Reasons for Jordanians owning real estate in Turkey

116 مشاهدة

Turkey is one of the most attractive foreign countries for Jordanian real estate investors, and there are many reasons that explain this great interest and in this blog, we will look at some of these reasons, which will help to understand the strong attraction of Jordanians to owning real estate in Turkey.


The reason why Jordanians buy real estate in Turkey:

Jordanians owning real estate in Turkey is very common recently, as this type of investment has increased dramatically and this increase is attributed to the many factors that are considered among the advantages of Jordanians owning real estate in Turkey, such as the distinguished geographical location of Turkey as an important center of presence on the road between East and West and in addition to the low costs of living and living, the diversity of cultures and the large presence of foreigners in it, thus, buying and owning real estate in Turkey is a good opportunity to invest and obtain permanent residence in the heart of the region.


Investment advantages offered in Turkey:

It is considered one of the fifteen best countries in the world in terms of the strength of the economy, and the country provides good investment facilities to foreign and Jordanian investors and in addition, Turkey enjoys a rich urban environment and wonderful coastal areas, and its most important trading partners are from the European Union and the countries of the Middle East, Asia and Africa, which makes it home to a large number of factories and commercial and economic facilities.

Therefore, owning real estate in Turkey is an ideal choice for Jordanians who want to invest in this Mediterranean country that combines modernity and ancient heritage.


The papers required for Jordanians to own real estate in Turkey:

A tax number must be obtained, the passport must be translated into Turkish, and the translated passport must be certified at the Turkish Embassy in Jordan and it is also necessary to draft the official contract between the two parties and pay the agreed value of the property and note that Jordanian investors can obtain assistance from real estate offices specialized in this, in order to complete the procedures smoothly and without trouble.


Types of real estate a Jordanian is allowed to own in Turkey:

Jordanians have the right to own residential and commercial real estate in Turkey, including apartments, villas, shops, warehouses, etc., provided that the size of what he owns does not exceed 30 hectares.

Jordanians can establish Turkish companies to buy real estate and commercial property in Turkey, which helps facilitate real estate ownership procedures.

Besides, the real estate ownership of Jordanians in Turkey is a wonderful economic investment for them, which makes Turkey an attractive destination for investment.


The necessary procedures for buying real estate in Turkey:

Many Jordanians are interested in buying real estate in Turkey, but they need to follow the necessary procedures to buy real estate legally and this begins with issuing a tax number, then translating the passport into Turkish, and attesting the translated passport at the Turkish embassy in Jordan.


You must select a reliable real estate broker and ensure the safety and ownership of the property and the registration procedures are completed by the competent real estate agent, after which the buyer receives the real estate ownership certificate, and the value of the property is transferred to the seller’s account.



The share of Jordanians in real estate investment in Turkey:


Jordanians make up a large proportion of real estate investors in Turkey, as Jordan enjoys strong relations with Turkey and close economic cooperation, which makes investing in Turkish real estate an attractive option for many Jordanian citizens.


Real estate investment in Turkey is characterized by high and positive profitability, as it provides investors with multiple investment opportunities and gives them stability and security in the future and therefore, the share of Jordanians in real estate investment in Turkey is an indication of the confidence enjoyed by the Turkish economy.



Difficulties when buying a property in Turkey:


Jordanians face some difficulties when owning real estate in Turkey, including legal and linguistic difficulties related to the investor's obtaining papers to pay the tapu fees, in addition to difficulties in dealing with an unfamiliar Turkish environment and with the facilities granted by the Turkish government, these difficulties can be resolved, as investors have been supported with easy access to the title deed documents, and the government provides ease in obtaining the necessary licenses and permits for real estate ownership, in addition to translating contracts into Arabic to facilitate procedures for Jordanians who are not fluent in the Turkish language.



Tips when owning real estate in Turkey for Jordanians:


You should study the laws and regulations related to owning real estate in Turkey, and make sure that you understand them well and you can obtain this information from various sources, such as lawyers or government websites, in order to avoid any legal problems that you may face in the future.


When buying a property in Turkey, you should choose the location carefully and it is preferable to choose a lively area overlooking the sea or mountains, as the price of real estate in these areas is constantly increasing and it must also ensure that all basic services are available in the area, such as schools, hospitals and commercial centers.


You must ensure that the property is valid and that it complies with the specifications mentioned in the advertisement, before completing the purchase transaction and this can be done by checking the property documents and engineering designs of the property, and ensuring the safety of the building and the quality of the materials used in its construction.


In the event that the property is new construction, the quality of the construction must be tested before completing the purchase transaction and it must be ensured that all materials used in construction are of high quality, and that construction conforms to the required specifications.


In the event that the property is an apartment or villa for investment, it must be ensured that there is a plan to properly manage the property and this plan should include plans for managing the rents, maintaining the property, and repairing any damages that may occur later.


If the goal of buying a property is investment, you must invest smartly and it is preferable to choose real estate with a high investment value, and to qualify for investment well, so that you can achieve the best possible return.



Common questions:

Can Jordanians obtain real estate ownership in Turkey?


Yes, Jordanians can obtain real estate ownership in Turkey, provided that the size of the owned real estate does not exceed 30 hectares.



What are the procedures that must be followed to buy a property in Turkey as a Jordanian citizen?


The buyer must obtain a tax number and open a bank account in Turkey, and ensure the validity of ownership documents and documentation at the Turkish embassy in Jordan.






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