Civil registry department in Turkey

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In this blog, we will unveil the importance of the civil registry department in Turkey and how it is used in documenting key life events and we will explore the services you provide and how Turkish citizens and foreigners can benefit from them and we will highlight the procedures for registering marriage, divorce and death, and how personal identity documents and passports are obtained.


Learn about the civil registry department in Turkey:

Let's take a deeper look at the civil registry department in Turkey, as it is an institution of great importance in the country and this department documents the civil registry of Turkish citizens, and it is considered among the basic tasks that it performs, but its services are not limited to the local population only, but also extends to foreigners who reside in the country.

The civil registry department works to extract all civil, family, and personal documents for residents on its territory, and these documents are considered essential for the Turkish government in collecting population statistics related to the number of deaths, births, and the place of residence of individuals, in addition to many other details and the Civil Service in Turkey is the government's primary means of obtaining information on the situation of foreigners living in the country.


What are the functions of the civil registry department in Turkey?

Here are the most prominent things that the civil registry department in Turkey does:

First, register the newborn:

The civil registry department in Turkey plays a vital role in issuing birth documents for newborns and regardless of the nationalities of their parents, the newborn is given the name of the father, whether the father is Turkish or a foreigner, and this document is considered a basic right for the newborn to confirm his existence on a specific date.

The newborn must be registered with the civil registry department within one month of the date of birth and registration must take place in a timely manner to ensure the rights and formal identification of the newborn.

You may be wondering if one of the parents holds Turkish citizenship while they are outside Turkey, can the newborn get Turkish citizenship? Of course, the newborn is entitled to Turkish citizenship, and the parents must inform the relevant Turkish consulate as soon as possible and notification to the Consulate should not be delayed for more than two months after the birth.

The civil registry department in Turkey takes into account the birth notification issued by the hospital in which the birth took place, but in the event of a birth outside the hospital or without professional medical care, an oral document for the newborn can suffice

Living in Türkiye

Second, death registration:

Upon the death of any person residing in Turkey, this event must be documented in the Civil Registry in Turkey and this is done by obtaining a death certificate from the hospital or health center where the death occurred and this certificate must be issued within a short period of not more than ten days.

Sometimes it may happen that the death occurred outside the official institutions, in such cases, the death certificate is obtained from the municipality and people dealing with this situation must understand the importance of recording deaths and adhere to it and ignoring this matter exposes them to a violation and punishment.

It is necessary to stress that death registration is an important matter that must be adhered to and this helps with procedures such as determining causes of death, censuses, and regulating matters of inheritance and law and therefore, individuals should commit to recording and reporting death in a timely manner to avoid legal problems and violations.


Third, record divorce transactions:

Divorce procedures take place in the courts, where the final judgment of divorce is issued, yet this event is documented in the civil registry office and we should note that the divorce is considered valid immediately after the court's decision is issued.

We must point out that the Turkish constitution prohibits the spouses from remarrying before 300 days have passed since the date of the divorce and in the event that the spouses wish to marry again before the expiration of this period, they have the right to do so and they can conclude a new marriage before the court.

The concerned authorities ensure the implementation of these rules and the maintenance of the stability of the marital status of divorced persons and these rules are set to ensure legal safety and proper protection for everyone involved.


Fourth, registering marriage transactions:

The procedures for registering a marriage contract in Turkey require going to the civil registry department, after holding the marriage ceremony in the municipality and in the case of the marriage contract outside Turkey, the contract must be registered in the civil registry department after translating it into Turkish

It should be noted that marriage contracts in Turkey are considered civil, and contracts that were organized by the sheik or in the church are not considered binding unless they are registered with the civil registry department in Turkey.


Fifth, confirm the residence address:

Confirming the residence address is an important matter that requires a visit to the mentioned department and this is done by submitting the rental contract and proof of current residence in Turkey and Turks and foreigners residing in Turkey must take this step and the required papers include the water or electricity bill, the Turkish phone number, and proof of residence for family members and after that, your residential address will appear with the official authorities and banks automatically.

It is important to point out that people who do not hold residency in Turkey will not be able to confirm their address in the Turkish civil registry


Sixth, the procedures for obtaining a Turkish passport and Turkish citizenship:

To obtain a Turkish passport or personal identity, Turks and even foreigners who have obtained Turkish citizenship must go to the civil registry department in Turkey, and in this department, their documents and cards issued by government institutions will be approved.

Obtaining these documents or the aforementioned cards requires recognition and documentation in the Turkish civil registry department and after going to the department and completing the required procedures, people will be able to obtain a Turkish passport or personal identity card, whether they are Turks or hold Turkish citizenship.

These documents are essential for individuals to document their identity and enjoy the rights and services related to Turkish citizenship, including travel, official dealings, and others and through the procedures of the civil registry department, the authenticity of these documents and cards is confirmed and documented officially and legally.


Learn about the most popular methods of paying bills in Turkey, which is one of a group of services that facilitate your life in Turkey


Common questions:

Can I update my details in the civil registry department online?

Yes, your data can be updated in the Turkish civil registry department via the Internet and you can update personal information such as address and phone number by entering the official website and updating the required data.


Can I register my marriage contract concluded abroad at the civil registry department in Turkey?

Yes, a marriage contract that was concluded abroad can be registered at the civil registry department in Turkey and the contract must be translated into Turkish and submitted with the documents necessary for its registration.


How long does it take to obtain a birth certificate in Turkey ?

The birth certificate is issued in Turkey within a short period, usually not exceeding ten days from the date of submission





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