Can Syrians buy real estate in Turkey?

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Can Syrians buy real estate in Turkey ? It is one of the most common questions that we received from Arab and Syrian investors in particular who want to invest in real estate in Turkey in order to obtain Turkish citizenship and a Turkish passport or in order to obtain real estate residence or with the aim of reaping huge financial returns and profits, as long as Turkey is a famous tourist destination by tourists and visitors from around the world and therefore, through our article, we will highlight the most important details that Syrian investors who are interested in real estate are looking for.


Reasons for preventing Syrians from buying real estate in Turkey:

One of the reasons for preventing Syrians from buying real estate in Turkey is the confiscation of the property of the Turks in Hatay in 1939 AD, and as a result, Turkey prevented the Syrians from owning property in Turkey , and although the agreement is old, it is still in effect today, in addition, there are several reasons, including that the Turkish government wants to ensure that Syrians do not use their property purchases as a means of money laundering or financing terrorist activities


Moreover, they want to make sure that the Syrians do not overburden the already strained Turkish real estate market, in addition, they want to discourage Syrians from permanently settling in Turkey and instead encourage them to return to their homes once the conflict in Syria is resolved.


What are the available ways for Syrians to obtain Turkish citizenship?

Fortunately, there are some ways that allow Syrians to own a property in Turkey , such as:

Establishing a company in Turkey:

Establishing a company in Turkey is one of the best ways, through the establishment of a company by a Syrian, through which he can own real estate in the name of the company as a Turkish legal person, in order to achieve ownership of real estate in Turkey, in addition to that, the property owned in the name of this company or legal person must be proportionate in terms of price and area with the size of the capital of this company that was established.

In addition, the Syrian citizen can establish a company in Turkey without the need for a Turkish partner, so through the following points we will learn about the necessary papers and documents when establishing a company:

  1. Submit an application to establish a company.
  2. Company incorporation announcement.
  3. Company Memorandum of Association.
  4. Signature statement of the owner of the company.
  5. Chamber of Commerce registration statement.
  6. A copy of the valid passport, translated into Turkish and certified by a notary.
  7. Tax number document.
  8. Submit three personal photos.


There are also other methods, such as:

  1. Obtaining Turkish citizenship by a direct presidential decision regarding the naturalized person, and these decisions are given to qualified people, scientists and inventors.
  2. Obtaining a work permit in Turkey, where the Turkish government worked to grant Turkish citizenship to those who obtained a work permit in Turkey after five consecutive years of obtaining a work permit, as a minimum.
  3. Marriage to a Turkish citizen or a Turkish citizen, where the citizenship is completed after at least three years.
  4. Bank deposit in a Turkish bank in the amount of 500 thousand US dollars, with a pledge after withdrawing it for a period of three years.
  5. Providing job opportunities for at least 50 Turks.

Cheap apartments in Turkey 2023

The Syrian did not want to buy a property in Turkey:

You may wonder about the reasons why Syrians want to buy real estate in Turkey and the following are the most prominent of these reasons:

  1. The possibility of obtaining Turkish citizenship after purchasing a property in Turkey with a minimum value of 400,000 US dollars and undertaking not to sell or rent it within three years.
  2. The Turkish economy is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, in addition to that, the real estate market is expected to continue to grow with it.
  3. Turkey offers great value for money compared to other European countries.
  4. Real estate residency can be obtained when buying a property in Turkey with a value of $75,000.
  5. A desire to settle down and live in an ownership apartment instead of wasting money on rented apartments.
  6. Recycle their money and build their wealth, as long as Turkey is a great investment destination.


What are the rights of the naturalized Syrians in the Turkish state?

There is no doubt that obtaining Turkish citizenship grants many rights and many privileges, so investors work to obtain citizenship in any possible way and through the following points, we will learn about the rights of naturalized Syrians in Turkey:

  1. The possibility of voting after reaching the age of 18, in addition to that, the Turkish state is committed to the Syrians by the bond of citizenship.
  2. The holder of Turkish citizenship has the right to grant it to his wife and children under 18 years of age.
  3. The possibility of obtaining health and medical services and benefiting from health insurance.
  4. The right to access education in local and international universities, private schools and educational institutions.
  5. Obtaining a Turkish passport, which is one of the most powerful passports in the world.
  6. Obtaining all his civil rights as any Turkish citizen.
  7. The ease of many legal transactions and procedures in terms of ownership, purchase and investment.
  8. Maintaining the original nationality, as Turkey is characterized by dual citizenship.
  9. Possibility of obtaining the necessary licenses to conduct any business.
  10. Obtaining greater job opportunities, as a foreign job in Turkey requires the presence of five Turkish employees in the same workplace.


We hope we have answered your question well and usefully as you can contact our specialized advisors if you want to invest in real estate in Turkey after obtaining Turkish citizenship and do not forget to visit our website for more information that helps you when buying a property in Turkey.





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