The first steps of real estate investment are buying apartments in Turkey

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If you are planning to start your business in real estate investment the best start will be in Turkey, because it has the safest real estate investment market, and the best start will be from real estate apartments because it is the most important and easiest to invest in compared to other real estate

The best choice of apartments:

There are many factors that control the importance of the apartment in real estate investment, including:

the location of the apartment

The location of the apartment is one of the most important factors controlling the importance of the apartment in real estate investment,and to choose the best location, the apartment should be chosen near the city center or vital centers, because the demand for these apartments is greater and the owner of the apartment will not find any difficulty in finding a tenant and therefore it achieves a guaranteed investment as it is characterized by high monthly returns

Apartment space:

The area of ​​the apartment greatly affects its importance in real estate investment, as the rents of spacious apartments are higher than the rents of small apartments, and the prices of large apartments outweigh the small ones, but we cannot separate the importance of the space factor from the location factor, in some cases the location outweighs the area, the return on renting a small apartment in the city center is higher than the return on renting a spacious apartment located on the outskirts of the city or in the countryside

This means the need to take care of the two factors without neglecting one of them

The view:

The beautiful view of the apartment increases its importance in real estate investment, as it attracts investors' attention to it, and this means an increase in demand for it, and thus an increase in its rent and price

Real estate investment in Turkey

Proximity to infrastructure:

It is necessary to choose the locations of the apartments close to the infrastructure, such as educational services centers such as schools and universities, and health services such as hospitals and medical clinics, in addition to entertainment services such as parks, playgrounds, shopping centers, malls and others

And not to forget the most important thing, which is its proximity to the transportation network, which provides ease of movement to and from the apartment. Therefore, the apartment close to the infrastructure centers means an integrated life for its residents, and this increases the importance of the investment apartment significantly

Proximity to projects:

Important projects affect the future of the areas in which they are located as a result of the increase in investments in the area and the increase in population as a result of the large availability of job opportunities. Thus, it increases the importance of real estate in the region, Therefore, choosing an apartment close to the important project areas promises a profitable investment future.

Ways to invest in real estate in apartments:

Real estate investors can benefit from investing in apartments in one of the following ways that we will mention with the most important notes related to them

-By rent:

In this case, the real estate investor buy an apartment with the specifications that guarantee the good investment that we mentioned earlier and benefit from the monthly returns of this apartment, and here the good choice of the apartment emerges to achieve a better return

-by sale:

In this case, the real estate investor resorts to buying an apartment and taking advantage of its monthly returns or residing in it until its price rises, so he sells it and achieves a double profit. Here emerges the real estate investor’s experience in choosing the location of the apartment in areas that are expected to have a prosperous future, either near important projects that directly affect neighboring properties and increase their investment value as they raise their prices or in areas witnessing an increase in population numbers and developing areas that witness the spread of the construction movement, in addition to the areas to which the government directs its attention and takes care of its infrastructure and construction of projects there.

Advantages of Investing in Apartments in Turkey

There are many advantages of real estate investment in apartments in Turkey, including:

Return on investment through rent:

Apartments are one of the most in-demand properties in the real estate market in Turkey due to the increase in population numbers that Turkey is witnessing after the great prosperity achieved by the Turkish economy and the huge projects set up by the Turkish government, which provide job opportunities for large numbers of workers and employees coming from different countries of the world

The progress in education has also attracted students of different nationalities to learn in Turkish and international schools and universities located within Turkey, and these increasing numbers that are looking for a place to stay will head towards apartments, which are the best option due to their diversity in spaces and prices, and this means that apartment owners in Turkey will always find who are looking for apartments for rent in Turkey, and they will guarantee the continuous monthly return permanently.

Capital Doubled:

As a result of the great demand for apartments in Turkey and the great demand that led to a continuous increase in the prices of these apartments, the owner of the apartment will ensure a continuous doubling of his capital represented by the apartment and the increase in demand is not limited to its effects only on the prices of apartments, but also leads to a continuously increase in the monthly rental value of the apartments.

Increasing the income of the apartment by improving it:

Making some modifications and improvements to the residential apartment, can increase the importance of the apartment in real estate investment because it will appeal to larger numbers of people and thus will achieve greater demand and increase the required rent value, and improvements can be through the addition of energy-saving devices, and the addition of automatic blinds In addition to the regular maintenance of both the bathroom and the kitchen, these modifications attract the attention of the tenants greatly and increase their interest in the apartment.

Benefit from installments:

Many real estate investors who do not have sufficient capital turn to the beginning of their investments by buying an apartment in installments, and in Turkey, luck will be on their side, because the installment means a pre-agreement on the price of the apartment and the required monthly payments, but as a result of the significant rise in prices and rents for apartments in Turkey, which may witness qualitative leaps in the event that the increase in demand for apartments is accompanied by an increase in the prices of building materials. Therefore, the purchaser of the apartment in installments will be the largest beneficiary and will achieve much greater profits than his expectations, as he will achieve a monthly return that exceeds his installments, in addition to the price of the apartment, which has become multiples of the old value that was agreed upon.

Take advantage of special opportunities:

In some cases, the real estate investor has the opportunity to buy an apartment at a price much lower than the price it deserves, as a result of the owner having to sell the apartment in order to travel or for any other reason, and this means large profits in one deal, but these cases need an active investor who stays in touch with the real estate market and observe the various offers available so that he can take advantage of the best of those offers.

Real estate residency:

Real estate residency is granted to a foreigner who buys a residential property in Turkey worth 75,000$, and therefore this means that the real estate investor achieves several goals combined together, the first of which is buying an apartment and obtaining real estate residency and also benefiting from a number of other advantages associated with obtaining real estate residency.

The second is to own an apartment in Turkey and benefit from the advantages of real estate investment in apartments within Turkey.

The beginning of your investment in apartments in Turkey is the best start that promises an investment future full of successes and profits.

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