Advantages of real estate residence in Turkey 2023

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As Turkey continues to develop its infrastructure and technologies into a more modern country, real estate residency in Turkey offers a compelling opportunity for potential investors, with the government's ambitious goals of becoming one of the world's top 10 economies by the coming years, now is an ideal time to consider investing in real estate. in Turkey.


Benefits of real estate residence in Turkey

Turkey is a beautiful country with many advantages when it comes to owning real estate and obtaining real estate residence, including:

You can obtain real estate residence in Turkey for the family including a wife and children under the age of 18.

The possibility of obtaining some of the rights of the Turkish citizen, such as education and medicine.

The ability to easily renew real estate residence in Turkey every year without any restrictions.

Staying in Turkey and looking for work is also one of the most important features that real estate residence is proud of.

One of the most important benefits of real estate residence in Turkey is that you can travel within the Turkish states and provinces.

You are also entitled to health insurance and treatment.

Affordability Compared to other countries in Europe, Turkey offers great value for money when it comes to real estate investments.

Real estate in Turkey is much more affordable than in other countries, and the cost of living is lower, making it a great option for those on a budget.

Turkey has a Mediterranean climate that is ideal for people who love the sun and hot weather. The summer months are particularly pleasant, with temperatures rarely exceeding 30 degrees celsius.

Turkey's location makes it ideal for those who want to explore Europe without having to leave the country.

Since it is close to Greece and Bulgaria, you can easily travel and explore these countries as well.

The culture in Turkey is vibrant and unique, where different types of people come together as one nation, you will find that there is something for everyone.


The stages of obtaining real estate residence in Turkey

The process of obtaining real estate residency in Turkey is not difficult, but it is important to be aware of the different stages involved.

Those wishing to buy a house in Turkey to obtain real estate residence in Turkey must:

  1. Looking for a Real Estate Agent or Lawyer The agent or attorney will be able to provide advice and guidance on the best areas to buy as well as legal assistance throughout the process.
  2. Ensure the safety of the property or apartment legally.
  3. Registering the property in the name of the real estate residence applicant.
  4. The individual must apply for a title deed from the local land registry office.
  5. To do this, it is necessary to provide valid identification, proof of ownership rights and to pay any applicable taxes and fees.
  6. It is required that the price of the property be a minimum of 75 thousand US dollars in the major Turkish states such as: Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, and Antalya.
  7. The property price must be at least $50,000 in the smaller Turkish cities.

The property should not be near a military or security zone.

  1. Finally, once all the documents are submitted and approved, the title deed will be registered at the Land Registry Office, from there, the individual can obtain residency rights in Turkey and start enjoying their new home.

Real estate residence

Documents to obtain real estate residence in Turkey

The following are the necessary and important papers to apply for real estate residence in Turkey, including:

  1. The title deed document or what is known as the tapu.
  2. Bring four personal photos for each family member, with high quality and full clarity.
  3. Submit a medical health insurance document.
  4. Submit a proof of address registration document.
  5. Provide a receipt for payment of real estate residence costs in Turkey.
  6. Submit proof of financial ability to stay for the duration of residence in Turkey.
  7. Bring the real estate residence application form.
  8. A copy of the passport, translated into the correct Turkish language, and the passport must be presented on the day of the appointment.


Types of residence in Turkey

Turkey offers a variety of accommodation options for those looking to relocate:

Short-term residence permit: it is granted to some foreign expatriates in Turkey who came to Turkey for tourism or medical treatment, or for students arriving as part of the student exchange process between countries, or for foreigners arriving for the purpose of carrying out scientific research, or for foreigners who own real estate in Turkey or who are completing courses Turkish language or who own a business or will start a business.

Long-term residence: Long-term residence is granted to people who have actually resided in Turkey for more than 8 years without interruption, but there is an exception that it is not granted to people residing in Turkey as refugees.


Family residency: It can be granted to all children of foreigners. It can also be granted to the husband, wife, children of the foreign resident under 18 years of age, and children of the husband or wife under the age of 18.


Humanitarian residence: It is for a period of 30 days, and it can be renewed and granted to people who are threatened and cannot return to their countries, and people who are victims of human trafficking.


Student Residence: It is granted to students who practice learning within Turkey.


No matter what kind of accommodation you choose, Turkey has something for everyone.


How to renew a real estate residence permit in Turkey?

Renewing a real estate residence permit in Turkey can be a straightforward process, provided that you have all the necessary documents and information. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Book an appointment to renew real estate residence through the immigration website.
  2. Submit four personal photos.
  3. Submit a house contract.
  4. Passport copy.
  5. Bring a residence renewal application paper.
  6. Bring a copy of your current residence.
  7. Issuing the health insurance policy in case it expires.
  8. Pay the residence renewal fees that are paid at the tax center.
  9. Bring the title deed or what is known as the title deed to prove ownership of the property.
  10. Bring the payment receipt.

Go to an immigration office. Take your documents and passport with you to the immigration office in your area, the staff there will be able to assist you with your application.


Duration of real estate residence in Turkey

The duration of each residence permit varies according to its type, but most of the time the real estate residence permit in Turkey is for a year, and it can be renewed through the Immigration Department.

The residency must also be renewed well before the expiry of its validity period in order to protect yourself from legal violations resulting from the expiration of the real estate residency in Turkey.

In conclusion, the article on real estate residence in Turkey is a very important topic for those wishing to invest in real estate in Turkey, so you can contact our consultants to provide you with assistance and offer you some information and answers to all the questions that you will ask us, and you can also visit our website for more information.



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