Is it safe to buy an apartment in Turkey?

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Is it safe to buy an apartment in Turkey? This is a question that preoccupies many people who are considering real estate investment in this beautiful and prosperous country and over recent years, Turkey has witnessed tremendous growth in the real estate sector, and has become an attractive destination for foreign investors and local buyers alike, with the availability of many attractive investment opportunities and reasonable prices and buying an apartment in Turkey seems like an attractive option, but with the thought of a big investment like real estate, it is only natural that concerns about security arise.


In this blog, we will explore this important question and take a look at the safety of buying real estate in Turkey and we will discuss the factors affecting security, including legislation and property rights, and take a look at the necessary steps that must be taken to ensure the safety of your real estate investment.



Reasons to buy an apartment in Turkey:


  1. Turkey is located at the intersection of Europe and Asia, which makes it a strategic location that offers excellent opportunities for travel and trade.

Apartments in Turkey are characterized by modern and contemporary designs, with the use of high-quality materials and luxurious finishes.

  1. Apartments are available in modern residential complexes that have common facilities such as swimming pools, children's play areas, health clubs, and gardens.
  2. Turkey is witnessing strong economic growth and rapid development in the real estate sector, which makes buying an apartment a good investment opportunity.

By buying an apartment of a certain value in Turkey, you can get the opportunity to obtain Turkish citizenship and benefit from its advantages.

  1. Real estate financing options are available in Turkey, which facilitates the process of buying an apartment and allows you to obtain the necessary financing.
  2. Turkey offers affordable apartments compared to some other countries, which makes it attractive to investors and buyers.
  3. Turkey is considered one of the most economical tourist destinations, as it offers a low cost of living compared to many other countries.
  4. Turkey has great cultural diversity, which allows you to enjoy diverse experiences in food, art and cultural heritage.
  5. Turkey includes wonderful natural landscapes such as charming beaches, green mountains, and beautiful lakes, which provides a wonderful environment for living and enjoying nature.
  6. Türkiye is a safe and stable country, with a strong legal system and excellent personal security.
  7. Turkey provides an advanced health system and a high standard of health care, which promotes peace of mind and a high quality of life.
  8. It has many prestigious schools and universities, making it an ideal destination for families looking for quality education.
  9. Turkey is rich in history and cultural heritage, which means there are many attractions and historical places to explore and discover.
  10. It is considered a country that celebrates many cultural and religious events and festivals, providing opportunities to enjoy the festive and heritage atmosphere.
  11. Turkey provides a well-developed public transportation system that includes metro, buses and trams, which makes moving around the city easy and convenient.
  12. It provides easy legal procedures for buying real estate for foreigners, which facilitates the purchase and investment process.
  13. It has a diverse and friendly community, with many entertainment venues, restaurants and cafes to enjoy social life.
  14. Turkey is witnessing broad economic growth, which means that there are various job opportunities for residents and investors.
  15. It is a multicultural country that brings together many cultures, ethnicities and religions, which promotes peaceful coexistence and cultural understanding.

Buying an apartment in Türkiye


How to buy an apartment in Turkey in a safe way?


  1. Search for available apartments in the area of ​​Türkiye that interests you and check the credibility of real estate agencies or real estate developers and make sure they have licenses and reputation in the market.
  2. Visit the desired apartment and inspect its condition and finishes and verify the data contained in the advertisement and ensure that it matches reality.
  3. Before signing the sales contract, check that all details regarding the apartment, terms of sale, payment, schedule, and ownership rights are clear and correctly spelled out in the contract.
  4. Ensure that all necessary legal documents are available for the apartment, such as the building permit (Tapu), the use permit, and the fees paid.
  5. After completing the purchase, register the apartment in the Land Registry to confirm your ownership rights.

 Consult a professional tax advisor to understand the tax liabilities of buying a property in Turkey.

  1. Find a reliable mortgage insurance agency and insure the apartment to protect against potential risks such as fire, natural disasters, and theft.
  2. Continue to communicate with your attorney and real estate advisor to ensure that all legal procedures are conducted correctly and safely.



Cautions when buying an apartment in Turkey:


  1. Check the reputation of the seller or real estate agency you are dealing with and check its history and reputation in the real estate market.
  2. Before buying, check that the necessary title documents, licenses and permits for the apartment are correct and make sure the seller has the correct property rights and there are no legal issues.
  3. Consult a professional real estate company and a lawyer specializing in real estate law in Turkey, who will be able to guide you and provide the necessary advice to ensure the integrity of the transaction.
  4. Examine the condition of the property and its finishes, and ensure that it complies with the required specifications and standards and check for any damages or problems that need repair.
  5. Check payment and financial settlement details and make sure there is a formal contract outlining the financial terms, payment schedule, and amounts due.
  6. Verify the duties and taxes involved in the purchase and ensure that all required duties and taxes are met and provide official receipts for payments.
  7. Read and understand all contracts and terms before signing and check that there are any special conditions or restrictions on the use of the property.
  8. Do a good research on the area where you intend to buy the apartment, check the local amenities, services, transportation and infrastructure.
  9. Evaluate the prospects for real estate growth in the area and future expectations for the real estate value, as this may affect your investment and your ability to sell the property at a later time.


Information that interests you about buying an apartment in Turkey and the most prominent areas suitable for purchase... learn about it now



Common questions:


Does a foreign buyer need a special permit to buy an apartment in Turkey?


No, there is no special permit required for a foreign buyer to buy an apartment in Turkey and foreigners can freely own residential and commercial real estate.



What legal enactments protect the property rights of foreign buyers?


Property legislation in Turkey is based on real estate laws that guarantee property rights for foreign buyers in the same way as for domestic buyers.



Can I get a freehold apartment?


Yes, foreigners can obtain freehold ownership of an apartment in Turkey under the current legislation




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