Everything you need to know about humanitarian residency in Turkey

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Humanitarian residency in Turkey is one of the vital options provided by the Turkish government to individuals who find themselves in exceptional circumstances that require special protection and care. As humanitarian challenges continue globally, Turkey occupies a prominent position as a safe destination for many seeking a haven that provides them with safety and stability. In this article, we will review everything you need to know about humanitarian residency in Turkey, including the conditions for obtaining it, the necessary procedures, and the benefits it offers to its holders. If you are thinking about applying for humanitarian residency or want to learn more about it to help others, this article will give you all the essential details to make it happen.

What is humanitarian residency in Turkey?

Humanitarian residence in Turkey is a type of residence permit granted by the Turkish authorities to foreigners who need special protection due to exceptional circumstances. This residence is provided to people who cannot return to their country of origin due to serious threats such as war, persecution, natural disasters, or any other circumstances that threaten their life or freedom.

Conditions for obtaining humanitarian residency 

To obtain humanitarian residency in Turkey, a set of conditions and standards must be met that are guaranteed by the Turkish authorities for individuals who need special protection. Basic conditions for obtaining humanitarian residency include:
Serious threat to life or liberty:
The applicant must be unable to return to his or her country of origin due to serious threats such as war, persecution, natural disasters, or any other circumstances that threaten his or her life or freedom.
Legal residence in Turkey:
The applicant must be present in Turkey legally, either via a visa or a temporary residence permit.
Not being involved in serious crimes:
The applicant must not have been involved in any serious crimes or pose a threat to public security in Turkey.
Provide supporting evidence:
The applicant must provide evidence proving the existence of serious threats to his life or freedom in his country of origin. This evidence can include press reports, testimonies from human rights organizations, or any other official documents.
Lack of protection in another country:
The applicant must prove that he or she cannot obtain protection in another country before arriving in Turkey.
Submission to the competent authorities:
The humanitarian residence application must be submitted to the General Directorate of Migration Management in Turkey with all required documents.

Documents required to obtain humanitarian residency 

A document proving the identity of the applicant, such as an expired passport or other proof.
Four recent personal photos.
A copy of the legal and regular entry stamp into Turkey.
Proof of residence in Turkey through a rental contract registered with the Notary and the Turkish Civil Registry.
Marriage contract and children’s birth certificates translated into Turkish and certified by the Turkish notary.
Valid health insurance.
Turkish residency application form.
How to obtain humanitarian residency in Turkey 
Prepare a file containing the above-mentioned papers.
Conduct the transaction personally or authorize an individual or company to do so.
Fill out the humanitarian residency application form from the residency website in Turkey.
Print the appointment sheet and go on the specified day to the Turkish Immigration Presidency branch.
Pay the accommodation fees at the designated window, then submit the file to the relevant employee.
Obtain a tracking number to follow up on the status of the order, as the processing period ranges from one week to 90 days.
The Immigration Presidency studies the application to determine the person’s eligibility for residency.
After the study, approval or rejection is issued.
If approved, the humanitarian residence card is printed and sent to the applicant’s address via the Turkish Post Corporation (PTT).

What are the advantages and disadvantages of humanitarian accommodation


As for the advantages of obtaining humanitarian residency, they are: 
Obtaining humanitarian aid or monthly salaries from UN and Turkish organizations.
Possibility of completing studies in public schools and Turkish universities.
Benefit from free treatment in public hospitals in Turkey.
Opening a bank account in Turkish banks.
Obtaining a work permit in Turkey.
Subscription to electricity, water, telephone and Internet services.
Move freely between Turkish states and cities.
Concluding rental contracts for homes and shops.

As for the disadvantages of this residence, they are:
Humanitarian residency holders are not allowed to own real estate in Turkey.
Syrian humanitarian residency holders cannot travel outside Turkey.
Humanitarian residency holders of other nationalities are prohibited from leaving Turkey for more than six months; Otherwise, the residency will be withdrawn and cancelled.
Justified and convincing reasons must be provided to the Turkish Immigration Headquarters to obtain approval for granting humanitarian residence.
Can humanitarian residency be withdrawn or denied? 
Yes, humanitarian residency in Turkey can be withdrawn or denied under certain circumstances. Reasons that may lead to this include:
1. Non-compliance with Turkish laws:
If a humanitarian residency holder commits any crimes or legal violations in Turkey, this may result in the residency being withdrawn.
2. Exiting Turkey for a long period:
If a humanitarian residency holder leaves Turkey for more than six months without obtaining prior permission, this can result in the residency being withdrawn and cancelled.
3. Providing incorrect information:
If the information provided to obtain humanitarian residency is found to be incorrect or false, the residency may be refused or withdrawn after it is issued.
4. Change of personal circumstances:
If conditions improve in the person's country of origin or he or she obtains alternative protection in another country, this could result
This leads to the withdrawal of humanitarian residency.
Failure to comply with residency requirements:
If the residency holder does not comply with the terms and conditions of humanitarian residency specified by the Turkish authorities, such as not renewing necessary documents or not reporting changes in personal situation, the residency may be withdrawn.
Failure to properly utilize humanitarian residency:
If it is found that the residency holder is not making proper use of it or is using it for illegal purposes, it may be withdrawn.
Procedures to be followed in the event of withdrawal or rejection of humanitarian residency:
Official notification: The residency holder will be informed of the withdrawal or rejection decision through an official notification.
Right to appeal: The residency holder can submit an objection or appeal against the decision before the competent authorities in Turkey.
Legal follow-up: It is recommended to seek the assistance of a lawyer or legal advisor to follow up on the necessary legal procedures and provide supporting evidence to reconsider the decision.
Therefore, it is very important for humanitarian residency holders to adhere to all established laws and conditions to ensure their continued stay in Turkey is legal and safe.

At the conclusion of this article, we have reviewed in detail the concept of humanitarian residency in Turkey, the conditions for obtaining it, and the benefits it provides to its holders, in addition to some possible restrictions and the reasons for withdrawing or rejecting it. Humanitarian residency in Turkey is an important refuge for those facing difficult circumstances in their home countries, providing them with the necessary protection and assistance to build a new and safe life. It is necessary for applicants for this residency to comply with all legal conditions and procedures to ensure full benefit from this protection. If you are considering applying for humanitarian residency in Turkey, we hope that this information has provided you with a comprehensive and useful overview of this vital topic.

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