Turkey Real estate... A never-ending talk

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If you look at the statistics issued by the concerned authorities, you will find that there is a great demand for real estate in Turkey, and this started not long ago, and its pace is constantly escalating, which raises eyebrows.
The flock to buy real estate in Turkey is only a natural result of the many advantages that can be obtained through it.
The editorial team at ZOOM Real Estate will provide you with some important details that you should know before taking the purchase step; we hope that you will get a lot of benefit.


What are the advantages of buying real estate in Turkey?

The Turkish real estate market has witnessed a boom in recent years with foreigners buying real estate in Turkey at a constantly increasing rate and the reasons for this are many, but they can be summarized as follows:
-The Turkish economy is strong and growing, which makes it a stable place for investment.
-Property prices in Turkey are still relatively low compared to other European countries, which makes it a great time to buy before they go up even further.
-There is a huge range of properties available in Turkey to suit all budgets, from luxury villas to more modest apartments.
-Turkey offers a wonderful way of life, with its beautiful Mediterranean coast, rich culture and friendly people.


Elements of real estate investment in Turkey:

The first and most important element of real estate investment in Turkey is the location of the property. The closer the property is to the city center, the higher its value.
If you are looking for a property for rent, make sure that it is in a good location with easy access to public transportation and other facilities.
The type of property you invest in affects its value as well. For example, apartments are usually more expensive than houses and properties with a view or newly built ones tend to be more expensive as well.
When choosing a property, be sure to consider its potential future value.
If you are looking to make rental income from your real estate investment in Turkey, make sure you choose a property in an area with a high demand for rents. This way, you can be sure to find tenants easily and get a higher rent and the demand for properties near universities or commercial areas is usually high among the tenants.


Types of real estate in Turkey …what do you know about it?

Certainly, you have heard that the real estate market in Turkey is one of the richest real estate markets in the world, as it contains many options that are divided between residential apartments, commercial and industrial apartments and other details that we will include in our conversation in the following paragraphs:


Investment of apartments in Turkey:

There are many reasons why investing in apartments in Turkey is a great idea, most notably:
Firstly, the Turkish economy is doing very well and is expected to continue to grow at a steady pace and this means that your investments will likely rise over time.
In addition, the cost of living in Turkey is relatively low compared to other western countries, which makes it an affordable place to live.
Finally, there are many beautiful places to live in Turkey, from the bustling city of Istanbul to the stunning Turkish Riviera.


Commercial real estate investment in Turkey:

If you are looking to invest in commercial real estate, there are a few things you need to know before you get started and they are as follows:
-Commercial real estate can be a great investment, but it is not without risks.
-Location is key when it comes to commercial real estate, location is everything as you should choose a property in a good location, with high foot traffic.
-The better the location, the more rent you can collect and the more likely you are to attract good tenants.
-It is important to do your due care and research the area thoroughly, looking at demographic data and trends to see if the area is growing or declining.
-Also, be sure to check your local zoning laws to see if there are any restrictions on the type of business you can operate in the area.
-Get expert advice.
-Work with a qualified commercial real estate agent who specializes in investment properties and they will be able to help you.


Investing in tourist real estate in Turkey:

Tourist real estate can be a great investment as it offers you the potential for high rental income, evaluation, and tax benefits. However, there are some things that you need to know before investing in tourist properties and the most important ones are:
-Research the location and market and find out what type of property will be most popular with tourists and what price range they will be willing to pay.
-If you are not familiar with the area or market, it is advisable to get help from a professional such as a real estate agent or a real estate broker who specializes in tourist properties as they can help you find the right property and negotiate the best price.
-Tourist properties tend to be more expensive than other types of investment properties because they are located in high demand areas, so be prepared to pay more for the property, as well as increase taxes, insurance, and maintenance costs.


Investing in industrial real estate in Turkey:

The idea of ​​investing in industrial real estate calls to think of large warehouses in mega industrial complexes but the truth is that industrial real estate can be a very profitable investment, and it comes in different forms i.e. not limited to certain options and those real estate include manufacturing plants, storage facilities, distribution centers and even some offices buildings. Although you may not get the same appeal as investing in a luxury apartment or retail storefront, they can offer some good returns. Here are some details you should keep in mind:
-Location is key when it comes to industrial properties, so look for properties that are located near major transportation routes such as highways or railways as this will make it easier for tenants to move goods to and from the facility.
-Consider the size and shape of the property when looking for potential industrial properties, and pay attention to the size and shape of the building as things like loading docks and high ceilings can be important factors for tenants.


