Flag service rules for foreigners in Turkey

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We will explore the rules of flag service for foreigners in Turkey, and highlight the requirements and procedures for foreigners who wish to perform this national duty and we will review the legal requirements and important information about the duration, methods of application and possible exemptions and this article aims to provide a comprehensive guide for foreigners who wish to prepare for the service of science in Turkey and to learn about all aspects associated with this process.


What is meant by flag service in Turkey?

Flag service in Turkey refers to the compulsory military service that young Turks must do and the Turkish army is a professional military organization that works to protect the country's security and interests and according to Turkish law, Turkish males between the ages of 20 and 41 must do compulsory military service for a fixed term that depends on the type of service and military needs.


Flag service for foreigners in Turkey who have Turkish citizenship:

Flag service in Turkey is imposed on all Turkish citizens and those with Turkish citizenship in any way, between the ages of 21 and 41 and Turkish law exempts from this military duty those who have obtained Turkish citizenship and who entered the country after they exceeded the age of 22, as for people who could not join the military service in their country and entered Turkish territory before reaching the age of twenty-two, they must join the military service in Turkey.

This policy reflects Turkey's commitment to imposing military service on all its Turkish citizens, and to provide the possibility of exempting people who could not join military service in their country due to special circumstances, while preserving the military duty for those who entered Turkish territory while they were of service age.

This legal arrangement seeks to organize military service and distribute it fairly among all Turkish citizens, and to ensure security and stability in the country, and flag service in Turkey is considered a patriotic duty that affirms the unity of the Turkish people and the spirit of citizenship.


Conditions for categories Exempting foreigners from military service in Turkey

  1. Performing military service in the home country.
  2. The presence of health problems that prevent the individual from joining the Turkish army.
  3. Those who obtained Turkish citizenship after they exceeded the age of 22, according to Article No. 43 of the Conscription Law No. 7179.
  4. Performing military service in one of the countries belonging to the Republic of Turkey, namely: (Turkey, Turkish Northern Cyprus, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Western Turkish Turks, Dagestan, East Turkestan, Iraqi Turkmen).

According to these conditions, individuals who fulfill one of these requirements can be exempted from military service in Turkey and these exceptions are intended to ensure an equitable distribution of military service and adequate opportunities for recruits according to their individual circumstances.


How to be exempt from flag service in Turkey ?

It allows citizens who have obtained Turkish citizenship to obtain exemption from military service through the e-government portal, E-Devlet and they can follow the instructions on their phone screen or go to the nearest recruitment office in the area where the applicant is located.


How long does the flag serve in Turkey?

Before the last amendment, the duration of Turkish military service was a full year, but thanks to the recent amendment, the period of military service in Turkey has been reduced to only 6 months and this amendment aims to facilitate military procedures and reduce the burden on Turkish citizens who are subject to military service.

Thanks to this amendment, young Turks will have a greater chance of passing this important stage in their military and professional lives quickly and easily and this decision comes as an affirmation of the Turkish government's commitment to improving the conditions of military service and facilitating procedures for recruits and this change is expected to have a positive impact on the economy and social development in Turkey, as it will provide young people with broader opportunities to engage in the labor market after the end of their service period.


When does flag service start in Turkey?

According to Turkish law, the legal age at which individuals must join the military service in Turkey is set at 21 years, and at the beginning of February of each year, the first batch of those who have completed this age is called up.


What is the value of the flag service allowance in Turkey?

The military service allowance in Turkey is paid by submitting a personal application at the Recruitment Division and after submitting the application, the amount due to the military service officer is determined, which is an amount of 104,084 Turkish liras for the year 2023 and after that, the payment receipt is submitted to the Recruitment Division.

It is also possible to submit the application to pay the military service allowance through the E-Devlet portal, where the payment process can be started immediately and this is done by entering the national Turkish identity number in one of the following banks: Ziraat Bankası, Vakıflar Bankası, Halk Bankası, Ziraat Katılım Bankası, Vakıf Katılım Bankası.

The application must be submitted to the Recruitment Division in person by the person concerned, and the legal agency or sending the application via mail is not accepted.

As for people who wish to pay the military service allowance while they are residing abroad, they must go to the Turkish consulate or embassy in the country in which they reside to complete the necessary procedures.


Read also the features of life in Turkey, in addition to highlighting the indicators of quality of life there


Common questions:

How long does the flag serve for foreigners in Turkey ?

The length of service for foreigners in Turkey is determined by military regulations, and the service period is often 6 months.


Can foreigners submit a request to defer military service?

Yes, foreigners can submit a request to postpone military service if they face special circumstances or health conditions that prevent them from joining the service.


How to apply for an exemption from military service?

Foreigners must submit an official request to the competent authority concerned with military service, and then the request will be studied and the appropriate decision taken.




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