Excellence in the world of Turkish real estate

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Distinction in the world of Turkish real estate is a shining example that makes it distinguished in the investment market, thanks to its strategic location linking Asia and Europe, its world-class economic and tourism boom, its modern infrastructure and solid foundations, and its diverse cultural scene that includes all cultures and religions. Turkey has also become a destination Attractive to investors from all over the world, as it provides everyone with affordable ways to invest.

 The Turkish government has also played its role in making real estate investment attractive by offering many facilities to foreign investors, such as:


Real estate tax reduction

Reducing real estate taxes in Turkey is an important factor in the country's success as a popular destination for foreign and Arab investors. Turkish laws encourage foreign investment, making them prove excellence in the Turkish real estate world by offering a series of tax incentives to real estate investors. These include:


tax reduction:

This means reducing corporate and individual income taxes on income from rental property, as well as offering various exemptions on capital gains from the sale of property. This made it easier for foreign investors to invest their money in the Turkish real estate market, which helped drive economic growth and job creation. These lower taxes were also a major factor in increasing the number of foreign investors looking to buy real estate in Turkey, which led to a vibrant and thriving real estate market. .


The possibility of obtaining citizenship

The Turkish government has recently made it easier for foreign investors to obtain Turkish citizenship through real estate investments, with a host of other incentives and benefits.


Turkish government facilities

The government is working to encourage investors in Turkey, which encourages the buyer to invest, through the possibilities of generous bank loans.

Climate and its impact on the world of Turkish real estate

The weather plays an important role in the world of investment, and the weather in Turkey is characterized by moderation and diversity, which makes it an attractive destination for tourists and investors alike. As long as the country enjoys a Mediterranean climate along the coasts and beaches, while the interior regions are mostly continental. Summers also tend to be hot and dry in most regions, while winters are cold with snowfall in some cold areas, and rainfall is moderate in a way. It is common throughout the year, and most of it occurs during the winter months.

The country also has a variety of landscapes, with mountain ranges, valleys, plateaus, plains, and rivers providing stunning views and landscapes to explore. In addition, the country's proximity to the sea brings moderate temperatures and moist air, which helps create pleasant weather throughout the year.

All these factors come together to provide a unique climatic experience for visitors to Turkey and investors, and they also help to stand out in the world of Turkish real estate.


Mega projects in Turkey

The completion of many mega projects was nothing short of remarkable, which serves to distinguish the world of Turkish real estate, as these projects such as:

  1. The new Istanbul water canal project
  2. Istanbul's new third airport project.
  3. Istanbul metro project.

It completely transformed the country's infrastructure, bringing it to a level of modernity that few other countries could match.


The huge investments made by the Turkish government in these projects have improved transportation systems and increased access to amenities for its citizens.


Moreover, these projects have opened real estate investment opportunities in Turkey, making it a more attractive destination for foreign investors. In general, these developments are a testament to the Turkish government's commitment to building a brighter future for its people, ensuring that their needs are met, and attracting targeted investors from all over the world to pump their financial budgets into assets and real estate that increase their money.


There are many ways to get involved in the excellence of the world of Turkish real estate, be it through:


Investing in residential real estate

It is real estate intended for housing, including:

Old apartments

Although these apartments are older and less modern than many of the newer buildings and spreads, they are often less expensive and can provide a significant return on investment. Old apartments are usually located in cities with a rich cultural heritage, such as Istanbul, and offer an opportunity to experience a different side of the city.

They often come with access to public transportation, shopping malls, and other amenities that make them an attractive option for buyers.

In addition, older apartments are often located in areas that have experienced growth in recent years due to the investment opportunities they offer.


Studio apartments

These compact and modern apartments offer a great opportunity for the buyers to invest in a low cost property that can generate good returns. Studios come in a variety of styles and designs, from modern high-rise buildings to more traditional apartment complexes and are very popular for new students looking to study at Turkish universities.


Apartments in residential complexes

These apartments are characterized by modernity, elegant designs, and distinguished features. The residential complexes also offer many recreational services and facilities, such as: security and guarding services, a gym, private swimming pools, cinemas, cafes, playgrounds, and more.

These properties are more expensive than standard apartments in stand-alone buildings but come with extra amenities that make them worth the price.



Villa buyers in Turkey can enjoy wonderful sea views, as well as access to swimming pools, playgrounds, cafes, cinemas, and other recreational facilities. Moreover, Turkish law gives the buyers of these villas the possibility of obtaining Turkish citizenship through real estate investment, which increases their investment value.


Two- or three-story apartments

Multi-storey apartments are becoming increasingly popular in Turkey, because they provide a luxurious and modern living experience. These apartments are located in high-end residential complexes, and they consist of two or three floors connected by an internal staircase. They can also be used for some commercial activities, such as beauty centers. They are characterized by excellent construction quality. And a modern style that keeps pace with the latest trends.

Turkish real estate is clearly a world leader when it comes to investment opportunities, which makes it a no-brainer for anyone looking to make a smart financial move.


Real estate sales statistics in Turkey

According to statistics, Iraqi citizens are the largest group of foreign buyers, followed by Iranians and Russians. Other Arab and foreign nationalities also participated among the major buyers in real estate transactions in Turkey. The higher demand is mainly due to the affordability of real estate compared to other markets around the world.


Investing in tourist real estate in Istanbul provides a great opportunity for investors to take advantage of the city's strong economic growth and increase its popularity as a tourist destination.


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-Luxury real estate for sale in Istanbul, Ankara and all Turkish cities.

-Apartments for sale in Istanbul suitable for Turkish citizenship.

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Zoom real estate is always here for you, contact us.

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