Conditions for Getting Turkish Citizenship

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Getting Turkish citizenship has become like a golden opportunity that thousands of investors, foreigners and entrepreneurs are trying to seize, but to get it, some conditions must be met, which we will talk about in this article.. We hope that you like it.


Ways and conditions for getting Turkish citizenship:

Getting Turkish citizenship has become easy due to the many facilities and incentives that Turkey offers to foreigners, as it allows them to have more than one way to get its nationality, and each one has conditions that must be adhered to as follows:


First - buying a property in Turkey:

Since Turkey abolished the principle of reciprocity, many foreigners have turned their attention to its luxury properties with the aim of owning Turkish citizenship, , and in the more accurate sense, once a property is purchased within the borders of the Turkish state, they are given full authority to have its citizenship, but the matter is not without some conditions, the most important of which we have collected to present to you in follows:
Real estate price:
We have already mentioned that buying a property in Turkey entitles you to get Turkish citizenship, but the price of the property must be at least four hundred thousand US dollars.
The seller:
In order to have the Turkish citizenship card in your possession, you must buy the property from a Turkish construction company or a Turkish citizen.
Obligation not to sell it:
You must pledge not to sell the property for a minimum period of three years
Real estate registration:
You must regularly register the property in the Possession Title Department if it is ready or under construction.

Obtaining Turkish citizenship

Second – Employing Turkish Citizens:

The Turkish state has provided an opportunity to get its citizenship by providing job opportunities for Turks. As for the conditions, they are as follows:
- Employing at least fifty Turkish employees, and it should be noted that the number was previously 100 as a minimum.


Third - Investing in Turkey:

Investing in the Turkish state or buying shares in one of its companies or even buying the entire company is one of the ways to get its citizenship, but there are some restrictions that need to be taken into account, which are as follows:
- An investment of at least five hundred thousand US dollars.
- Not to sell the company or your shares in it for at least three years.


Fourth - Bank Deposit:

If you want to get Turkish citizenship in an easy and simple way, then bank deposit is the best solution for you, but there are some conditions that you must take into account, which are as follows:
- The amount has reached five hundred thousand US dollars.
- You must also commit not to withdraw the amount for a period of three years.


Fifth: Marrying a Turkish citizen:

One of the ways to get Turkish citizenship is to marry a Turkish citizen (male or female), but the matter is not so simple, as there are some restrictions set by the Turkish state, which are as follows:
- The purpose of marriage is to establish a family and not be based on personal interest and the desire for naturalization only.
- Three years must pass from the date of signing the marriage contract to be able to get the citizenship.
- The foreigner's criminal record must also be clean and not pose any danger to the security system in Turkey.


General conditions for getting Turkish citizenship:

We have previously mentioned to you the conditions for each of the methods of getting citizenship, but there are some general conditions common to all of these methods, the most important of which is that the person wishing to get it has reached the age of eighteen and should be of full mental strength, in addition to the necessity that his criminal record be clean and not causes problems for public security in the Turkish state, and he/she must speak the Turkish language fluently or at least know its basics in order to be able to communicate with members of the Turkish society, , in addition to his/her ability to meet the needs of his/her family by having a job in Turkey.

Obtaining Turkish citizenship

Why Turkish citizenship in particular?!

This question occupies the minds of many investors and foreigners, and in order to get an adequate answer, continue reading this paragraph, which includes the advantages and benefits of Turkish citizenship:


First - the Turkish passport:

Turkish citizenship opens the door for you to own a Turkish passport wide, and this passport is one of the most powerful passports in the world because of the ability of those who have it to go and return to and from the European Union countries and many other countries that number up to approximately 118 countries, some of which give you a visa when you arrive safely to an airport that is within its borders, , and some of them give a visa via the Internet, while the rest do not even need you to have a visa.


Second - Exemption from military service:

Once you have Turkish citizenship, you will be exempted from military service, as you have reached the age of 22.


Third - Become a Turkish citizen:

When you get Turkish citizenship, you will realize its value in the ease of conducting your transactions, as you will be treated as a citizen completely.


Fourth - Having a good job:

The Turkish state offers holders of its citizenship many different job opportunities, and therefore you can be employed in the field you desire.


Fifthly- the possibility of retirement:

In addition to the job opportunity provided by Turkish citizenship, through which you can benefit from the retirement law in Turkey if you have reached the age of sixty or spent twenty-five years in work.


Sixth: Various free services:

One of the best advantages of Turkish citizenship is that it entitles you to complete your education in any Turkish school and university for free, in addition to that, you can get treatment from a government hospital in Turkey for free as well.


Seventh - Possibility of expressing an opinion:

After getting Turkish citizenship you will live a democratic life in Turkey, as you can express your opinion no matter what, or even vote in elections.


Eighth - Not to give up your original nationality:

You can keep your first nationality and not give it up and then take advantage of both of them.
Ninth- The possibility of opening your own company:
This feature is of great importance as it gives you a golden opportunity to establish your own company with complete ease in procedures and transactions, so you do not have to wait for a long time until the company becomes yours.


Tenth: Giving it to your family:

The family of a person with Turkish citizenship also enjoys it, but not all of his family, but only his wife and his minor children (under the age of eighteen).
Turkish citizenship is one of the strongest and most important nationalities around the world, and the evidence of this is that many foreigners and investors seek to obtain it in any of the ways we have mentioned above.


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