Advantages of buying land in Turkey

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Did you know that buying land in Turkey is a unique and profitable investment opportunity, whether it is agricultural or intended for construction, because land prices are constantly rising as a result of the limited offers available, and this is reassuring for any investor who wants to make a profit and a large return.



Advantages of land investment in Turkey:


There are a number of reasons that make land investment and purchase a golden opportunity, including:


1 - One of the most attractive factors is the low cost of land compared to other countries where you can find large plots of land for sale at very reasonable prices.


2- Turkey has a temperate climate, which means it is suitable for growing a wide range of crops as the country also has abundant water resources, which is another key factor for successful farming.


3 - The Turkish government also offers a number of incentives to foreigners who buy real estate in the country, including residence permits and tax exemptions, and these incentives make buying land in Turkey more attractive.


4 - Land prices are increasing significantly and more than other real estate options.



About the importance of real estate investment in Turkey:


Here are some of the advantages of real estate investment in Turkey:


- The Turkish economy is growing rapidly, and there is a potential for capital gains from your investment.

- Turkey is a strategically located country, with easy access to Europe, Asia and Africa making it an ideal location for companies looking to expand their operations into new markets.

- The Turkish government has invested heavily in infrastructure projects in recent years, making the country more attractive to foreign investors.

- There is potential for high returns on your investment.

Buying land in Turkey


The future of land investment in Turkey:


Turkey offers a number of land investment opportunities, and the value of agricultural land is expected to increase as the government invests in infrastructure projects such as irrigation systems.


The value of forest land is also expected to rise as the government implements plans to increase the area of ​​forest in the country and this will create opportunities for investors looking to purchase and develop forest land for commercial or residential purposes.



Steps to buy land in Turkey:


There are some basic steps that must be followed to ensure a smooth and successful transaction:


1 - The first step is to do your research and make sure that you are fully aware of the process involved in buying real estate in Turkey and there are some specific requirements that must be met in order for foreigners to be able to buy land, so it is important that you are aware of them before starting the process.


2 - Once you have completed your research and familiarized yourself with the process, you can start looking for a suitable piece of land to buy. There are many different factors that you will need to consider when choosing a piece of land, such as location, size, and price.


3 - It is highly recommended to hire a lawyer when buying property in Turkey, as he will be able to advise you on the legal aspects of the purchase and help protect your interests.


4 - You will need to have a bank account in Turkey in order to make the purchase and again, your real estate agent should be able to assist you with this step.



Is there a possibility to buy cheap land in Turkey?


It is possible to buy cheap land in Turkey, but it is important to do your research before making any purchase and there are many factors to consider, such as location, size and type of property you are interested in.



Land ownership law in Turkey:


Foreigners are allowed to buy real estate in Turkey within deliberate restrictions, where they can buy freely, but provided that the size of their property does not exceed 30 hectares, and they also cannot buy within an area where the property of foreigners has reached 10% of its total area.


In this regard, it must be noted that there are five nationalities that are prohibited from buying, such as Syria, Armenia, Cuba, North Korea, and the Greek disc.



Notes when buying land in Turkey:


There are some notes that you should take into consideration when buying any property in Turkey, including:


  • Make sure that there are no legal restrictions on it, such as reservation, mortgage, or attachment, as this makes it difficult to complete the purchase process and makes it difficult to sell the property in the future when you want to do so. The important thing is that if such a matter exists, you will not discover it immediately, but It may take many months, so it is important that you visit the Land Registry Directorate before signing the contract.

 The location is the main factor in the success of any investment project in the field of real estate, and the more distinguished it is, the higher the real estate prices.

  •  You should study your financial budget well so that you are not surprised later on with costs that are not included in your accounts.
  • You have to ask and study the real estate market situation well so that you can anticipate the results that you will get, as well as to choose the right time to start.



Advantages of buying real estate in Turkey through Zoom Real Estate:


- Our team will assist you in all stages of the real estate buying process in Turkey, from finding the right property to assisting with legal paperwork.

- We have a large network of contacts in the Turkish real estate market, so we can help you get the best price for your property.


- We also offer a rental management service, so we can take care of your property while you're not using it.


- Through our website, we monitor many important topics related to the Turkish real estate sector and provide you with the latest developments.




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