4 ways to obtain Turkish citizenship

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As you know, there are many ways to obtain Turkish citizenship, and this was appropriate for investors to apply for it, and to choose the method that suits them, as this nationality offers its bearer many advantages and is superior to other European nationalities.


In this article, we will talk about four ways to apply for that nationality, and some of its aspects and features will be mentioned, as well as many other related details.



The most popular ways to obtain Turkish citizenship:


Despite the many methods of obtaining citizenship, there are some of the most popular ones, including:



First: Citizenship by investing in real estate:


One of the most common ways to obtain Turkish citizenship is through real estate investment, and in order to qualify for citizenship through this method, an individual must invest at least $400,000 in real estate in Turkey, and in addition, the property must be owned for three years. At least before an individual can apply for it.


In this context, the property must have been purchased from a Turkish citizen, and the real estate appraisal document must be extracted, as well as paid for through a Turkish bank, and it must also be verified that the property has not been previously used to apply for it.



Second: Turkish citizenship through financial investment:


Turkey offers an express program for obtaining citizenship for foreign investors who make a qualified financial investment in the country, and the program requirements are as follows:


- Invest at least $500,000 in Turkish stocks or bonds.

- Investment contract for at least three years.

- Have a clean criminal record.

- He spoke Turkish fluently.



Third: Nationality through bank deposit to invest in Turkey:


The following requirements must be met in order to obtain Turkish citizenship through a bank deposit:


- A fixed capital investment of minimum 500,000 USD must be made in Turkey.

- The investment must be maintained for at least three years.

- The applicant must have a valid passport and not have any criminal record.

- The applicant must not represent a threat to national security.



Fourth: Obtaining citizenship through marriage:


The main requirements for obtaining Turkish citizenship through marriage are as follows:


- The applicant must have been married to a Turkish citizen for at least three years.

- The applicant must have lived in Turkey for at least two years.

- The applicant must have a clean criminal record.

- The applicant must prove his proficiency in the Turkish language.


- You have to prove that marriage is not only for the sake of nationality, but the main goal of this step is the desire to settle down and establish a family.

Turkish citizenship


Pros of obtaining Turkish citizenship:


.Being a holder of Turkish citizenship means that you carry many advantages and positives, including:


- Turkey has many beautiful places to live, from Istanbul to the Aegean coast.

- Turkish citizenship gives you the right to live and work in Turkey without restrictions.

- Turkish citizenship also gives you the right to free education and health care in Turkey.

- As a Turkish citizen, you will be able to travel without a visa or with a visa on arrival to many countries around the world.

- You will also be able to vote in Turkish elections and run for public office.



Papers required to obtain Turkish citizenship:


The following documents are required in order to apply for Turkish citizenship:


- A copy of your passport.

- A completed application form.

- Bank statement or other proof of financial means.

- Medical report from a hospital.

- Proof of investment in Turkey.



Conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship:


- You must have a valid passport and residence permit.

- You must have a clean criminal record.

- You must be at least 18 years old.

- You must be able to speak Turkish fluently.

- You must have a job or sufficient financial resources to support yourself in Turkey.

Turkish citizenship


Important notes about Turkish citizenship:


In the context of talking about the methods of obtaining and applying for Turkish citizenship, it must be noted that it was noted that the most common method among all of the aforementioned is real estate investment. They indicated that they would hit two goals at the same time, because owning a property in Turkey at this time is a golden opportunity that can be seized to enter the world of real estate investment to collect high returns and abundant profits.



Add to your information that real estate prices in Turkey are increasing significantly, and therefore when you decide to sell the property after three years have passed, you will find that your capital has clearly increased.


As a result of the great demand for it, as we indicated in the middle of this year, the Turkish government raised the minimum application for it from 250 thousand US dollars to 400 thousand dollars in order to make the matter more selective. It should be noted that it had previously reduced the minimum from one million dollars to 250 thousand.



One of the advantages of Turkish citizenship Among the most important advantages of applying for this nationality is the possibility for all family members to obtain it, i.e. children under the legal age, that is, the age of eighteen, and if they are older than that, they must search for other ways to reside in Turkey, such as tourist or student residency.


The holder of this nationality can benefit from the retirement law for the elderly, and he will also find an opportunity to work in sectors in which foreigners are prohibited from working, such as customs clearance, veterinary medicine, law, and others.


Zoom Real Estate company offers you:

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-Apartments for sale in Istanbul suitable for Turkish citizenship.

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Zoom real estate is always here for you, contact us.



There are permanent changes to the law on Turkish nationality and the Turkish real estate sector, in case you want to review it constantly, follow our website and our social media platforms, as well as you can contact our real estate consultant who will provide you with all the information and details you need.




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