Documents that need to be notarized at the notary

123 مشاهدة

We will discuss in detail the importance of authenticating documents, the documents that may need to be authenticated when dealing with Notar, and the procedures that must be followed to ensure the authenticity and legitimacy of documents, and we will highlight the vital role of this process in facilitating legal and administrative processes, and in enhancing confidence in various transactions.


Who is the Notre in Turkey?

The notary, also known as the "notary public" in the Arab countries, is the government agency authorized to carry out the legalization of official documents in the Turkish context and the notary forms an integral part of the government department, as it verifies the validity of the seals and signatures on the original documents, and then grants those documents the recognized legal status.


Learn about documents that need to be notarised:

  1. Passport.
  2. Personal identification.
  3. Car driving certificate.
  4. Marriage contract.
  5. Birth certificate issued outside Turkey.
  6. A personal record issued from outside Turkey.
  7. Study certificate issued from outside Turkey.
  8. Any other document that needs to be translated into Turkish, as it must be certified by the Turkish Notary in order to be official and acceptable to the Turkish state departments.
  9. All lease contracts for residential and commercial real estate.
  10. All kinds of agencies.
  11. Partnership contracts and agreements or pledges between the parties, especially real estate purchase contracts in Turkey, where the Noter ratifies them and gives them a legal character to be presented in the courts when needed
  12. Ratification of the financial books of companies in Turkey.
  13. Approving the signatures of persons or companies and their seals.
  14. Organizing requests for "invitation to Turkey" requested by foreigners residing in Turkey for their relatives abroad, and attesting them from the notary.


Features of Notre in Türkiye:

  1. Notre employees are responsible for granting legal and official status to documents that are signed and stamped in their offices.
  2. The role of Notre contributes to facilitating the use of documents for international students during their studies in Turkey, as they authenticate their certificates and documents.
  3. Noter guarantees the rights of the parties involved in partnership contracts and the signed pledges, and thus contributes to preventing abuses and potential disputes.
  4. Noter facilitates the use of documents issued outside Turkey for foreigners residing in Turkey, which saves time and effort in legal processes.
  5. Notre helps facilitate many matters such as marriage registration, birth certificates, etc., by notarizing these documents.
  6. Noter facilitates the process of giving powers of attorney to relatives or trusted persons to manage personnel affairs in Turkey.
  7. Notre makes it easy for foreigners to obtain documents proving their residential addresses, which is important for obtaining or renewing residence permits.
  8. Notre facilitates the invitation of foreigners to their relatives to visit them in Turkey and facilitates family reunification procedures.


About the secure payment system in Notre:

The Turkish Ministry of Justice launched the "Safe Payment" system within the notary circles, making possible credit card payment procedures, this initiative aims to prevent possible counterfeiting and fraud and facilitate purchases and sales by offering multiple payment methods

Thus comes the end of the "cash payment" period with the hypothesis of placing alternatives for the sale amounts in the account of the Notre Public Union in Turkey and this measure leads to the freezing of the amount until the process of signing the contract and the completion of the purchase process via Notre.

In this context, the first step of the sale process requires submitting a request from the two parties to the concerned banks to register their data in the information system for notaries, including personal identities, vehicle information, and bank account details and the buying party then gets a reference number for the sale consideration paid, and once the contract is signed and the process is complete, the sale consideration is automatically transferred to the seller's bank account and this system not only improves the conduct of deals, but also eliminates the risks associated with carrying large funds, and informs the interested parties via text messages and e-mail at every stage of the sale.


Alternate Noter in Turkey:

In Turkey, the Notre system works in shifts during the holidays “Saturday and Sunday”, in order to facilitate the conduct of the necessary transactions and this comes to the aid of individuals who need to document their documents quickly over the weekend, specific desks are designated for shifts during these days, with shifts starting at 10 am and ending at 4 pm.

This initiative aims to facilitate and speed up the certification procedures, and to meet the needs of individuals who are in urgent need to carry out their transactions during the weekend.


Where are the noter centers located in Turkey?

Directing the steps towards the notary office is not a complicated matter, rather it is easy and facilitating and in every region in Turkey there is a center of its own for the notary public, and this facilitates access to it and in fact, these centers are distributed across all regions of the city, and they meet under the roof of a large and central center known as the "Notre Room", which is responsible for managing all its affiliated centers in the city.

If the residents of any area have a query or problem, they can simply go directly to the city's main notre room, where they can share their concerns and needs and this major central body is ready to provide assistance and guidance to the population and provide solutions in the event of any problem or inquiry.


When do Notre offices operate in Turkey?

Notary offices operate in all regions of Turkey from nine in the morning until half past five in the evening, except for Saturdays and Sundays of each week.

In conclusion, the vital and necessary role of the notar in the document authentication process is clearly shown, as notar acts as an important bridge between citizens and government agencies in Turkey, as legal documents are given an official character that guarantees the rights of individuals and protects them from forgery and fraud and by attesting various documents, from passports to partnership and real estate contracts, Notre facilitates many routine and important procedures in the lives of individuals and businesses.





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