Latest updates on obtaining Turkish citizenship through investment

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The Turkish government has not hesitated to make a lot of amendments on the Turkish citizenship and the laws of foreign ownership of real estate in Turkey in order to attract the largest possible number of investors and foreigners to activate the Turkish market and raise the level of the economy.
Through this article, you can see some of the recent updates issued by the Turkish government, and some other details will be mentioned as well.


What are the most important updates to the Turkish Nationality Law?

There are many updates and laws issued over the years on the subject of Turkish citizenship from 2018 to 2022, the most important of which are:
1 - The most important updates on the law on obtaining Turkish citizenship through real estate investment in 2022 is that the minimum investment amount has been increased to 400 thousand dollars, and that investors must now keep their property for at least three years before applying for citizenship. These changes have been designed to make citizenship through the investment program more attractive to foreign investors and to help stimulate economic growth in Turkey.
In this context, it is worth mentioning that in late 2018, the Turkish government issued an amendment in this regard to reduce the value of the investment suitable for citizenship from one million to 250 thousand dollars only.
2. The Turkish Parliament has approved a legislative amendment to make it easier for foreign investors to obtain Turkish citizenship. The new law, which entered into force on 18 September 2018, requires foreign investors to invest fixed capital with a minimum of 500,000 USD or its equivalent in Turkish lira, instead of one million USD under the previous law.
3 - The conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship have been amended several times, the most important of which is the amendment issued in September 2018, which allows foreigners to obtain Turkish citizenship through investment in Turkey as well as through bank deposits. The following are the most important updates on the Turkish citizenship law through bank deposit 2018-2019, where the minimum amount required for bank deposit has been reduced from 3 million US dollars to 500 thousand US dollars.
4 - The law on granting Turkish citizenship to foreigners who employ at least 50 Turkish citizens was enacted in September 2018, after 100 employees were required.


What are the advantages of obtaining Turkish citizenship?

The first desire that drives many foreigners to apply for Turkish citizenship is the goal of obtaining the benefits that it usually provides to its bearer, such as:
- Ability to live and work in Turkey without the need for a visa or residence permit.
- Ability to travel visa-free to many countries around the world, including Schengen, Canada, and Japan.
- Turkish citizenship give full political rights, including the right to vote and to stand for elected office.
- Turkish citizens are eligible for social security benefits and health care coverage under the government-sponsored social insurance system.
- Turkish citizenship can be passed on to future generations by descent.
- The ability to apply for the Turkish passport, which ranks fourth as the strongest passport in the world.


General conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship:

In order to obtain Turkish citizenship, the following general conditions must be met:
- The applicant must have lived in Turkey for at least five years.
- The applicant must be older than 18 years old.
- The applicant must be of good conduct.
- The applicant has no criminal record.
- The applicant must be able to speak fluent Turkish.
- Not have any serious and contagious disease so that this does not negatively affect public health.
- He must provide evidence of his sincere intention to live and settle in Turkey.
- He must have a stable and sufficient source of income to support himself and his family.


Documents required to obtain Turkish citizenship:

According to the new law, the following documents must be submitted in order to obtain Turkish citizenship:
- A copy of your passport A copy of your birth certificate.
- A copy of your marriage certificate (if applicable).
- A copy of your divorce decision (if applicable) Background check from your origin country.
- A copy of your Turkish residence permit.
- Demonstrate mastery of the Turkish language.


Cases of withdrawal of Turkish citizenship from its holder:

There are some conditions under which the Turkish state may withdraw citizenship from one of its citizens as follows:
- If the person acquires Turkish citizenship by fraud, deception or making false statements;
- If he is sentenced to imprisonment for a crime against the security of the State or belonging to an armed terrorist organization, and if this punishment is completed.
- If the person is convicted of a crime punishable by imprisonment for five years or more, even if that punishment is later commuted.
- If it is established that the person has engaged in activities against the national interests of Turkey, even if they do not constitute a crime.



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