows multiple points of view and tourist residency provides the visitor with the opportunity to explore the country and enjoy the benefits of tourism, while the Temporary Protection Card is an option for people wishing to stay in Turkey for a long time or Syrian refugees seeking temporary protection.



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