The best time to own a property in Turkey is 2023 AD

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The editorial team at Zoom Real Estate Company, in this article, will answer one of the questions that come from clients and everyone who wants to enter the Turkish real estate sector (what is the best time to own a property in Turkey?) If this is important to you, do not hesitate to follow the article with us until the end.


What is the best time to own real estate in Turkey?

The best time to own real estate in Turkey is when the market is stable and shows signs of positive growth. Real estate prices are usually more attractive during periods of economic expansion and low inflation rates. In addition, factors such as the local political climate and the availability of financing can affect the ideal timing for investing in Turkish real estate. .


The best time of the year to buy a property in Turkey:

The best time to buy real estate in Turkey depends on the type of property and the location you are looking for. Generally, it is believed that the best time to buy is between May and October when prices are lower and there is less competition. This is especially true of coastal areas, where the summer season can be costly. However, if you are looking for something indoors, winter may be a better option as prices tend to go down. December and January are also ideal times to buy land in Turkey, as it provides an opportunity to find deals from sellers eager to sell.


How to buy real estate in Turkey?

After you know the right time to buy, you must know how and the right way.

1 – A professional and reliable real estate company in Turkey can help you find the ideal property that meets your needs as it will provide you with local insights and expertise, as well as legal advice to ensure that everything is done correctly.

2 – You can also find an experienced real estate agent in the area who can help you select suitable properties as agents can often help you negotiate prices, and they may also have access to exclusive listings not available anywhere else.

3 – For those looking for a bargain, auctions are a great way to buy real estate in Turkey at a discount. The process is relatively simple and usually involves offering advantages over properties being sold by the government or other companies

4- The Internet has made it easier than ever to find real estate in Turkey. There are many reputable websites where you can search for available homes and apartments in the country, in addition to reading reviews from buyers or sellers who have used them before.

5- If you are lucky enough to know someone who owns real estate in Turkey, then buying directly from them may be an option worth exploring. This may be beneficial for both parties as it excludes the middleman, but make sure you write everything down so that there is no confusion later.

Buying an apartment in Turkey

How do you find cheap real estate for sale in Turkey?

Firstly, consider buying apartments that are still under construction as this can be a great way to get a discounted price as the developer may offer incentives to early buyers and secondly, look for apartments that can be bought in installments as installment payments often come with lower interest rates and can make buying an apartment more rewarding. Third, consider buying rustic apartments, as these properties may require some renovations but can be a great deal in terms of price. Finally, consider buying older apartments. Older buildings often come with attractive prices and may offer potential buyers an opportunity to add their own touch to the property.


The importance of buying a property in Turkey:

Buying real estate in Turkey is becoming increasingly popular among foreign investors looking to take advantage of the country's growing economy, beneficial tax policies, and attractive locations. With a growing population and booming real estate sector, Turkey offers great potential for buyers looking for long-term investments or vacation homes.

Real estate prices in Turkey are still very competitive compared to other countries in Europe, which makes it an ideal choice for those looking for a bargain. In addition, many regions of the country have experienced significant capital growth in recent years, making it even more attractive to buyers looking to make a profitable return on their investment.

The Turkish government has made buying real estate in the country easier than ever before with attractive tax breaks and incentives, as well as simplified legal procedures. This makes the process of buying a home in Turkey easy and hassle-free. Moreover, the country's vibrant culture and beautiful landscape make it an ideal destination for those who are looking for a safe environment.


Where is the demand for real estate in Turkey concentrated?

The demand for real estate in Turkey is mainly concentrated in its largest cities, including Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, and Bursa. These cities offer many advantages to investors such as a large population base, strong infrastructure, modern transportation networks, and a variety of job opportunities. In addition, due to the strength of The country's tourism seasons and favorable climate attract many foreign investors to the Turkish real estate market.


Many advantages of buying an apartment in Istanbul with Zoom Real Estate: 

-Extensive knowledge and close relationships within the Istanbul real estate market

Cheap apartments for sale in Istanbul that satisfy all tastes.

 –Buying an apartment in Istanbul in convenient installments. 

-Choose an apartment suitable for obtaining Turkish citizenship and enjoying its advantages.

– Taking care of all the necessary procedures and papers for you.



With up-to-date market information, our team can provide you with the best advice and guidance on how to make the most of your investment. We understand that buying in Turkey can be a complex process, and we are here to make it simple for you so don't delay and let us help you find the perfect property.





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