Rights of foreign investors in Turkey

86 مشاهدة

One of the main reasons that encourage foreign investors to choose Turkey for investment, residence, or other activities is that it provides them with many rights that are ideal for reaching their goals, as the Turkish government has not hesitated to provide all that interests them and that they are looking for in terms of facilities and others.

In this article, you will learn about the most important rights of the investor in Turkey.


The most important rights of foreign investors in Turkey:

 They can own property in Turkey, including lands, buildings and shares in Turkish companies.

  •  Foreign investors are treated on an equal footing with domestic investors under Turkish law and this means that foreign investors have access to the same government incentives and tax breaks that domestic investors enjoy.
  •  They can benefit from their investments freely and without restrictions and collect attractive returns.
  • They are allowed to work in Turkey, either by setting up their own business or by working for a Turkish company.
  •  Foreign investors are allowed to travel freely within Turkey and do not need a visa to enter the country.
  •  They are allowed to send their children to schools in Turkey, whether public or private.


Obtaining Turkish citizenship:

- You can apply for Turkish citizenship if you meet the following investment criteria:


- You have invested at least 500,000 USD in real estate in Turkey.

- Invested at least $500,000 in Turkish government bonds.

- If you deposited at least $500,000 in a bank.

- Created at least 50 job opportunities for Turkish citizens.



Obtaining a real estate residence document:


A foreigner can obtain real estate residence in Turkey in return for many and limited conditions, including:


  • - The value of the property must be at least $75,000.
  • - The property must not be located within a security or military area.
  • - The real estate appraisal document must be extracted.
  • - It is available to its holder for one year only and is renewable.
  • - The property must be intended for housing and not for commercial, tourism or other purposes.



Buying a variety of real estate options:


As a foreign investor in Turkey, you have a wide range of real estate options available to you and you can buy real estate in any of the major cities in Turkey, as well as in the countryside. There are no restrictions on the type of real estate you can buy, and you can even buy multiple properties if you wish.


The process of buying real estate in Turkey is relatively simple and straightforward, you will only need to use the services of a reputable real estate agent who can help you find the right property for your needs and once you find a suitable property, he will help you negotiate the purchase price and prepare the necessary papers.


Once the purchase is completed, you will be able to obtain a residence permit that allows you to live in Turkey indefinitely and if you plan to rent out your property, there are no restrictions on doing so. You can also sell your property at any time without having to obtain permission from the authorities.



Tips when living and settling in Turkey:


If you want to build your investment project in Turkey, there are many notes that you must take into consideration so that you do not face any problems later:


The first thing to consider is the cost of living in Turkey. While it is possible to live relatively cheaply in Turkey, it is important to remember that the cost of living can vary greatly depending on the city you choose to live in. Istanbul, for example, is one of the most expensive. cities in Turkey.


Another important factor to consider is the language barrier. While many Turks speak English, it is not always possible to find someone who speaks your language fluently and this can make everyday tasks, such as shopping or going to the doctor, more difficult.


Another thing to consider is the political situation in Turkey and the country has been politically unstable for some time, and this can make living there or investing in Turkish real estate very risky.


Turkey's economy is thriving, the country has experienced incredible growth over the past decade, it shows no signs of slowing down and this makes it an ideal place to live or invest in.



Duties of foreign investors in Turkey:


Just as investors in Turkey have many rights, as we saw above, they also have many duties that must be adhered to, including:


As a foreign investor in Turkey, you have certain duties and responsibilities, you are required to comply with all Turkish laws and regulations, including those relating to taxation, employment, health and safety, environmental protection, and the import and export of goods.


You must also respect the rights of Turkish citizens, including their right to freedom of religion, speech, and assembly.


In addition, it is expected to make a positive contribution to the Turkish economy and society and this includes creating job opportunities for Turkish workers, paying taxes and following ethical business practices.


It is also necessary to adhere to some social rituals, respect others, and adapt to the customs and traditions prevailing in Turkish society without opposing them, and security must be maintained in the country and work in its favor.



Zoom Real Estate company offers you:

-Free consultations and important tips to help you in the journey of buying a property in Turkey

-Luxury real estate for sale in Istanbul, Ankara and all Turkish cities.

-Apartments for sale in Istanbul suitable for Turkish citizenship.

-Helping you to obtain real estate residence and tourist residence in Turkey.

Zoom real estate is always here for you, contact us.




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