Real Estate for Sale in Turkey 2022

185 مشاهدة

real estate Real estate in Turkey outperforms its counterparts in other countries and ranks first as the best for real estate investment

How has thereal estate market in Turkey managed to attract foreign investors so strongly?

The topic of our article is to answer this question and the importance of buying real estate in Turkey for the foreigner, who pushed him to put his capital in the real estate of a country other than his own.

Real estate for sale in Turkey:

The importance of real estate in Turkey is related to the importance of the country itself on the one hand, and the additional benefits granted by the Turkish government to foreigners on the other hand.

Beginning with Turkey, the strongest economic country, which managed to achieve a prestigious position globally among the most important economies in the world through the great prosperity that included various aspects of the industrial, commercial and agricultural economy

In addition to the important projects that it has set up, such as Istanbul's Third Airport, which is leading the media as one of the largest international airports, in addition to the Istanbul Water Canal, which is expected to change the map of maritime transport in the world and make Turkey the central station.

And the most important factor is the strategic location enjoyed by Turkey in the middle of the continents, which contributed to the success of investments of all kinds

These reasons were enough to guarantee the real estate investor a safe market for his investment away from the turmoil of the global economy, against which Turkey was able to maintain its stability.

Turning to the facilities and advantages granted by the Turkish government to foreign investors to encourage real estate investment in its country and to stimulate the movement of buying and selling within the real estate market, which has recently witnessed many successes:

successes: The Turkish government granted real estate residency to a foreigner when he purchased a residential property worth 75,000 dollars, and also reduced the value of the property required to obtain Turkish citizenship to 400,000 dollars.

This is what formed the strong motivation of foreigners to buy real estate in Turkey, in their desire to obtain residency and citizenship, and enjoy the many benefits that accrue to them. Perhaps the answer has become clear about the reason

that prompted the foreigner to search for real estate for sale in Turkey.

Types of real estate in Turkey:

What distinguishes the real estate market in Turkeyis the great diversity of its properties, in addition to the branching of each of these types into many wide options, and thus the market's ability to meet the investor's demand includes all desires of different budgets.

Let's talk about the types of real estate in Turkey:

Residential apartments:

The most popular real estate in the real estate market in Turkey, because it is the most sought-after real estate as a result of the continuous increase in the population of investors, workers, employees, students and those who wish to reside and settle in Turkey, and therefore it is the preferred real estate for the real estate investor because it guarantees him a continuous investment and return.

Also, the apartments in Turkey vary according to their size, from small apartments that are suitable for the worker or student in Turkey, and medium apartments for a small family, up to the spacious apartments in the family system of 1 + 4 or 1 + 5, and this diversity, which is accompanied by a diversity in prices

It is popular to investors and those wishing to own a residential property with different budgets, and it gives the opportunity to owners of low capital for a promising investment start.

Real estate for sale in Turkey


The importance ofbuying a villa in Turkey comes from the great tourist importance enjoyed by the various cities and regions of Turkey from the diversity of terrain, rich in different landscapes, in addition to the large number of historical and archaeological monuments that are world-renowned, and tourist villas in coastal areas with sea views top the list of the most profitable properties in the international real estate market and therefore the most expensive in Turkey

In addition to the regular villas, the prices of which are lower than the tourist villas and are more widespread in rural areas and the outskirts of cities and are considered very suitable for those who want a quiet life isolated from the crowds of cities.

Villas of both types, tourist and regular, are not devoid of service facilities that give their residents a lot of luxury, even though they are more touristy than regular villas.

Commercial real estate:

Commercial real estate means the shops that are of great investment importance as a result of the great success of commercial investment in Turkey, in addition to the commercial offices intended for companies that went to open branches in Turkey, in addition to huge commercial buildings such as hotels and restaurants, which are considered to be projects that achieve great profits because of big turnout of tourists

Hospitals are also one of the commercial real estate in Turkey that can never lose its importance.


Both types of residential and agricultural, residential lands are those that have been licensed by the government to build on, and the investor who wants to buy the land to build his own project goes to it.

And the agricultural lands that the government has allocated for agricultural investment. It is known that Turkey has excelled in agricultural production sufficient for Turkey's need and external export, which has raised the value of agricultural lands among real estate in Turkey. This diversity of real estate in Turkey follows a diversification of prices,

which is related to many factors

Factors affecting real estate prices in Turkey:

These factors generally control the prices of all types of real estate in Turkey, and there are some factors that affect some types more than others, which we will draw attention to:

Buying a property in Türkiye


The location largely controls the importance of real estate in real estate investment and consequently, its high or low price. Real estate near city centers and vital centers is more expensive than its counterparts on the outskirts of cities or in rural areas.


The space in general is closely related to the price of the property, which increases with its increase and vice versa, but sometimes the location controls the property and overshadows the importance of space, for example, a small apartment in the city center can be more expensive than a spacious apartment on the outskirts of the city.


Real estate near infrastructure centers, such as educational centers such as universities and schools, and health centers, which include hospitals and health centers, in addition to entertaining services centers, are more expensive than real estate far from them, due to the importance of these services in securing an integrated life.


Transportation directly affects real estate prices in Turkey, as the real estate closest to the transportation network is the most expensive

Property age:

Modern real estate is more expensive than old or depreciated real estate and this factor controls more apartments and commercial real estate, in addition to the newly built buildings equipped with more advanced services, their prices rise more as well.

Residential complexes in Turkey:

In the recent period, construction projects have spread in various regions of Turkey, and construction companies have built residential complexes to meet the increasing demand for real estate for those who wish to invest in real estate or take advantage of government benefits for foreigners who buy real estate or for those looking for a good residence in Turkey.

The complex in Turkey is considered a small city that includes apartments of various sizes, in addition to the commercial centers and service facilities of the complex, which differ from one complex to another. The residential complexes in Turkey are characterized by a management responsible for its protection, maintenance and development of various facilities within it.


Why to choose zoom real estate company for a real estate investment trip in Turkey ?

–  helping you finding suitable properties for real estate investment and obtaining Turkish citizenship.

– We offer extensive real estate services in Antalya, where we have

Villas for sale in Antalya with the most beautiful views in addition to all types of residential, commercial and hotel properties .

– Our services extend to various areas of Istanbul where you can find luxury properties for sale that meet your wishes.

– We have properties for sale in Turkey in installments .

– Investing in earthquake-resistant buildings in Turkey and ensuring the best service standards



This article was for everyone looking for real estate for sale in Turkey, regardless of their goal of buying the property.



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