Investing in agricultural real estate in Turkey:

Agricultural real estate includes farmland, farms, orchards, vineyards, and other types of land used to grow crops or raise livestock and there are many reasons why investing in farm real estate is a smart move and for one thing, the demand for food will always be there, which means it is likely that your investment will increase over time.
Additionally, agricultural real estate can offer tax advantages and diversification to your portfolio and of course, there are also some risks involved in investing in this type of real estate.
Perhaps the biggest risk is market volatility as agricultural commodity prices can fluctuate wildly, meaning that the value of your property can drop suddenly and without warning.
Another risk to consider is the potential for drought or other natural disasters that can destroy crops or make it difficult to raise livestock.
These types of events are relatively rare, but can have a significant impact on your investment if they do occur. Another risk to consider is the potential for drought or other natural disasters that can destroy crops or make it difficult to raise livestock.
These types of events are relatively rare, but can have a significant impact on your investment if they do occur.


Cities of Turkey suitable for buying real estate:

It is natural to wonder about the most important Turkish cities suitable for owning real estate, are they the main major cities or are the lesser-known smaller cities?


Buying real estate in Istanbul:

Istanbul has become a particularly popular destination for foreign investors. There are a number of reasons why Istanbul is an attractive city for real estate investment.
-It is home to a rapidly growing economy, as well as a large and young population.
-In addition, Istanbul offers a great quality of life, with many historical and cultural attractions.
If you are thinking of buying a property in Istanbul, there are some notes that you should keep in mind, which are as follows:
First, the city is huge, so you will need to decide which area you want to live or invest in.
Second, the real estate market is very competitive, so it is important to work with a reputable and experienced agent.
Finally, be prepared to negotiate the price - real estate in Istanbul is not cheap!


Buying real estate in Antalya:

If you want to buy real estate in Antalya, there are some details that you need to know and they are as follows:
-The first thing to know is that property prices in Antalya can vary greatly. This is due to many factors, including the location of the property and the type of property and another thing to consider is that there are many different types of properties available in Antalya for example, you can find apartments, villas, houses and even commercial properties.
-When you are looking for real estate in Antalya, it is important to do your research and compare prices, as you should also talk to a real estate agent to get more information about the available properties.


Buying real estate in Ankara:

Ankara is one of the most beautiful historical places in Turkey as it is also the capital, which makes it a great place to live and Ankara has a lot to offer its residents, including plenty of shopping, dining and entertainment options.
If you are thinking of buying real estate in Ankara, you have to know that it is divided into two parts - Old Ankara and New Ankara. Old Ankara is the most historical part of the city, while New Ankara is more modern.
Ankara also has a thriving expat community, so you will have no problem finding others to connect with once you move in.


Buying real estate in Bursa:

Bursa is a city located in northwestern Turkey and is one of the most industrialized cities in Turkey with a population of more than 2 million and was the first capital of the Ottoman Empire from 1326 to 1365.
The city is famous for its historical monuments, including the Green Mosque built in 1419 and the Great Mosque built in 1421.
The city is also home to many important Turkish universities, such as Uludag University and Bursa Technical University.


Buying real estate in Izmir:

Izmir is a beautiful city in Turkey that offers a great lifestyle and a wide range of real estate options, from apartments and villas to land and commercial properties. If you are considering buying property in Izmir, you should consider your budget. Although Izmir is a relatively affordable city, the prices can vary depending on the location and the type of property you are looking for.


Buying real estate in Trabzon:

If you choose to buy real estate in this city, you have chosen to get many advantages and the most important of which are:
-The city has a rich history and culture.
-Trabzon is a beautiful city that has a lot to offer in terms of landscape.
-It is located in a very strategic location, which facilitates travel to other parts of Turkey and even Europe.
-The cost of living in Trabzon is relatively low compared to other cities in Turkey.
-There is an increasing number of foreigners buying real estate in Trabzon, which increases the demand for rental properties.


Many advantages of buying an apartment in Istanbul with Zoom Real Estate: 

-Extensive knowledge and close relationships within the Istanbul real estate market

Cheap apartments for sale in Istanbul that satisfy all tastes.

 –Buying an apartment in Istanbul in convenient installments. 

-Choose an apartment suitable for obtaining Turkish citizenship and enjoying its advantages.

– Taking care of all the necessary procedures and papers for you.


Real estate in Turkey is a wide field that cannot be summarized in a few lines. In addition to all the information we talked about above, there is more.
If you do not have the ability to buy real estate through cash payment, you will have the opportunity to buy and pay in installments, and you will also have the opportunity to buy real estate in Turkey on the sea, and you can choose a view of the city, and if you want to make a lot of profits, you can choose under construction apartments because the prices of this type of real estate increase dramatically after the completion of its construction, and its rise may reach 70%. Also, the countryside of Turkish cities is one of the distinguished options that can be resorted to.




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