Reasons for the success of real estate investment in Turkey

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There is no doubt that the success of real estate investment in Turkey during the recent period has become the talk of many, because it is the best choice for those looking for abundant profits, and to achieve promising investment returns, not only with the huge developments in Turkey, but there are many advantages enjoyed by those who invest in Turkey real estate.

Factors for the success of real estate investment in Turkey

The success of real estate investment in Turkey is linked to several important factors, and we will talk to you about them and the types of real estate investment in it, during the following lines. Follow us.

All developed countries, led by Turkey, seek to attract foreign and Arab investors of different nationalities and motivate them to invest in its lands.

Turkey also has many characteristics from other competing countries, with regard to attracting investors to invest in Turkey.

Reasons for the boom in real estate investment in Turkey

There are many reasons that led to the boom in real estate investment within the state of Turkey, and they had a great impact in achieving abundant financial profits for the investor and for the country itself:

Turkish real estate market

Economy Strength

In recent times, the Turkish economy experienced a boom of progress, and after that it became one of the most powerful economies in the world.

Despite the Corona virus that has swept the entire world, the Turkish economy has achieved a growth rate of more than 6.5% than it achieved in previous years.

Then it ranked (16) globally, and that was during the last month of 2021 AD.

There are many expectations that experts reached after studying the Turkish reality, that Turkey's economy will reach the 10th rank among the strongest economies in the world.

In addition to Turkey's strategic location, which is considered one of the most important and prominent reasons for the success of real estate investment, Turkey has been able to become a land crossing to Europe, for all travelers and caravans coming from African countries, after passing through the countries of the Levant.

Turkey's location also has charming views of 4 important seas, namely the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, the Sea of ​​Marmara and the Aegean Sea.

In addition, it controls one of the most important waterways in the world, the Bosphorus Bridge, as well as the new waterway or the new Istanbul Canal, which is similar in importance to the Bosphorus Strait.

There are also many facilities that helped in the success of real estate investment in Turkey. Turkey has also issued several laws focused on facilitating the process of real estate investment of all kinds in Turkey, most notably:

Reducing the value of taxes imposed on Arab and foreign investors, and the taxes in Turkey are the lowest when compared to the rest of the neighboring countries.

2 - The Turkish government has granted the right to obtain Turkish citizenship to foreign and Arab investors, in the case of buying real estate.

3 - It also guaranteed the right of temporary residence in the state of Turkey through the purchase of a property، and worked to exempt foreigners wishing to invest from value-added tax.

It was able to provide facilities related to the transfer of the title deed of the property to the name of the investor within a record time not exceeding three days.

It has a strong infrastructure in various cities, regions and neighborhoods, and real estate in all regions enjoys full services, and this is one of the most important and prominent factors that helped in the success of real estate investment in Turkey.

Infrastructure in Turkey

There are several modern roads and means of transportation linking the neighborhoods of Turkey to each other, and facilitating the movement of residents to and from their homes.

All regions also include public and private hospitals that can provide services to residents of Turkey.

Many educational services are available in all regions, including (schools, universities, and institutes), which are spread throughout Turkey.

Modern real estate in Turkey contains a modern water and electricity network, as well as a developed sewage network.

political stability

Turkey has witnessed political stability and also enjoys good relations with the countries of the world, which led the investment sector to bypass external sanctions and political obstacles that negatively affected real estate investment in Turkey and its success..

In addition to the security and safety provided by political stability, in Turkey, it makes you feel as safe as your original home.

Real estate investment in Turkey

Types of Turkish real estate investment

Real estate investment in Turkey has become of many types. It does not include investing in residential real estate only, as some think, but there are several different types of real estate investment.

It can also be applied to all types of investments, including:

Residential real estate investment

It includes the purchase of real estate in Turkey, Represented by villas, apartments, detached houses and all other properties that have been allocated for housing purposes.

Residential rental profits are earned by reselling the residential property at a price higher than the price at which it was purchased.

You can make heavy profits by buying a property under construction, then waiting for its implementation period to expire, and then selling it again at a high price.

commercial real estate investment

One of the best investment methods in the country, it can outperform all types of residential real estate through financial returns and heavy profits.

Profit can be made in various ways through this investment, buying commercial real estate for business, renting the property to an investor, or reselling this commercial property again after buying it.

Or buying an office or real estate to use as a commercial store and then reselling or renting it. In order to ensure the success of this investment in the shops, the strategic location of this store must be chosen, provided that it is in the heart of a crowded area, or in modern areas characterized by solid infrastructure and the availability of services.

Investing in agricultural land

Turkey is one of the first countries in the world to invest in agricultural land and earn a lot of profits by cultivating it.

Turkey has fertile soil, characterized by a variety of crops and fruit trees, where there are more than 11,000 species of plants in gardens and forests.

It has several sources for watering plants with water through rivers, dams and seas. It has a suitable climate for various plants, crops and crops.

Factors for the success of real estate investment in Turkey

It is clear to us that real estate investment is not buying and selling, but rather an organized process that includes several steps that must be carefully studied in order to ensure the success of real estate investment.

Success in real estate investment in Turkey depends greatly on the developed experience and credibility, while making sure to deal with real estate developers who have a good reputation within the country of Turkey, in order to ensure that the property is received at the agreed time with all the required specifications, with no change in them.

Why to choose zoom real estate company for a real estate investment trip in Turkey ?

–  helping you finding suitable properties for real estate investment and obtaining Turkish citizenship.

– We offer extensive real estate services in Antalya, where we have

Villas for sale in Antalya with the most beautiful views in addition to all types of residential, commercial and hotel properties .

– Our services extend to various areas of Istanbul where you can find luxury properties for sale that meet your wishes.

– We have properties for sale in Turkey in installments .

– Investing in earthquake-resistant buildings in Turkey and ensuring the best service standards

If you are an advocate of real estate investment in Turkey, you can contact our consultants to get the best offers and profitable options. Make your decision now and do not hesitate.

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