Advantages of Medical Tourism in Turkey 2022

142 مشاهدة

Medical tourism in Turkey has become increasingly active in the recent period ue to Turkey's fame for its development in the health fields
And Turkey's medical capabilities and equipment in addition to the many natural water sources used in treatment these factors combined have increased Turkey's importance in medical tourism.
In our article today, we will talk about the most important thing related to medical tourism in general and the most important thing that distinguishes it in Turkey in particular.


What is meant by medical tourism?

Medical tourism is one of the types of tourism, which depends on travel to countries famous for their progress in the medical field and the multiplicity of their capabilities, in addition to the experience of doctors in their hospitals.
And taking a treatment trip in the hospitals or medical centers of those countries and it will also be an opportunity to take a tour between the various tourist areas, and get to know them closely. and get to know them closely.


Advantages of medical tourism in Turkey:

The cost of medical tourism in Turkey is low compared to various other countries
Turkey is rich in hot springs, sulfur water and various sources of therapeutic water which are used in the treatment of skin diseases, rheumatism and various orthopedic diseases
Turkey has the best doctors in the world and most of the Turkish hospitals both public and private, have obtained international licenses
In addition to your medical trip you will have a tourist opportunity to various regions of Turkey where Turkey is considered one of the most beautiful countries in the world and one of the most rich in tourist attractions and charming landscapes


Types of medical tourism in Turkey:

medical tourism in Turkey is witnessing a great diversity, and we mention the most important types of medical tourism in Turkey:

Medical tourism in Turkey

-Therapeutic tourism

The most important types of medical tourism in Turkey. Visitors from different countries of the world go to Turkey in order to use the water and natural springs for healing.
Turkey is characterized by many springs and natural water sources that are used to treat many diseases and cure many pains. Among the most important of these diseases
we mention various types of skin diseases skin ulcers, bone diseases and acute arthritis.
Turkey is famous for its many sources of sulfur water and sandy beaches which are visited by patients from all over the world.


Medical Tourism

Medical Tourism: The Turkish government has given a lot of attention to medical tourism, due to the great profits that this tourism brings to the Turkish government which is expected to reach double numbers in the near time due to the increase in the number of people coming to it as a result of the development of treatment and the modernity of hospitals in Turkey.
This type of medical tourism includes providing health care and surgical operations in hospitals and medical centers in Turkey
Turkey is characterized by highly qualified doctors with a high level of medical expertise in addition to advanced hospitals equipped with the latest treatment technologies


Tourism for the elderly and people with disabilities:

The Turkish government cares about the elderly and people with disabilities and gives them a lot of care and provides them with many medical services.


Conditions for a medical visa in Turkey:

The medical visa allows its holder to enter Turkish territory and receive medical services. The conditions necessary to obtain a medical visa are the following:
-The medical tourism traveler must have a permit from a Turkish hospital, allowing him to be treated there.
-The traveler must have a reservation in a Turkish hotel for the duration of his treatment visit in Turkey.
-The traveler presents documents proving that he is free from serious infectious diseases.
-The passport of the traveler must be valid, and its validity period shall not be less than six months from the date of travel.
-The traveler has the ability to bear the financial expenses necessary for his stay, transportation and medical trip throughout the period of his stay in Turkey.


Hospitals in Turkey:

Hospitals play a major role in the importance of the country in medical tourism and distinguish it from various countries of the world. Hospitals in Turkey are distinguished by their modernity and the development of the technologies used. All of them are designed according to international standards
It is also famous for its distinguished staff of doctors with a high degree of efficiency and knowledge, in addition to the best nurses And the entire cadre of supervisors and others, the Ministry of Health supervises 50% of the hospitals in Turkey, which number about 1,500 hospitals. This number is increasing, and many hospitals in Turkey have obtained world-class medical services.


The most important services in Turkish hospitals:

Turkish hospitals provide various treatment services related to various diseases such as treating children's diseases gynecological diseases dental, orthopedic, ophthalmic diseases and other diseases.
Surgeries of all kinds.
Plastic surgeries.
Cardiovascular surgery.
Most of the doctors and medical staff in Turkish hospitals speak various international languages
. There are translators and interpreters in Turkish hospitals for patients in different languages ​​of the world


The most important operations in Turkey:

Plastic surgery is one of the most common types of surgery at the present time, and Turkey is famous for its success and development in various cosmetic procedures, from tightening operations, rhinoplasty, ear plastic surgery eyelid tightening, fat removal and various types of cosmetic operations.
We mention among the most famous plastic surgeries in Turkey:


*Dental cosmetic

It is one of the most famous types of cosmetics published in the world, and Turkey has excelled in dentistry greatly, this is what made people from different countries go to Turkey to perform a cosmetic dental operation


*Vision correction

Turkish hospitals are famous for their use of the latest international technologies in correcting vision, such as LASIK and femto-LASIK techniques.



One of the widely spread operations in cosmetic medicine through which excess and intractable fats are removed which cannot be disposed of through sports, and Turkey is very famous for liposuction and body sculpting to obtain the ideal shape


* Hair Transplant Techniques:

Turkey is famous for its use of the latest hair transplantation techniques in order to treat various problems of hair loss different density and baldness
by using the latest devices in hospitals and medical centers in Turkey for painless hair transplantation, which is one of the surgeries frequently requested by medical tourism travelers to Turkey.


Factors affecting the cost of medical tourism in Turkey:

The cost of treatment in Turkey depends on several factors:
-The type of operation the prices of dental cosmetics differ from the prices of vision correction, rhinoplasty, or other treatment conditions
-The type of medical trip treatment prices for travelers with medical tourism to Turkey vary according to the type of trips and cases vary between:
Solo traveler group traveler group traveler for medical tourism in Turkey.
-The method of transportation in Turkey the cost varies according to the method that the traveler uses for treatment, and it differs in the case of using a taxi from other different means of transportation.
-Hotel accommodation the cost varies according to the classification of the hotel chosen by the traveler during his medical tourism to Turkey.
There are many hotels, four stars five stars and others.
-The flight the cost of which varies according to the airline and the type of flight that the traveler chooses.
Turkey is one of the best countries in which you will have a successful medical trip and a distinguished tourist trip.


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