Conditions of work for foreigners in Turkey

95 مشاهدة

With the expansion and diversification of the Turkish economy, Turkey has become an attractive destination for many foreigners seeking to work and invest in this beautiful country, however, there are some conditions and laws that foreigners must comply with to work in Turkey legally and in this blog, we will explore the conditions for foreigners to work in Turkey and the requirements that must be met to obtain the necessary work permits and we will discuss the required documents, such as a valid work permit and residency, and the financial and labor conditions that must be adhered to


Features of the work of foreigners in Turkey:

  1. Diverse job opportunities in various sectors and industries.
  2. Big market and sustainable economic growth in Turkey.
  3. The presence of Turkey as a regional center for business and trade.
  4. Provide clear laws and procedures for obtaining work permits.
  5. Equal opportunities between foreign and Turkish workers in accordance with the laws.
  6. Multilingualism and cultural coexistence in Turkey helps communication and interaction in the work environment.
  7. Technological development and innovation in various sectors.
  8. Large foreign investments and business opportunities available.
  9. Government incentives for companies that employ foreigners.
  10. Distinguished education and international universities located in Turkey.
  11. Turkey is a bridge between East and West, promoting international trade and communication.
  12. Advanced infrastructure and advanced technologies.
  13. Abundance of skilled workers in different fields.
  14. Low cost of living compared to many other countries.
  15. Rich Turkish culture and diverse life experiences.
  16. A vibrant social life and a tolerant society.
  17. Enjoy the beautiful landscapes and sights of Turkey.
  18. The flexible and varied lifestyle in Turkish cities.
  19. Opportunities for promotion and professional development in the work environment.
  20. Take advantage of the social network and international opportunities offered by Turkey.


An overview of the foreign labor law in Turkey:

Turkish law defines work in Turkey for foreigners as an activity that is practiced with the aim of earning, and it is considered a legitimate right for foreigners to work and make profits, according to Article No. 40 of the Turkish Constitution issued in 1961.

Turkish laws treat foreign workers and Turks in the country equally, according to Article No. 10 of the Constitution issued in 1982, and according to international agreements that stipulate the principle of equality between Turks and foreigners regardless of their nationality.

However, this does not mean that working in Turkey for foreigners is without restrictions and regulations and Turkish laws impose some conditions on companies, including hiring at least five Turkish employees for every foreign employee, in addition to prohibiting foreigners from working in some professions that Turks master and do not tolerate increase or competition.

The law also specified some jobs reserved for Turks only, as these laws prevent foreigners from working in those professions, and according to Article No. 1 of Law No. 2007, foreigners are prohibited from working in the following jobs: “musical instruments, photography, making covers and shoes, stock exchange, sales of products monopolized by the state, construction, iron and wood industry, public transport, permanent or temporary employment in lighting, repair and communications work, stevedoring work, concierge, acting and pub singing.”


What are the working conditions for foreigners in Turkey?

Law No. 4817 issued in 2007 set a necessary requirement for foreigners working in Turkey to obtain work permits, and Article No. 33 of the law clarifies the procedures and steps necessary to implement this law and work in Turkey for foreigners.

In order for foreigners to be able to work legally in Turkey, they must apply for a “work permit,” which is a card issued by the Turkish Ministry of Labor according to specific procedures. It is the responsibility of the company in which the foreigner works to apply for a work permit in Turkey.

The procedures required to obtain a work permit in Turkey are to submit an application to the Turkish Ministry of Labor through an electronic system designated for this purpose and approval is then issued based on the submitted documents and verification of compliance with the stipulated conditions.


What are the disadvantages of working in Turkey?

  1. One of these negatives is the long working hours, sometimes exceeding 12 hours, especially in big cities like Istanbul.
  2. In addition, workers in some cities, such as Istanbul, are forced to travel long distances between their homes and places of work in the event that appropriate means of transportation are not provided by companies or factories.
  3. Although there is a law obligating companies and factories in Turkey to provide a meal for workers every 8 hours, some companies may provide meals in small quantities that are not commensurate with the nature of the work and the needs of the workers.


What are the documents required for foreigners to work in Turkey?

  1. Turkish identity, work or tourist residence permit, or temporary protection card for refugees.
  2. An employment contract signed between the worker and the employer and registered with the notary public, whether the worker is Turkish or a foreigner.
  3. A copy of the passport of foreigners or the Turkish ID for Turks.
  4. Scientific certificates, if any.
  5. Organizing a request (delicacy) from the employer explaining the reason and the need to hire the worker and explaining the nature of the job.
  6. A personal photo with a white background.
  7. Data of the wife and children in the event of a marriage, with personal photos and photos of residencies or documents proving kinship.
  8. Register the residence address, and it is preferable to attach a residence document issued by the residents of the residence area, if any.
  9. The email address to contact and send a response to the request.


What are the conditions for obtaining a work permit in Turkey?

  1. The foreign worker must have a valid tourist residence permit in Turkey.
  2. At least five Turkish workers must be present in the company for every foreign worker.
  3. The registered capital of the company must be at least 100,000 TL.
  4. The company must undertake to pay all taxes and social insurance.


What are the required professions in Türkiye?

  1. Web developers.
  2. Programmers.
  3. Construction workers.
  4. Nutritionists.
  5. English teachers.
  6. Babysitters (they are in high demand).
  7. Arabic teachers.
  8. Real estate marketing experts.
  9. Flight attendants.
  10. Flyers.
  11. Translation experts.


Common questions:

Should the foreign worker speak Turkish?

Turkish is not a necessary requirement for all jobs, but it can be useful for communication and integration in the working environment.


Are there restrictions on the number of foreign workers in companies?

Yes, there are restrictions on the ratio of foreign workers to Turkish workers in companies according to Turkish laws.


Can foreigners get health insurance in Turkey?

Yes, foreign workers can obtain health insurance through the general health insurance system in Turkey.




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