Real Estate in Turkey …An Authentic History and a Prosperous Future

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Real estate in Turkey is characterized by flashes that caught the attention of the world around it. The Turkish real estate market has always been characterized by activity and vitality, keeping pace with the latest developments in modernity and development in the world, but in your opinion will its progress stop at this point? Will foreigners make huge profits from their investment or huge losses? To everyone who is interested and to those who are about to take this step, they should read the lines.


The prosperity of the future of real estate in Turkey:

The real estate market in Turkey is wide and diverse, as it has residential and commercial real estate, which includes offices and shops, that makes it a competitive market and meets the desires of all investors in proportion to their budgets and goals, and the demand is still high for homes and apartments in Turkey of all kinds, whether for purchase or for rent. In addition, the Turkish state stands side by side with foreigners and investors wishing to own real estate in it and provides them with many facilities and incentives, and this has positively affected the increase in the prosperity of the real estate market in Turkey and made it one of the promising areas that achieve huge profits.

In this context, we must point out that real estate prices in Turkey for a while have fluctuated between low and high, , but the statistics indicate that they will achieve a significant rise in the coming period, due to several factors, the most important of which is the advanced infrastructure that real estate in Turkey enjoys, which will increase in strength and durability in the future, in addition to what the Turkish state provides to its owners in terms of tax exemptions and many facilities in ownership procedures and others.


in addition to what the Turkish state provides to its owners in terms of tax exemptions and many facilities in ownership procedures and others.

The expectations of the real estate market boom in Turkey are a result of important clues, the most important of which we will present to you through the following paragraph.


First - Geographical location:

As Turkey is a link between Europe and the countries of the Middle East, and it extends over two continents and overlooks three seas, its location on the world map cannot be described except as a distinguished strategic that contributed to attracting a large percentage of investors and foreigners, especially Arabs. Turkey’s location near their country made it home to many of their real estate investment.

And add to your information that this geographical location owned by the Turkish state has facilitated the movement of goods and products between them and neighboring countries, and the most beneficiary country is Iran, which is located very close to the city of Trabzon and is its trade gateway.


Second - the stability enjoyed by Turkey:

Despite turmoil that is happening in the middle East, Turkey enjoys stability in all respects, and this is what made many feel calm and encouraged investors and foreigners to acquire real estate in Turkey. The stability and calm that it enjoys will positively return to the percentage of their profits.

Real estate in Turkey

Third - Turkey is an economic country since time immemorial:

Turkey has always been characterized by being a first-class economic country, and its economy is still developing and flourishing day after day until this caught the attention of many investors, foreigners and entrepreneurs and motivated them to make Turkey a home for their real estate investments, and this is exactly what helps the future of real estate in Turkey flourish.


Fourth - Modest real estate prices:

The prices of real estate in Turkey have had a major role in increasing the demand for it, and thus will increase the success rate of real estate investment in this promising country. Although their prices vary, they are very moderate if we want to compare them with the prices of real estate in one of the major European countries.


Fifthly - Architectural advancement:

The Turkish state is seeking with all it has to develop the real estate sector in it by constructing huge real estate projects of residential complexes, villas and others, which made it a good renaissance in the reconstruction of abandoned areas.


Sixth: Abolition of the principle of reciprocity:

Turkish state decided to abolish the principle of reciprocity, it opened the door to getting its citizenship wide through real estate investment وهand in return, it set some restrictions that must be taken into account, namely:

- The financial value of the property must not be less than four hundred thousand US dollars.

-Commitment not to sell the property for a minimum period of three years.

-One of the things that many overlook is the necessity of buying real estate from a Turkish citizen or a Turkish construction company.

-The real estate appraisal document must be extracted from the competent authorities.

-Paying the price of the property through a Turkish bank.


It is also worth noting that after the issuance of this decision, countless numbers of investors and foreigners went towards real estate investment in Turkey with the hope of getting the nationality of one of the strongest nationalities in the world, and in all cases, the real estate market in Turkey will receive a large percentage of the benefit.


Seventh - Turkey's care about the interest of foreign investors:

Among the incentives that Turkey offers to foreign investors who wish to own property in it are tax exemptions and facilities in many procedures, not to mention that it grants investors in it the real estate residency but the matter is not without some conditions which stipulate that the financial value of the property must reach fifty thousand US dollars If the property is located in an ordinary city that is not lively, but if it is located in a luxurious and developed city, its price must be at least seventy-five thousand dollars. The purpose of this property must also be registered in the Possession Document as residential and not commercial or agricultural.

As a result of all that we have mentioned, the real estate market in Turkey has become the focus of attracting huge numbers of investors and foreigners of various nationalities.

Real estate investment in Türkiye

Eighth- Strong Infrastructure:

Sophisticated and advanced infrastructure that the Turkish government pays great attention to because of its full confidence in its positive impact on the future of real estate in Turkey, and provides from time to time giant projects such as the Istanbul Water Canal that is expected to enhance the navigation movement in Turkey, and the new Istanbul Airport, which is one of the largest existing airports all over the world, not to mention the third bridge, and all the projects we mentioned to you have affected real estate investment in the areas that are located close to it, and this has positively affected the real estate market in Turkey.

Turkey's real estate has always been characterized by a long history and a promising future, and to predict its future prosperity, many theories and analyzes have been conducted based on a set of important evidence, which once you look at them, you are sure that Turkey is the best home for successful real estate investment, so what are you waiting for to take your first step in success?


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