The 10 most invested countries in Turkey

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We will review the 10 most investing countries in Turkey, as these investors shed light on the available opportunities and promising economic potential offered by Turkey for business and investment projects and we will discuss the details of the investments coming from these countries and the priority areas of interest for them in Turkey.


The 10 most invested countries in Turkey, get to know them:

The Turkish Ministry of Economy announced that the total foreign investment flowing into Turkey amounted to $140 billion during the period from 2010 to February of 2017 and the share of Dutch investments in Turkey amounted to 15.8% of total foreign investments, and the volume of investments of Dutch companies flowing into Turkey during the period from 2010 to 2016 was approximately $22 billion and $15 million.

As for the share of American investments, it amounted to 8%, and the volume of investments of American companies flowing to Turkey in the same period was about 11 billion and 198 million dollars.

As for Austria, its share amounted to 7% of the total foreign investments in Turkey, and the volume of investments of Austrian companies flowing to Turkey during the period from 2010 to 2016 was about 9 billion and 759 million dollars.

The share of British investments amounted to 6.8%, and the volume of British companies' investments flowing to Turkey in the same period amounted to about 9 billion and 583 million dollars.

In order, Luxembourg came with a share of investments of 6.4%, and the volume of investments of Luxembourgish companies flowing to Turkey in the period from 2010 to 2016 was estimated at about 8 billion and 985 million dollars.

As for the German and Belgian investments, their share in foreign investments in Turkey amounted to 6.4% and 5.9%, respectively, and the volume of German companies’ investments flowing to Turkey in the period from 2010 to 2016 was estimated at about 8 billion and 851 million dollars, and the investments of Belgian companies flowing to Turkey are about 8 billion and 209 million dollars.

The share of Spanish investments amounted to 5.5%, and the volume of investments of Spanish companies flowing to Turkey during the period from 2010 to 2016 was about 7 billion and 636 million dollars.

The share of Greek and French investments amounted to 4.9%, and the volume of investments of Greek companies flowing to Turkey during the period from 2010 to 2016 was about 6 billion and 867 million dollars, while the investments of French companies flowing to Turkey amounted to about 6 billion and 850 million dollars.

Investing in Türkiye

What are the reasons why the 10 most invested countries in Turkey ?

  1. Turkey has a diversified economy that includes various industries such as tourism, manufacturing, agriculture, technology, and construction.
  2. Turkey lies at the intersection of many continents and is a bridge between Europe, Asia and the Middle East, making it a center for trade and investment.
  3. Turkey has a large and growing market that offers promising investment opportunities for companies and investors.
  4. It has made significant progress in improving its infrastructure, including roads, ports, airports, and logistics networks.
  5. Turkey has a large and educated workforce, which facilitates employment and supports economic growth.
  6. Turkey enjoys political and economic stability, which makes it a suitable environment for long-term investment.
  7. The Turkish government offers a set of incentives and privileges to foreign investors to encourage them to invest in the country.
  8. It has low operating costs compared to many other European countries.
  9. Turkey has witnessed strong economic growth in recent years, which enhances investment opportunities.
  10. Turkey has a huge consumer market that helps boost the performance of companies and commercial projects.
  11. It is considered an important center for investment in renewable energy, which encourages sustainable development.
  12. Turkey has an open commercial spirit and facilitates import and export operations.
  13. Turkey offers a favorable tax system with low tax rates for companies and investors.
  14. Many residents in Turkey speak English and other international languages, which facilitates communication with foreign investors.
  15. Turkey is witnessing an increasing demand for real estate by foreign investors, especially in major cities and tourist resorts.
  16. Turkey pays increasing attention to technology and innovation, which attracts technological and emerging companies.
  17. Thanks to its geographical location, companies investing in Turkey can easily access other emerging markets.
  18. Turkey has a developed financial system that supports investments and financing.
  19. Turkey has established clear and encouraging laws for foreign investors wishing to invest in real estate in Turkey.
  20. The government provides support to start-up and innovative companies to promote economic development.
  21.  The tourism sector in Turkey is achieving sustainable growth and attracting tourists from all over the world.
  22. Turkey is developing heavy industries and defense industries and is targeting self-sufficiency
  23. Turkey adopts advanced economic policies that contribute to improving the investment climate.
  24. Turkey occupies an advanced position in the global economic freedom index.
  25. Turkey is a member of several free trade agreements that promote international trade.
  26. Turkey is witnessing an expected growth in the real estate and commercial real estate sector.
  27. It allows foreigners to own real estate and companies in many sectors.
  28. Turkey is working to simplify government procedures for foreign investors wishing to buy real estate in Turkey.
  29. The government provides support programs for companies and investment projects.
  30. Turkey is an active digital hub and supports technological innovation and ICT.
  31. The opportunity to obtain Turkish citizenship by buying a property in Turkey, in addition to obtaining a Turkish passport
  32. The possibility of obtaining real estate residency by purchasing a property in Turkey with a value of $75,000


Check out the most important tips that you should consider before starting to invest in Turkey with a small amount


Common questions:

What are the challenges that investors in Turkey may face?

Some of the challenges that may be faced are local laws and regulations, economic policy changes, and strong competition from local businesses.


Are there government incentives to attract more investments?

Yes, the Turkish government offers incentives and privileges to foreign investors to attract more investments and promote economic growth.


How are foreign investors supported in investment operations in Turkey?

Foreign investors are supported by facilitating investment procedures, providing tax benefits, and providing assistance in obtaining the necessary licenses and permits.





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