How to buy a property in Turkey step by step?

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Turkey has become during the current period one of the most important real estate investment countries in the world, and it is now the focus of attention of all investors from all countries, so investors turn to it from every direction in order to buy a property or enjoy Turkish citizenship, and many other advantages that Turkey provides to every investor Therefore, we decided to discuss with you the topic of how to buy a property in Turkey, through the following lines.


Steps to buy a property in Turkey:

It is now clear to us that the opportunity to obtain Turkish citizenship through real estate investment has had a great impact in encouraging investors from all parts of the world to make real estate investments in Turkey, and it was necessary to fulfill some conditions for real estate ownership and this is what we will learn about below..


1. Request help from real estate companies:

The Turkish real estate market contains a number of options, which make you confused about it, especially if you are new to the Turkish real estate market or if this is your first experience, or if you do not have enough information through which you can distinguish between real estate and choose the best for you .

Therefore, it is necessary to use some of the real estate companies, in order to save yourself the effort and trouble.

These real estate companies are widely spread in Turkey, and there are countless numbers in all cities.

As well as what distinguishes real estate companies in Istanbul in particular, and there is no doubt that their numbers are large and diverse.

Therefore, you must choose the best among them, and you must seek the help of a person close to you who has previously purchased, or searched on the Internet and browsed the websites of companies, and got to know the opinions of customers who have previously dealt with it.

As for the services provided by real estate companies, you will find that the vast majority of them seek to help you find the real estate that suits you, and this is by preparing lists of real estate available in Turkey that suit the requirements that the client desires, in addition to taking into account his financial budget.

As well as property management and real estate consultancy services, and many other services, and the reason behind hiring real estate companies, the presence of trained cadres that help you speak with customers in multiple languages,

Buying a property in Turkey

  • Extracting the documents required to buy a property in Turkey:

After choosing the property you want to acquire, you must take the most important step, which is the process of extracting all the necessary papers for this, on top of which is the need to extract the tax number.

Where you cannot buy any property in Turkey without having a tax number, and those who wish to reside in Turkey must extract it from the tax department because it is required to complete many official transactions such as passport renewal.

Certainly, the process of extracting it does not take much time, it is enough for you to go only once to one of the tax headquarters within the state of Turkey and this will be done in just a few minutes.

And in the event that your priority is to obtain Turkish citizenship by achieving the characteristics of real estate investment, then you must extract a real estate appraisal document.

This document is a prerequisite for this goal, and the property must be evaluated through it to reveal its real price.

This is done by some institutions that have been identified by the Turkish government, in order to ensure that there is no manipulation of unit prices and to maintain regulation.

And you must make sure that this property does not have any violations or debts imposed on it, and you must also make sure of the identity of the property owner and that his personal papers are 100% correct, and this is done through the assistance of a lawyer who specializes in real estate affairs.

You must have a bank account within the state of Turkey, in order to transfer the funds required to purchase the property directly.



Signing the purchase contract between the seller and the buyer:

After you have prepared all the documents required of you, you must carry out the final step, which depends on signing the sales contract between the owner and the buyer.

It is also necessary for you to verify the texts of the contract and it is necessary that this happen through a specialized lawyer, and also the two parties must be brought in order to sign the contract, except in one case, which is if there is a real estate a power of attorney for a trusted person to take over this matter on behalf of the person concerned .

One of the conditions that a person must apply is that he signs the contract within a government department, and immediately after that step, the process of transferring ownership of the property from the seller to the buyer's name.

The two parties also have to pay a sum of money in order to complete the transfer of ownership, this amount is determined by the Real Estate Authority, and this amount depends on the actual price of the property.

You should check the type of real estate title deed (Tabu), as the types of real estate title deeds used in the procedures for buying and selling real estate may be similar.

For example, if the property deed is a temporary ownership deed; Such as real estate that is under construction or that has not yet been established, in this case you must make sure that there are no obstacles that would impede the transfer of the right of temporary ownership of the real estate, to the right of permanent ownership, after the completion of the construction, through the completion of the construction licenses of the real estate project , and other related permissions.

Buying a house in Türkiye

Tips to be implemented before signing the sales contract:

  1. 1. Make sure that the seller is the real owner
  2. 2. Securing the copy related to the property title deed and reviewing the competent real estate department (The Title Deed Department).
  3. 3. Ensure the correctness of the information contained in the bond and the extent to which this information recorded in the real estate registry matches it.

Note: This is not recognized unless it is confirmed by the Tapu Officer, and this is one of the golden tips for the buyer.

  1. 4. Detailed real estate evaluation and the correct ways to obtain it before proceeding with the buying and selling procedures.


Learn about the real estate appraisal content: 

  • Important and basic information for real estate report data.
  • Information related to the land registry.
  • Information related to the location of the real estate you wish to purchase, the transportation associated with it, and the general surroundings of this property.
  • The necessity of identifying all legal notes related to the property.
  • Access to the specifications and features related to the technical condition of the property.
  • Access to the factors affecting the evaluation of the property during its preparation.
  • The need to make an assessment of the specific information.
  • It is necessary to conduct an investigation of the real estate market and its requirements.
  • Access to property-related limits and restrictions.
  • It must be ensured that the real estate data registered in its bond completely matches the real estate.
  • Several checks must be conducted to ensure that the information on the sold property the same as the information on the property offered for purchase.



Why to choose zoom real estate company for a real estate investment trip in Turkey ?

–  helping you finding suitable properties for real estate investment and obtaining Turkish citizenship.

– We offer extensive real estate services in Antalya, where we have

Villas for sale in Antalya with the most beautiful views in addition to all types of residential, commercial and hotel properties .

– Our services extend to various areas of Istanbul where you can find luxury properties for sale that meet your wishes.

– We have properties for sale in Turkey in installments .

– Investing in earthquake-resistant buildings in Turkey and ensuring the best service standards


And here we have come to the conclusion, and we hope that we have provided you with information on how to buy a property in Turkey in an easy-to-understand manner.

Everything you want to know about the real estate sector in Turkey, you can ask us about it or get it by constantly visiting our website.




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