The comprehensive guide to obtaining Turkish citizenship

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Turkish citizenship is an attractive option for people looking to broaden their horizons. As a Turkish citizen, you will enjoy a number of benefits upon obtaining it.

Such as: full access to the state's public services and its social security system, you will also have the right to vote and run in general elections.

Obtaining Turkish citizenship is a great way. This comprehensive guide is designed to help you on how to get the most out of your application. The Turkish Citizenship article is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to become a citizen of Turkey.


Turkish citizenship and its advantages

Turkey offers a unique citizenship opportunity for those who wish to become citizens of the country, and it also allows applicants to obtain it, reaping the benefits that come with it. The set of benefits are as follows:

The right to live, work and study in Turkey without the need to obtain a visa or work permit.

Giving you the freedom and flexibility to travel, explore and live in the country without any restrictions.

Furthermore, citizens are exempted from the duty of military service and may receive government subsidies for housing and education.

In addition, those with Turkish citizenship have access to free healthcare.

As well as a host of other benefits such as: free education for their children.

Moreover, they can open bank accounts in Turkey and enjoy tax exemptions on certain investments

Another advantage is that citizens are also eligible for dual citizenship, which allows them to hold Turkish passports and original passports at the same time.

They can benefit from visa-free travel to more than 100 countries around the world.

So if you are looking for a way to gain new rights and freedoms while living in Turkey, applying for Turkish citizenship may be just what you need.


Ways to obtain Turkish citizenship

There are many ways through which citizenship can be obtained, and the following are the most popular.


Investment is the most popular option among those wishing to obtain Turkish citizenship, by investing no less than 400,000 US dollars in Turkish real estate, and applicants can be granted it within six months.



Those wishing to apply for citizenship must meet several requirements, including having lived in Turkey for at least five years, being of good moral character and having sufficient income or assets.

Once these requirements are met, applicants can submit their application to the Ministry of Interior and await a decision.



To successfully apply for citizenship in this way, the applicant must prove that he or she has been married for at least three years to a Turkish citizen of origin, and has

Sufficient income or assets and able to communicate in Turkish, and upon approval of the application, the applicant will be granted citizenship.


Proof of parentage

To qualify for Turkish citizenship by descent, applicants must have at least one parent born in Turkey or of Turkish descent. This means that applicants must provide proof of this, such as: birth certificates or family trees.

Applicants must also be able to prove that they have maintained contact with Turkey, which can be done through visiting, working or studying in the country.


In general, there are several ways to obtain Turkish citizenship depending on the circumstances of the individual. Those wishing to apply must research the requirements and consider the method.


Stages of Turkish citizenship

Turkish citizenship goes through an easy process and has several stages, including:

Submit an application form to the appropriate authorities.

Obtaining a citizenship certificate from the General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs, this certificate will detail the applicant's eligibility for citizenship.

Complete a medical examination and obtain a health report. This report must be certified by the competent authorities in order to be accepted.

Attend an interview with the General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs, which will assess the applicant's eligibility for citizenship.

The final step is for the applicant to take an oath of allegiance and obtain the official certificate of citizenship, after which they can enjoy all the rights and privileges associated with it.


Submit a Turkish citizenship application

Here is a checklist of documents you will need:

A valid passport for each member of the family and its translation into reliable Turkish and attestation by the notary public.

A completed and signed application form

Proof of identity, such as a national identity card or birth certificate for each family member.

Proof of residence in Turkey, such as: residence permit or rental contract.

Proof of income such as: pay stubs or tax returns.

A medical report showing that you do not have any infectious diseases.

Provide valid health insurance.

Provide criminal records to ensure that no crimes have been committed or harmed the state security system.

Provide 5 biometric photos with a white background for each family member, provided that the photo is clear and of high quality.

Bank statement for the last six months.

If citizenship is obtained through investment, a title deed or what is called a tapu must be submitted, and a real estate appraisal document must be submitted.

Any other documents that may be required by the relevant Turkish authorities.

Translation of the family book and birth certificates for each member of the family issued by the hospitals in which they were born and attested by the notary public.

Hiring a lawyer who can speak Turkish to facilitate government transactions.

Having all of these documents ready will make your application process much smoother, so it is important to make sure you have everything before submitting your application.


Reasons for rejecting the Turkish citizenship application

There are several reasons that may lead to the rejection of the Turkish citizenship application, one of the most common and widespread reasons among those wishing to obtain it.

The applicant fails to meet the necessary qualifications, for example: the applicants fail to prove that they have lived in Turkey for at least five years.

Not proof that they have obtained permission to reside in Turkey.

Committing a crime that caused serious harm and caused disruption to the security of the state.

The applicants do not prove that they have sufficient knowledge of the Turkish language.

Another frequent reason for rejection of a Turkish citizenship application is the failure of the applicant to provide sufficient evidence regarding their identity.

Failure to present a valid birth certificate.

Failure to provide proof of ongoing financial stability.

Falsify certain personal information and provide inaccurate or incomplete information.

Finally, applicants may be rejected if their application does not meet certain requirements set by Turkish law. These requirements include proving that the applicant has good moral qualities and does not pose a threat to national security or public order. In addition, applicants must provide evidence that they can support themselves and their families financially.


In conclusion, for more information, you can visit our website.


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