Notes about buying a house in Turkey 2023

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In this article, we will highlight the most important notes about buying a house in Turkey for investors looking to invest in real estate in the real estate market in Turkey, as long as Turkey has become an observatory for foreign investors and businessmen, especially Arabs from all over the world, in addition to that the real estate market witnessed Turkey has grown tremendously in recent years, especially since Turkey is characterized by a diversified real estate market, and includes many tourist areas, famous landmarks, and stunning views.


Steps to buy a house in Turkey:

 If you want to buy a house in Turkey, you must follow the following steps:

  1. Determine your goal of buying the house, is it a residential or commercial goal.
  2. Determine your budget, geographical location, house specifications.
  3. The use of one of the secured and reliable real estate companies with a good reputation, to avoid falling into cases of fraud or fraud.
  4. Carrying out real estate and field tours in Turkey with the aim of examining all the real estate offered for sale in front of you, in order to choose what suits your budget and needs.
  5.  Negotiating real estate prices in Turkey, using the expertise of the real estate company.
  6. Provide the price of the property and provide a deposit.
  7. Preparing all the required papers and documents, in order to complete the process of buying a house in Turkey.
  8. Book an appointment at the Land Registry Directorate to submit all required documents.
  9. Receipt of the title deed or what is known as the tapu.
  10. Furnishing the property and opening various bills Tips when buying a house in Turkey


Tips when buying a house in Turkey:

There are several tips that you should keep in mind when buying a home in Turkey:

  1. Ensure the eligibility of the seller, in terms of having the right to carry out the sale.
  2. Making sure there are no other buyers for the house.
  3. Verify that there are no taxes on the property.
  4. Ask about the real seller of the house.
  5. Check that there are no restrictions or reservation signs on the house.
  6. Examine the title deed type.
  7. Do not forget to make sure that the house is free from the rights resulting from the mortgage.
  8. Make sure that the area, specifications and information contained in the title deed correspond to the actual appearance of the property.
  9. Visit the real estate site and ensure its suitability for habitation and stability.
  10. Ensure that there is no tenant in the house to be purchased, and if there is, confirm the date of eviction.
  11. Obtaining a copy of the house ownership contract to ensure that its previous owner did not transfer any form of ownership.

Real estate ownership in Turkey

Buying a house in Turkey is suitable for Turkish citizenship:

Mostly foreign investors are looking to buy a house in Turkey with the aim of obtaining Turkish citizenship, so we have provided you with the most important and necessary documents when applying for citizenship in Turkey, as follows:

  1. Submit the real estate valuation document.
  2. Bring a copy of the title deed or title deed.
  3. Submit a copy of the valid passport, which must be translated into Turkish and certified by a notary.
  4. Bring 2 personal photos of each of the applicants, his wife and children.
  5. Turkish citizenship application form.
  6. Submission of proof that the criminal record is free from any crimes.
  7. Receipt of receipt from the previous property owner.
  8. Submitting a family registry statement. In the absence of one, a family book translated and certified by the notary public can be submitted.
  9. Receipt paid for the full amount of the property, stamped by the bank that dealt with.


Advantages of buying a house in Turkey:

Investors may ask what are the advantages of buying a house in Turkey?

  1.  Possibility of obtaining Turkish citizenship when buying a home with a minimum value of $400,000.
  2. Obtaining a strong Turkish passport globally.
  3. Submitting an application for a real estate residence permit in Turkey, which is a residence permit that is renewed annually.
  4. Reap huge revenues and huge financial profits based on the strength of tourism in Turkey, by renting homes in the tourism seasons throughout the year.
  5. The relatively low cost of living in Turkey, compared to Europe and the countries of the region.
  6. The environment is conservative and close to Eastern and Arab customs.
  7. Crime is low in Turkey, which makes stability more secure and comfortable.
  8. The views of the houses in Turkey are distinctive, as most of them have a view of the sea or the green spaces.
  9. Its geographical location is attractive to investors, as Turkey connects Europe, Asia and the Middle East.
  10. The opportunity to enjoy the tax incentives provided by Turkish wisdom to businessmen.
  11. House prices have seen steady prices over the years, making them a must-see for investors looking to raise capital.
  12. You can buy a house in Turkey near the vital centers of the city, schools, hospitals and universities if you are looking to settle in the country.
  13. Turkey includes a wide range of transportation and various means of transportation, such as: metro, ferries, dolmus, and others.


Conditions for buying a house in Turkey:

There are some conditions set by Turkish law that you should be aware of. Here are all you should know about the conditions for buying a house in Turkey:

  1. In the event that you want to obtain Turkish citizenship, you must buy a house worth 400 thousand US dollars.
  2. One of the conditions for buying a house in Turkey is that the area of ​​the house you want to buy in Turkey should not exceed 30 hectares.
  3. The real estate you own in Turkey within the borders of the administrative region should not exceed 10% of the total area of ​​the administrative region.
  4. The buyer should not be one of the nationalities that are not allowed to buy in Turkey.
  5. The buyer must be of majority and over 18 years old.


Is it possible to buy a house in Turkey in installments?

The Turkish government allows the investor the possibility of buying a house in Turkey in comfortable installments for long periods, and this was not limited to local investors, but also included foreigners, given what the real estate market in Turkey witnessed during the past few years of an unrivaled race to launch large real estate offers, which contributed to the quantum leap for apartment sales in Turkey.


Many advantages of buying an apartment in Istanbul with Zoom Real Estate: 

-Extensive knowledge and close relationships within the Istanbul real estate market

Cheap apartments for sale in Istanbul that satisfy all tastes.

 –Buying an apartment in Istanbul in convenient installments. 

-Choose an apartment suitable for obtaining Turkish citizenship and enjoying its advantages.

– Taking care of all the necessary procedures and papers for you.


In conclusion, after familiarizing yourself with the most important notes about buying a house in Turkey, it became easy to start real estate investment, especially after we provided you with a selection of our specialized advisors to help you, you can contact them now if you want to obtain Turkish citizenship by buying a house on Turkish lands, don't forget to also visit our website.






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