Turkish citizenship is a golden opportunity to enjoy many advantages

185 مشاهدة

There is no doubt that the many advantages that Turkish citizenship gives to investors, made it one of the best and most desirable nationalities in the world, and this has increased in recent years, and this was after the political and economic development that took place in Turkey, and the development of its infrastructure, From transportation, roads, social services, hospitals, and many other things that are not limited or numbered.


Important things about Turkish citizenship that you should not overlook:

It has now become one of the difficult issues that Turkey has experienced at all levels that cannot be ignored.

It is expected that Turkey will achieve more developments in the coming periods, thanks to the strategic plans developed by the Turkish government and renewed annually each year, to match the future goals of the state.

Real estate investment in Turkey has become a golden opportunity for all those looking for profitable investment returns in a short period.

This is due to the large number of facilities granted by the Turkish government to investors in Turkey the most important of which is obtaining citizenship in exchange for several limited factors.

Given the importance of the matter for a number of visitors, we decided to collect for you all the information about Turkish citizenship and golden opportunities to enjoy many advantages, during the coming paragraphs.


Benefits granted by Turkish citizenship to its holder:

Turkish citizenship is one of the most sought-after nationalities in the world, because the Turkish passport is ranked 36th in the world, in addition to benefiting from the many advantages granted by the passport to its holder.

As for Turkey, it is now considered one of the most powerful countries in the world in all economic and political fields, and also enjoys a high standard of living, and now buying a property in Turkey is one of the strong investments, with organized income.

Moreover, obtaining Turkish citizenship has become easy and does not take more than 4 to 6 months only after fulfilling the specified period of conditions, and residency in the country of Turkey has not been set a minimum, so anyone has the right to apply for Turkish citizenship after purchasing real estate and certifying it directly.

Turkish citizenship is distinguished from others in that you can own real estate in Turkey in very easy ways, and this is done after obtaining citizenship.

It is available for any investor to apply for Turkish citizenship, for him, his children and his wife without waiting.

After obtaining citizenship, you can enjoy the health insurance service, and thus you have the right to obtain free treatment for you and any member of your family, within government hospitals.

The national also has the right to get all the discounts offered by private hospitals.

You can now benefit from all the free educational services provided by the state to its people, as well as to all your family members.

There is no doubt that marine jobs have become available to you to work in, after you obtain Turkish citizenship, and without having a work permit.

Obtaining Turkish citizenship does not require giving up your first citizenship or your country of origin.

You can get a pension, as well as a free financing system.

In addition, the naturalization holder has the right not to provide military service, while inviting any member of his family to visit Turkey without restrictions.

In the event that you obtain citizenship, you will now live in a country with the best climate in the world, and enjoy all the rights that a Turkish citizen enjoys, including the right to vote for candidates in the Turkish elections.

By obtaining this citizenship, you will enjoy a high-quality life in Turkey, due to its high quality, and this is due to the attention directed by the Turkish government to all public utilities, represented in health, education and many others.

Turkish citizenship

Also, obtaining Turkish citizenship makes you enjoy a safe and democratic environment that respects all religions, in addition to its hospitable people who welcome foreigners from all countries of the world.

And you have the right to own the turquoise card, which is issued to these people who have Turkish citizenship, but it is required to renounce their nationality of their home country, and through this card the person has the freedom to enter and exit to and from Turkey.

Once foreigners and Arabs obtain citizenship, they can travel to more than 100 countries around the world, and enjoy working in government sectors and interests without permission to work.

The owner of that citizenship has all the rights of a Turkish citizen, and benefit from Turkish laws, such as the retirement law.

The owner of Turkish citizenship has the right to use public transportation for free.

There are many professions that a foreigner is prohibited from practicing, such as dentistry, pharmacy, law, and translation.

Obtaining citizenship is also an exemption from employing five Turks when you establish a new company.


The most important documents required to apply for Turkish citizenship:

In order to apply for Turkish citizenship, a set of papers must be provided, the most important of which are the following:

  • The title deed document, which is the property registration document.
  • There must be a valid residence permit in Turkey.
  • Passport.
  • A document in order to establish the address of the owner of citizenship within Turkey.
  • The receipt in which the value of the amount paid is recorded, because this receipt is requested from the bank through which the payment was made.


How do you obtain Turkish citizenship?

There are four basic ways to obtain Turkish citizenship.

  • Buying a property for $ 400,000, and this does not depend on the type of property, the applicant can choose between apartments, shops, and offices.
  • The applicant for citizenship establishes a business or company and employs 50 Turkish citizens in it.
  • Deposit an amount of 500 thousand US dollars, or the equivalent of this amount of Turkish lira, in Turkish banks for a period of three years.
  • The applicant for citizenship marries a Turkish or Turkish woman, provided that this marriage lasts 3 years or more.


Important tips for holders of Turkish citizenship:

He must know the history and civilization upon which the state was founded, the most important characteristics of its people, and religious matters and what is related to them.

He must get acquainted with the customs and traditions in this country, so that he will be able to be a citizen within the country and a member of its people.

By accessing the traditions and customs, the citizenship applicant will get acquainted with the intellectual nature of the people of the country, making it easier for him to live with them.

He should be a responsible person, and work not to disturb his Turkish neighbors, because they are people who care about comfort and tranquility.

Be committed to paying your taxes and bills in an organized manner.

Try to learn the Turkish language, in order to adapt to the Turkish society, as this society loves those who are interested in their history and language.

Try to avoid talking loudly on public transportation, as it is annoying to Turks.

Try to take care of your children, so that you give your child the same care and attention that a Turkish child gets, facilitating his integration into society.



Why to choose zoom real estate company for a real estate investment trip in Turkey ?

–  helping you finding suitable properties for real estate investment and obtaining Turkish citizenship.

– We offer extensive real estate services in Antalya, where we have

Villas for sale in Antalya with the most beautiful views in addition to all types of residential, commercial and hotel properties .

– Our services extend to various areas of Istanbul where you can find luxury properties for sale that meet your wishes.

– We have properties for sale in Turkey in installments .

– Investing in earthquake-resistant buildings in Turkey and ensuring the best service standards


Turkey is a beautiful country, and obtaining Turkish citizenship is a golden opportunity to enjoy many advantages, so if you succeed in obtaining Turkish citizenship, be up to the responsibility.



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