What is meant by the turquoise card for investors in Turkey?

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The Turquoise Card is a real opportunity for investors and highly skilled people to take advantage of the thriving economic environment in Turkey and take advantage of the benefits provided by the Turkish government and it gives the opportunity to investors and qualified individuals to work indefinitely in Turkey and benefit from many privileges and rights.

In this comprehensive blog, we will explore all aspects of the Turquoise Card for Investors in Turkey, from the requirements and benefits to the process of applying and obtaining the card and you will get valuable advice and important information to know how to benefit from this card and achieve your investment goals in Turkey.


A glimpse of the Turquoise Card for investors in Turkey

The Turquoise Card is known as providing benefits to people who do not have Turkish citizenship but are invested in Turkey or own a home in the country and holders of this card enjoy privileges such as working for an indefinite period, and the possibility of obtaining Turkish citizenship, while the foreigner's wife and children are entitled to obtain a permanent residence permit.

It involves a transition process similar to cards used in other countries, in this process that lasts for 3 years, users must submit regular reports and in addition, a registration system that includes professional, language and educational criteria is applied in the process of obtaining the card

Applicants must maintain or improve their level in these areas and the decision of people who want to get this card and live and invest in Turkey is of great importance and Turquoise cards are canceled for foreigners who have not integrated into working life or who have not started working during at least the first year.

To benefit from the card, foreigners must have worked in Turkey for up to two years as a maximum, and these people can work anywhere they want without having to deal with formalities or build their own businesses and foreigners who live a life different from Turkish citizenship can apply for Turkish citizenship after 5 years, which includes the right to vote and military service.


Persons who are entitled to benefit from the Turquoise Card in Turkey:

  1. Highly qualified individuals in the areas of education, professional knowledge, experience and contribution to science and technology.
  2. People who contribute to increasing the volume of employment in Turkey and have investment potential and a high level of export.
  3. Researchers and scientists who contribute to the field of technology and science in Turkey, and have undertaken strategic actions that serve Turkish national and international interests.
  4. Successful athletes in the international arena, writers and academics who have shown influence in the field of culture and art.
  5. People who have contributed to the definition of Turkish cuisine, Turkish culture and tourism globally, and who have worked for the interests of Turkey at the international level.

The Turquoise Card is an opportunity for these people to benefit from and invest in an exciting experience in Turkey, and to make their contributions to the overall development and strengthening of the country.


What are the documents required to obtain a turquoise card in Turkey?

  1. Internationally recognized documents proving an individual's qualified workforce, education certificate, employment contract, resume, recommendations for employment and work experience, and certificates of non-native foreign languages.
  2. A document stating the size of the proposed investment of the qualified foreign investor, the expected manpower for the establishment, the expected export volume, financial capacity, and the target region with evidence of the sector.
  3. Documents proving the academic degree of researchers or scientists applying as scientists or researchers, their academic track and intellectual property, documented academic studies or licenses, trademarks or patent documents.
  4. Documents relevant to the national or international success of foreigners who have distinguished themselves in the cultural, artistic or sports fields.
  5. Documents relating to volunteer activities undertaken by foreigners who have applied for the Turquoise Card with the aim of introducing and promoting Turkey and its culture on a global level, including information on artistic events and ideas, their duration, sustainability, continuity and scope.


Reasons for canceling the Turquoise Card?

  1. Failure to extend the validity of the passport or official document.
  2. The non-continuous work of the foreign card holder for at least one year.
  3. Violation by the card holder of the stipulated legal provisions.
  4. Submitting a Turquoise Card application with false or misleading information.
  5. Failing to submit the required documents on time during the 3-year transition period of obtaining the card, or in case of missing the qualifications that warrant the card according to the monitoring report.
  6. According to Law No. 6458, if the Ministry of Interior informs that the card holder is not allowed to enter Turkey, a visa will not be granted to him and a decision will be taken to deport him outside the country.
  7. In the event that public institutions and organizations receive notification of problems in the work card holder's performance in areas related to government system, national security, and public health, his turquoise card will be canceled.


The difference between Turkish citizenship and the turquoise card

Card holders are entitled to work in the Republic of Turkey for an indefinite period of time and they are not eligible to benefit from the rights of Turkish citizens regarding voting, election, and government jobs, and military service, which is considered obligatory for Turkish citizens, is not required of Turquoise card holders.

The holders of the card must comply with the legislation related to residence, tourism, work and investment that applies to Turkish citizens, and in the event that the 3-year transition period ends without problems and there are no concerns in terms of national security and public order, the holders of this card have the right to apply for Turkish citizenship.


Common questions

What is the Turquoise Card for investors in Turkey?

The Turquoise Card is a special residency granted to highly qualified investors and individuals who contribute to the strengthening of the Turkish economy.


What are the benefits and privileges granted to Turquoise card holders?

Turquoise card holders get the opportunity to work indefinitely in Turkey and benefit from residence rights, education, health care, social insurance, travel freely and other privileges.


What are the basic requirements for obtaining a turquoise card?

Prerequisites include qualifying for investment in Turkey or having recognized high skills and specific financial and security requirements must also be met.