The Best Real Estate Companies in Turkey

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There is no doubt that owning in Turkey is not difficult, as there are thousands of properties for sale by various real estate companies and websites in Turkey, but how do you know that this property is suitable for you? How do you choose a truly reliable company and avoid scams? Please continue reading this article, which will have the answers to all your questions.


Why real estate companies in Turkey?

All investors resort to dealing with real estate companies in Turkey because most of them are far from the field of buying and selling, so they do not know what developments and changes have occurred in the real estate market. The real estate company puts in the hands of its client the latest events taking place in the real estate sector, so you will get a summary of all the information in minutes. In addition, you will deal with a person with experience in these legal matters and their news, which will not cause you any loss at all. You are definitely a winner that cannot be denied.

Also, real estate companies save you a lot of time that you do not have as an investor and present your application to you in the shortest and easiest way. These companies are not only there for those who will buy real estate in Turkey because they are also there for the person who will sell an apartment, bring to him customers and offer them the apartment and its advantages and convince them. Thus, this company has served both the seller and the buyer.


The most prominent advantages of real estate companies in Turkey:

The presence of a real estate company within the process of buying a property in Turkey is an indispensable necessity due to its many advantages, some of which we will present to you as follows:


First - Providing distinguished services to the client:

The issue of searching for the right property in Turkey may be arduous, so foreign investors resort to the help of a reliable real estate company, and they urgently need it, especially if they do not have prior experience in the field of Turkish real estate investment and do not know the ideal location, space or property condition that guarantee them profits.

The investor continues to search and wait for a long time until he finds what he wants, and this is what loses him a lot of his desires and ends up buying a property with lower specifications than he previously wanted, but when dealing with a real estate company, there is no need to abandon one of the specifications of your dream house, as we are talking about many ready-made projects and offers, that is, with just a click of a button, you will be given by the company's employees the appropriate options for you.


Second - It helps the client to reduce the price of the property:

The step of agreeing on the appropriate price for both parties is one of the most difficult steps to buy a property in Turkey, after which it is possible to go back, and the difficulty that the buyer may face at this stage cannot be overlooked, as he usually cannot balance between obtaining his appropriate offer, keeping the seller and the ability to obtain good discounts from him, especially if the seller is a construction company, and here the role of the real estate company is evident in the ability to negotiate and bargain, and you can easily get from the construction company discount offers in prices due to its close relationship with it, and thus you get the property you want at the price you want as well.


Third - Experience and Efficiency:

Most of the real estate companies in Turkey have been operating for a long time, which has given them extensive experience and made them fully aware of all the details of buying and selling and registering the property. The staff within the company must also be familiar with the news of the Turkish real estate sector and study the new laws as soon as they are issued by the Turkish government.


Fourth - Turkish language translation services:

Most of the employees in real estate companies in Turkey are fully familiar with the Turkish language, as the matter of buying and selling real estate requires the presence of an accompanying translator for the foreign investor, whether while viewing the required property or agreeing on the sale or purchase process, as well as when registering the title deed, and many other steps which employees of real estate companies who are fluent in the Turkish language must complete.


Fifth: Providing after-sales services:

There are types of real estate buyers; there are those who want to settle in Turkey, so they buy real estate and live in it, and some of them also want to invest in real estate, and this is very possible in a city like Istanbul, where opportunities are widely available.

After-sales services are directed to people who buy homes without living in them, meaning they buy a house In Turkey, for holidays, for example, or for renting, here, the job of some real estate companies in Turkey is to secure tenants, take care of apartments in the absence of their owners, and pay dues and taxes on time.


The mechanism of choosing the best real estate companies in Turkey:

Some investors face several problems in choosing the right company, especially after the spread of a large number of real estate companies in Turkey, so it was necessary to dedicate a paragraph to you to talk about how to choose a reliable company, namely:

Real estate companies in Turkey

First - reviewing the experiences of previous customers:

Before communicating between you and the company, you must review the previous experiences of investors through this real estate company to get a general idea that will help you reach a successful decision. And if you have the opportunity to communicate directly with a customer from the previous buyers of this company, you will know precisely the pros and cons of dealing with it, which will help you determine the best real estate company in Turkey that suits your requirements.


Second - Company licensing:

First, make sure the real estate company you are dealing with has a license from the Chamber of Commerce and is registered in government departments, and has a qualified and experienced real estate consultant.


Third - Evaluation of the real estate company's service:

You can do this through several factors such as the diversity of options and residential and commercial projects that you deal with, as well as the number of properties sold by this real estate company in reality, in addition to the necessity of professionalism in providing exclusive offers on real estate prices in Turkey due to its strong relationship with the well-established construction companies in market.

Investing in Türkiye

How does the real estate company provide good services to its clients?

The staff of the respected real estate company includes specialists in all fields of the real estate world, there are sworn translators, lawyers, real estate consultants with long experience, civil engineers, architects, reception and communication staff, and wide local and international network of relationships.

With the combination of these specializations and diverse and qualified human resources, the real estate company follows up all the steps related to the investment process and ensures its smooth progress, and a solution to any problem.


Many advantages of buying an apartment in Istanbul with Zoom Real Estate: 

-Extensive knowledge and close relationships within the Istanbul real estate market

Cheap apartments for sale in Istanbul that satisfy all tastes.

 –Buying an apartment in Istanbul in convenient installments. 

-Choose an apartment suitable for obtaining Turkish citizenship and enjoying its advantages.

– Taking care of all the necessary procedures and papers for you.


When you make the decision to own real estate, you must strive to search for the best real estate companies in Turkey, and we note the necessity of choosing a reliable company that guarantees that your purchase has been completed successfully and in legal ways as well.



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