Stages of Obtaining Turkish Citizenship 2022

205 مشاهدة

Turkish citizenship has become a target for the majority of foreign nationalities due to the great importance and the many advantages that this citizenship provides to its holder.
In today's article, we will talk about all the details related to the methods of obtaining Turkish citizenship and the mechanism for obtaining it in all its stages.


Obtaining Turkish citizenship:

A foreigner can get Turkish citizenship and benefit from its many advantages in several ways, including: We mention:


-Obtaining Turkish citizenship by buying a property:

The Turkish government has amended the law on obtaining Turkish citizenship in return for buying a property in Turkey reducing the value of the property required to obtain citizenship from one million dollars to 400 thousand dollars
This decision is restricted by several conditions:
-The property must be purchased from a Turkish person or a Turkish company.
-That the property buyer submits a pledge not to sell the property before three years have passed since the date of its purchase.
-Obtaining a real estate appraisal document for the property from a body licensed and recognized by the Turkish government.
-The government did not specify the type of property required to obtain citizenship, but rather left the options open to the investor to purchase all types of real estate and those who wish toobtain Turkish citizenship have the right to buy a group of properties worth 400 thousand dollars and not necessarily buy one property.


-Obtaining citizenship through work or investment:

Whoever establishes his own business in Turkey or participates in government investment is entitled to apply for Turkish citizenship, if he fulfills a set of conditions:
To establish a private company with a minimum required capital of 500,000$.
-To employ 50 employees within his company or within his own business for a period of three years.
-To participate in government investment projects with an amount of at least 500,000$.
-Through a bank deposit of at least 500,000$, and no withdrawal has been made from it before the lapse of three years from the date of its deposit.

Obtaining Turkish Citizenship

-Obtaining citizenship through marriage:

Turkish citizenship can be obtained by marrying a Turkish citizen after three years have passed since the date of their marriage, after the marriage fulfills some conditions:
-The spouses must live together during the three-year period.
-The foreign husband or wife should not pose a threat to the security of the state or public order.
-That the marriage be sound and not only for the sake of obtaining citizenship.


-Obtaining citizenship in an exceptional way:

There are some exceptional cases in which the government decides to grant Turkish citizenship to some personalities who provide important services to the state or Turkish society
Such as:
-The person who brings industrial facilities to the Turkish state.
-Persons who provide important technological, scientific or social services.
-In some cases, the government decides to grant Turkish citizenship to some personalities with cultural or social considerations.


Documents required to obtain Turkish citizenship:

There are many documents and papers required in order to apply for naturalization in Turkey, which are:
-The personal identity of the applicant for Turkish citizenshipand it must be translated and certified by a notary public.
-The passport is not expired, translated and certified by the notary public.
-In the case that a personal identity card or passport is not available, it can be replaced by a personal status extracted from the mother country, translated and certified by the notary public in Turkey.
-Residence address in Turkey.
-Not judged document
-Birth certificate of the applicant, translated and certified by the notary public
-4 personal photos
-Application form for obtaining Turkish citizenship.
-Receipt of payment of all required fees.
In addition to a set of papers and documents related to the method of naturalization according to which the application is made such as:
-A real estate appraisal document for the property in which the owner applied for citizenship for those who buy a property that fulfills the conditions of citizenship, in addition to the title deed of the property itself.
-Marriage contract for a person who is married to a Turkish citizen.
-As for those who do business or establish a company, they need all the papers related to the company, the work, or the amount that was deposited in an investment project.


Stages of obtaining Turkish citizenship:

The process of obtaining Turkish citizenship goes through several stages in order, namely: which are:

Turkish citizenship

-The first stage:

At first, all the papers and documents required to apply for Turkish citizenship are prepared then the applicant books an appointment for the interview, and this appointment is determined precisely in terms of the day and the hour.
-The applicant is obligated to the date of the interview in order to submit papers and documents and conduct the interview according to the specified date. He is also entitled to request a translator for free during the interview in the case that he does not speak Turkish
-He shall pay the due fees in the treasury of the department in which he conducted the interview and return the receipt to the employee who conducted the interview with him to accompany it with his papers.


-The second phase:

At this stage, a security study is conducted about the person applying for citizenship, where the results of this study are relied upon to determine the possibility of naturalizing the applicant The study is based on the submitted documents to ensure their authenticity in addition to ensuring that the applicant does not pose any threat to public security or the security of the state.


-Third level:

The last stage in which the application is accepted and the decision to naturalize the applicant is issued and granted the national number, where the naturalization decision is issued by the Ministry of the Interior in Turkey, and then the person whose naturalization decision has been issued applies to the Personal Status Department in the region in which he resides to receive the naturalization decision and his fingerprints are taken as he submits personal photos in order to obtain a Turkish identity card after several days.


Frequently asked questions about obtaining Turkish citizenship:

-Is the family of a person with Turkish citizenship naturalized?

Yes, both the wife and children of the person under the age of 18 obtain Turkish citizenship or the children over the age of 18 who have special needs.
In this case, each person from the family applies for citizenship by preparing the same documents required of the applicant, adding to them the translated and certified family booklet, and the stage of their naturalization goes through the same previous stages.


-If the applicant is married to more than one wife, do all of his wives obtain citizenship?

In this case, the applicant must choose only one wife to grant her citizenship and he must obtain the consent of the other wives, and that consent must be certified by the notary public


-Should an applicant for Turkish citizenship renounce his or her native citizenship?

No, Turkish citizenship allows dual nationalities for people who apply for naturalization.
-If a person applies for Turkish citizenship after buying a property in Turkey, does the application require staying in Turkey for a specific period?
No, not necessarily.


-Is it possible that Turkish citizenship will be withdrawn after it is granted?

Yes, there are several cases in which citizenship is withdrawn:
*If the person provides services to a foreign country whose interests do not coincide with the Turkish state.
*A person volunteering to provide services to a country at war with the Turkish state without the approval of the Council of Ministers of Turkey.
*If there is any forgery or fraud in the papers submitted for obtaining Turkish citizenship.
*If the person has Turkish citizenship and more than one nationality with it and has applied to obtain the citizenship of another country illegally, in this case the government will withdraw Turkish citizenship from him.
*Or if the person decides to voluntarily give up Turkish citizenship after three years from reaching the age of majority.


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This was the most important information related to obtaining Turkish citizenship in all its stages.




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