How to renew a real estate residence in Turkey?

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Real estate residency in Turkey is one of the most important types of residency at all, as a result of the unlimited advantages it offers to its holder, as well as the ease of applying for it and the possibility of annual renewal. Is it really possible to renew it? Its features, required papers, how to renew it, the most important notes about it, you can learn about it in this article.


How to renew the real estate residence permit in Turkey?

Renewing a real estate residence permit in Turkey is a relatively straightforward process and applicants must first fill out an application form, which they can obtain at a local police station and must then submit the form along with supporting documents, such as a copy of the title deed, proof of identity and proof of financial stability.

Once the application is approved, the applicant will be issued with a new residence permit valid for one year and after a year, they can renew their permit by submitting a new application and the same previous documents.


Advantages of real estate residence in Turkey

The real estate residence document in Turkey has a number of advantages. The document allows its holders to live and work in Turkey indefinitely, giving them a secure residence. The document also allows its holders to benefit from some tax benefits, including the ability to pay lower tax rates on certain income.

 In addition, policy holders can obtain medical insurance and access educational and cultural resources available to citizens of Turkey. Finally, the residence document also allows its holders to open a bank account in Turkey, which facilitates the conduct of financial transactions in the country.


Is residency in Turkey an appropriate idea?

Turkey is becoming an increasingly popular destination for residency due to its attractive location, diverse culture, and gorgeous landscape as the country offers a unique blend of modern amenities and traditional values.

 Real estate in Turkey is relatively affordable, offering excellent value for money and there is a wide range of properties available in different areas, from high-end luxury villas to affordable apartments.

Living in Turkey also offers a host of benefits, including excellent healthcare and a great climate all year round. In addition, there are a variety of recreational activities to enjoy, such as skiing, sailing, and hiking. Finally, the cost of living in Turkey is relatively low, making it A great choice for those looking for a comfortable and affordable lifestyle.


Conditions for obtaining real estate residence

In order to obtain this residency, there are many conditions that must be met, including the following:

- The price of the property must be at least $75,000.

- The property must be residential.

- The real estate appraisal document must be extracted.

- The property must be outside the security or military areas.

- The buyer must not hold one of the nationalities that are prohibited from owning.

In this context, you should know that any deficiency or defect in the aforementioned conditions makes the property unsuitable for applying for it.


Notes about real estate residence

If you want to obtain this residency, there are many notes that you must take into consideration, including the following:

- In the event that all family members will apply for it, separate files must be submitted for each person separately.

- Everyone must have a passport that is valid for at least six months.

- The required fees must be paid to the concerned authorities in the local currency.

- There may be a problem or defect in the submitted papers, and therefore the applicant will be given a period of 30 days until the matter is rectified.


Conditions for family members to obtain real estate residence

In order for all family members to get it, the children must be under the legal age, and if they are above that, they will have to choose one of the other types of residence, such as tourist or student, if they are in the study stage.

With regard to the wife, only one can obtain it if the owner of the property has more than one, and this is done after the permission of the second.

In the event of a divorce, the residence permit will be withdrawn from the wife, and in that case she will have to search for one of the appropriate types of residence permits.


Real estate residence costs in Turkey

The costs of this accommodation vary from one property to another according to its location, total price, view, space, internal and external specifications, quality of finishes, and other important details that must be taken into consideration. In general, it does not require a lot of costs, and it is suitable for anyone.

In the context of talking about that residency, you should know that it is an official document issued by the concerned authorities, and its purpose is to reside and stay in that country in a legal way without being subjected to any violations or fines.

Those who need this residency most are the investors who want to obtain many facilities in the conduct of their business, and it is also the goal of those who wish to live and settle permanently.


One of the main information about this residence permit is that after completing all the required procedures and steps, it will be issued within 30 days only, meaning that you will not wait for a long time.



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Zoom real estate is always here for you, contact us.



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