How is the strength of a Turkish passport measured?

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The Turkish passport was able to rank thirty-eighth globally, and that was in 2022, following the global pandemic of Corona, and it also scored 117 points in the travel indicators without a visa, giving its holder the ability to enter 55 countries without the need for a prior entry visa, It enables its holder to enter more than 40 countries through an entry visa issued immediately after arrival. Undoubtedly, all of these matters assure us of the strength of the Turkish passport, and it is expected that the next stage will witness an increase in its rates of improvement. This is after completing the vaccination program against the emerging coronavirus, and reducing restrictions on travel globally.


How strong is the Turkish passport

One of the most powerful passports around the world, allowing its holder to enter more than 72 countries, without restrictions or requirements, in order to obtain a visa in advance.

Among these countries are Qatar, Jordan, Tunisia, Iraq, Morocco, South Korea, Malaysia, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Brazil, Argentina, Indonesia, Belarus the Sultanate of Brunei, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Georgia, Paraguay , El Salvador, Serbia, South Africa, Northern Cyprus, Thailand, Ukraine, Uruguay.


Countries granting the Turkish passport an entry visa:

The Turkish passport holder can cross through more than 42 countries using an instant visa. This visa is issued upon arrival, the most important of which are: Kuwait, Lebanon, Bahrain, and most African countries. He can now enter nearly 7 countries using an electronic visa. This visa is issued online, including Australia and the Sultanate of Oman.


The entry of the Turks into Europe:

It is possible that if Turkey's accession to the European Union is agreed upon, this will be proven by the ongoing negotiations and agreements between Turkey and Europe, which give the Turkish citizen some great facilities in order to obtain a (Schengen) visa through many European countries.

It is likely that these negotiations will result in the right to enter Europe, without having a visa, for those who hold a Turkish passport.


Turkish citizenship and its importance

When thinking about Turkish citizenship we find ourselves in front of a question that must be answered, which is what is the benefit to a person from obtaining Turkish citizenship? What are the characteristics of this nationality? Here we can answer the following answers:

Turkey is one of the modern countries, which is witnessing a giant renaissance in infrastructure projects, as well as attracting a lot of foreign investments, in addition to the support directed to the real estate sector inside Turkey, and attracting a lot of foreign capital to it, as well as the development of all commercial, agricultural and industrial sectors, as well export a lot of products; Which is reflected on it, and makes it occupy a distinguished international position at the regional and international levels.

It is clear to us that all future aspirations of the State of Turkey refer to the promotion of technological transformation in all aspects of life, as it adopts many government institutions and private sectors, And it works to provide services through multiple channels, the most important of which is secure internet sites, as well as mobile phone applications, which have now become one of the easiest ways to communicate and provide or request all government services, to all segments of society.

As well as the successful strategic plans prepared by the Turkish government, which work to strengthen the Turkish economy, and add it to new sources of income, as it ensures sustainable stability and development.

This was demonstrated through the programs of the Turkish government, which was disclosed with the advent of the Second Turkish Republic.

The location of the State of Turkey has played an important role due to its presence in the heart of the world, as it is located between the continents of Asia and Europe, which gave the State of Turkey a unique strategic depth, and made it a bridge where all diverse civilizations meet, As well as being an important commercial crossing between East and West...

It also contains the beautiful city of Istanbul and the capital of the Islamic world as well, and the closest to the Levant and Cairo, as well as its glory and the ancient historical Ottoman civilization, in addition to the customs, traditions and eastern mosques, as it borders the state of Europe and resembles the European character, thus combining culture and customs and Arab traditions.

As for its nature and climate, you will not find anything more beautiful than that, as all Turkish cities and towns are characterized by a stunning beauty, combining beautiful greenery, beaches and meadows, with a beautiful, moderate weather, and calm breezes all seasons of the year.

Obtaining Turkish citizenship

The role of interdependence between nationalities in obtaining a Turkish passport:

The closeness between Turks and Arabs is one of the additional advantages that we rely on in order to obtain a Turkish passport.

In addition, the people of Turkey have good relations with all the peoples of the region and the world, of various nationalities, including Arabs, Cypriots, Tajiks, Persians and Europeans.

The state of Turkey has also opened its doors to receive the oppressed from their country, and this was especially in recent years, in addition to its very good relations abroad, and it played a great role in brotherhood and advocacy..

In the future, Turkey is expected to become a hub for linking Asia with its ancient civilization, Europe and the entire Western world. All of these characteristics will enable Turks, holders of Turkish passports and nationalities, to live in stability within the country of Turkey, And most regions of the world easily and comfortably.

For these reasons, Turkish citizenship has become a dream for many around the world, and obtaining a Turkish passport has become a way to be proud of this nation, which has its place in history, present and future.

The recent amendments to the laws related to obtaining Turkish citizenship have also helped open doors to achieve these wishes, and facilitated the basic conditions for investing in Turkey in order to obtain it.


Advantages of the Turkish passport:

1 - The Turkish passport grants the holder full citizenship rights, which are represented in elections and nomination.

2 - The Turkish passport is considered a private property as it is long-term and does not require any renewal except for one time only after 10 years of its issuance.

3 - The person wishing to obtain a Turkish passport does not need to give up his original nationality.

4 - The owner has the right to benefit from all free educational and health services.

5 - You can receive it within a short time, not exceeding three months.


How to obtain Turkish citizenship when investing in real estate

Now anyone has the right to obtain Turkish citizenship, provided that he makes a real estate investment of $ 400,000 or more, and not sell it for three years, and the owner has the right to apply for Turkish citizenship.

It is clear to everyone that the Turkish government has issued many decisions and laws, which play a key role in facilitating matters for all those wishing to obtain a Turkish passport, in a desire to encourage investors to invest their money in Turkish cities, It brings a lot of benefit to the investor, as well as to the state of Turkey, and this confirms to us the strength of this passport.



Why to choose zoom real estate company for a real estate investment trip in Turkey ?

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Villas for sale in Antalya with the most beautiful views in addition to all types of residential, commercial and hotel properties .

– Our services extend to various areas of Istanbul where you can find luxury properties for sale that meet your wishes.

– We have properties for sale in Turkey in installments .

– Investing in earthquake-resistant buildings in Turkey and ensuring the best service standards





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